# Neovim: Testing cmp for color with Tailwind - [ ] It should detect a project uses tailwind, maybe via some kind of config file (`tailwind.config.{cjs,mjs,js,ts,json,tsx,toml,yaml}`), or just based on the string content or via tree-stiter. Check this by `:LspInfo` and `tailwindcss-lsp` should attach to the current buffer that has tailwind-css string - [ ] Type in a classname `text-red-500`, just stop at somewhere and start browsing the cmp-lsp window. It should show a color in place of `lspkind`. This validates `tailwindcss-colorizer-cmp.nvim` is good - [ ] Hit that autocomplete, the string should show the color red. This validates `nvim-colorizer.lua` is properly setup.