using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2; public class BodySplitter { public CharacterBody body; public float moneyMultiplier; private int _count = 1; public readonly MasterSummon masterSummon; private Dictionary spawnedBodyVelocity = new Dictionary(); public int count { get { return _count; } set { if (value <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("'value' cannot be non-positive.", "value"); } _count = value; } } public Vector3 splinterInitialVelocityLocal { get; set; } =; public float minSpawnCircleRadius { get; set; } public BodySplitter() { masterSummon = new MasterSummon { masterPrefab = null, ignoreTeamMemberLimit = false, useAmbientLevel = null, teamIndexOverride = null }; } public void Perform() { PerformInternal(masterSummon); } private void PerformInternal(MasterSummon masterSummon) { if ((object)body == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("'body' is null."); } if (!body) { throw new InvalidOperationException("'body' is an invalid object."); } GameObject masterPrefab = masterSummon.masterPrefab; CharacterMaster obj = masterPrefab.GetComponent() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("'splinterMasterPrefab' does not have a CharacterMaster component."); if (!obj.masterIndex.isValid) { throw new InvalidOperationException("'splinterMasterPrefab' is not registered with MasterCatalog."); } if ((object)MasterCatalog.GetMasterPrefab(obj.masterIndex) != masterPrefab) { throw new InvalidOperationException("'splinterMasterPrefab' is not a prefab."); } Vector3 position = body.transform.position; float y = Quaternion.LookRotation(body.inputBank.aimDirection).eulerAngles.y; GameObject bodyPrefab = obj.bodyPrefab; bodyPrefab.GetComponent(); float num = CalcBodyXZRadius(bodyPrefab); float a = 0f; if (count > 1) { a = num / Mathf.Sin(MathF.PI / (float)count); } a = Mathf.Max(a, minSpawnCircleRadius); masterSummon.summonerBodyObject = body.gameObject; masterSummon.inventoryToCopy = body.inventory; masterSummon.loadout = (body.master ? body.master.loadout : null); masterSummon.inventoryItemCopyFilter = CopyItemFilter; foreach (float item in new DegreeSlices(count, 0.5f)) { Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(0f, y + item + 180f, 0f); Vector3 vector = quaternion * Vector3.forward; float num2 = a; if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(position, vector), out var hitInfo, a + num,, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { num2 = hitInfo.distance - num; } Vector3 position2 = position + vector * num2; masterSummon.position = position2; masterSummon.rotation = quaternion; try { CharacterMaster characterMaster = masterSummon.Perform(); if ((bool)characterMaster) { CharacterBody characterBody = characterMaster.GetBody(); if ((bool)characterBody) { spawnedBodyVelocity.Add(characterBody, quaternion * splinterInitialVelocityLocal); = (uint)Mathf.FloorToInt((float) * moneyMultiplier); characterBody.characterMotor.onMotorStart += OnCharacterMotorStart; } } } catch (Exception message) { Debug.LogError(message); } } } private void OnCharacterMotorStart(CharacterBody characterBody) { if (spawnedBodyVelocity.TryGetValue(characterBody, out var value)) { AddBodyVelocity(characterBody, value); } else { Debug.LogError("Split characterBody has not stored split velocity"); } } private static float CalcBodyXZRadius(GameObject bodyPrefab) { Collider component = bodyPrefab.GetComponent(); if (!component) { return 0f; } Vector3 position = bodyPrefab.transform.position; Bounds bounds = component.bounds; Vector3 min = bounds.min; Vector3 max = bounds.max; return Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(0f, position.x - min.x), position.z - min.z), max.x - position.x), max.z - position.z); } private static void AddBodyVelocity(CharacterBody body, Vector3 additionalVelocity) { IPhysMotor component = body.GetComponent(); if (component != null) { PhysForceInfo physForceInfo = PhysForceInfo.Create(); physForceInfo.force = additionalVelocity; physForceInfo.massIsOne = true; physForceInfo.ignoreGroundStick = true; physForceInfo.disableAirControlUntilCollision = false; component.ApplyForceImpulse(in physForceInfo); } } private static bool CopyItemFilter(ItemIndex itemIndex) { ItemDef itemDef = ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(itemIndex); if ((bool)itemDef) { return itemDef.tier == ItemTier.NoTier; } return false; } }