using System; using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2; public class IKTargetPlant : MonoBehaviour, IIKTargetBehavior { public enum IKState { Plant, Reset } [Tooltip("The max offset to step up")] public float minHeight = -0.3f; [Tooltip("The max offset to step down")] public float maxHeight = 1f; [Tooltip("The strength of the IK as a lerp (0-1)")] public float ikWeight = 1f; [Tooltip("The time to restep")] public float timeToReset = 0.6f; [Tooltip("The max positional IK error before restepping")] public float maxXZPositionalError = 4f; public GameObject plantEffect; public Animator animator; [Tooltip("The IK weight float parameter if used")] public string animatorIKWeightFloat; [Tooltip("The lift animation trigger string if used")] public string animatorLiftTrigger; [Tooltip("The scale of the leg for calculating if the leg is too short to reach the IK target")] public float legScale = 1f; [Tooltip("The height of the step arc")] public float arcHeight = 1f; [Tooltip("The smoothing duration for the IK. Higher will be smoother but will be delayed.")] public float smoothDampTime = 0.1f; [Tooltip("Spherecasts will have more hits but take higher performance.")] public bool useSpherecast; public float spherecastRadius = 0.5f; public IKState ikState; private bool isPlanted; private Vector3 lastTransformPosition; private Vector3 smoothDampRefVelocity; private Vector3 targetPosition; private Vector3 plantPosition; private IKSimpleChain ikChain; private float resetTimer; private void Awake() { ikChain = GetComponent(); } public void UpdateIKState(int targetState) { if (ikState != IKState.Reset) { ikState = (IKState)targetState; } } public Vector3 GetArcPosition(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float arcHeight, float t) { return Vector3.Lerp(start, end, Mathf.Sin(t * MathF.PI * 0.5f)) + new Vector3(0f, Mathf.Sin(t * MathF.PI) * arcHeight, 0f); } public void UpdateIKTargetPosition() { if ((bool)animator) { ikWeight = animator.GetFloat(animatorIKWeightFloat); } else { ikWeight = 1f; } switch (ikState) { case IKState.Reset: resetTimer += Time.deltaTime; isPlanted = false; RaycastIKTarget(base.transform.position); base.transform.position = GetArcPosition(plantPosition, targetPosition, arcHeight, resetTimer / timeToReset); if (resetTimer >= timeToReset) { ikState = IKState.Plant; isPlanted = true; plantPosition = targetPosition; UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(plantEffect, plantPosition, Quaternion.identity); } break; case IKState.Plant: { Vector3 position = base.transform.position; RaycastIKTarget(position); if (!isPlanted) { plantPosition = targetPosition; base.transform.position = plantPosition; isPlanted = true; if ((bool)plantEffect) { UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(plantEffect, plantPosition, Quaternion.identity); } } else { base.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(position, plantPosition, ikWeight); } Vector3 vector = position - base.transform.position; vector.y = 0f; if (ikChain.LegTooShort(legScale) || vector.sqrMagnitude >= maxXZPositionalError * maxXZPositionalError) { plantPosition = base.transform.position; ikState = IKState.Reset; if ((bool)animator) { animator.SetTrigger(animatorLiftTrigger); } resetTimer = 0f; } break; } } base.transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(lastTransformPosition, base.transform.position, ref smoothDampRefVelocity, smoothDampTime); lastTransformPosition = base.transform.position; } public void RaycastIKTarget(Vector3 position) { RaycastHit hitInfo; if (useSpherecast) { Physics.SphereCast(position + Vector3.up * (0f - minHeight), spherecastRadius, Vector3.down, out hitInfo, maxHeight - minHeight,; } else { Physics.Raycast(position + Vector3.up * (0f - minHeight), Vector3.down, out hitInfo, maxHeight - minHeight,; } if ((bool)hitInfo.collider) { targetPosition = hitInfo.point; } else { targetPosition = position; } } }