#!/usr/bin/env sh ## Configures a new nixos system to this repository ## Blame: Hung Tran (Pegasust) set -xv HOSTNAME=${1} if [ -z $HOSTNAME ]; then echo "Missing hostname as first param" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Where is this script located SCRIPT_DIR=$(realpath $(dirname $0)) echo "SCRIPT_DIR: ${SCRIPT_DIR}" SYSNIX_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../nix-conf/system" # Copy hardware-configuration of existing machine onto our version control SYSNIX_PROF="${SYSNIX_DIR}/profiles/${HOSTNAME}" HARDWARE_CONF="${SYSNIX_PROF}/hardware-configuration.nix" if [ ! -f "${HARDWARE_CONF}" ]; then mkdir "$SYSNIX_PROF" sudo cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ${HARDWARE_CONF} fi git add "${HARDWARE_CONF}" echo "Apply nixos-rebuild" sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake "${SYSNIX_DIR}#${HOSTNAME}"