if(Deno.args.length < 1) { throw Error("d3_deno.ts expects a single argument that points to AOC's day 3 input file"); } const fileLoc = Deno.args[0]; const text = await Deno.readTextFile(fileLoc); // Usable by Windows and UNIX const LINE_SPLIT = (/\r?\n/); function priority(chr: string) { if(chr.length != 1) { throw Error("Expecting character"); } const ord = (v: string) => v.charCodeAt(0); return (ord('a') <= ord(chr) && ord(chr) <= ord('z'))? (ord(chr) - ord('a') + 1): (ord(chr) - ord('A') + 1); } const sumPrioOfShared = text.split(LINE_SPLIT) // split by each line, basically iterates through each rucksack .map(s=>[...s].map(priority)) // translate each character into respective priority .map((v)=> [v.slice(0, v.length/2), v.slice(v.length/2, v.length) ]) // splits by 2 compartments .map(([left, right])=> { // Finds the value on the right compartment that also exists in left compartment const left_set = new Set(left); // by the prompt, we're pretty guaranteed to have a solution const shared = right.find(e => left_set.has(e))!; console.log("shared:", shared); return shared; }).reduce((a,b)=>a+b); // find its sum console.log(sumPrioOfShared);