# This is a nix module, with an additional wrapper from home-manager # myHome, myLib is injected from extraSpecialArgs in flake.nix # This file represents the base settings for each machine # Additional configurations goes to profiles/ # or inlined in flake.nix { config # Represents the realized final configuration , pkgs # This is by default just ``= import {}` , myHome , myLib , option # The options we're given, this might be useful for typesafety? , ... }: let nvim_pkgs = [ # Yes, I desperately want neovim to work out-of-the-box without flake.nix for now # I want at least python LSP to work everywhere because it's basically # an alternative to bash script when I move to OpenColo pkgs.gccStdenv pkgs.gcc pkgs.tree-sitter pkgs.ripgrep pkgs.fzf # pkgs.sumneko-lua-language-server pkgs.ripgrep pkgs.zk pkgs.fd pkgs.stdenv.cc.cc.lib # Python3 as alternative to bash scripts :^) # (pkgs.python310Full.withPackages (pypkgs: [ # # python-lsp-server's dependencies is absolutely astronomous # # pypkgs.python-lsp-server # python-lsp. Now we'll have to tell mason to look for this # pypkgs.pynvim # nvim provider # pypkgs.ujson # pylsp seems to rely on this. satisfy it lol # ])) ]; proj_root = builtins.toString ./../..; inherit (myLib) fromYaml; in { home = { username = myHome.username; homeDirectory = myHome.homeDirectory; stateVersion = myHome.stateVersion or "22.05"; }; home.packages = pkgs.lib.unique ([ pkgs.ncdu pkgs.htop pkgs.ripgrep pkgs.unzip pkgs.zip # cool utilities pkgs.yq # Yaml adaptor for jq (only pretty print, little query) pkgs.xorg.xclock # TODO: only include if have GL # For testing GL installation pkgs.logseq # TODO: only include if have GL # Obsidian alt pkgs.mosh # Parsec for SSH # pkgs.nixops_unstable # nixops v2 # insecure for now pkgs.lynx # Web browser at your local terminal # Personal management pkgs.keepass # pkgs.tailscale # VPC;; This should be installed in system-nix pkgs.python310 # dev packages should be in project # pkgs.python310.numpy # pkgs.python310Packages.tensorflow # pkgs.python310Packages.scikit-learn ] ++ (myHome.packages or [ ]) ++ nvim_pkgs); ## Configs ## xdg.configFile."nvim/init.lua".source = "${proj_root}//neovim/init.lua"; xdg.configFile."zk/config.toml".source = "${proj_root}//zk/config.toml"; ## Programs ## programs.jq = { enable = true; }; programs.neovim = { enable = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; withPython3 = true; withNodeJs = true; extraPackages = nvim_pkgs; # extraPython3Packages = (pypkgs: [ # # pypkgs.python-lsp-server # pypkgs.ujson # ]); # I use vim-plug, so I probably don't require packaging # extraConfig actually writes to init-home-manager.vim (not lua) # https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/pull/3287 # extraConfig = builtins.readFile "${proj_root}/neovim/init.lua"; }; }