## Settings file was created by plugin RocketSurvivor v1.0.7 ## Plugin GUID: com.EnforcerGang.RocketSurvivor [Gameplay] ## Pocket ICBM works with Rocket's skills. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Pocket ICBM Interaction = true ## Extra rockets from Pocket ICBM have knockback. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Pocket ICBM Knockback = false [General] ## Use the original MSPaint icons from the mod's release. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Use MSPaint icons = false ## Unlock all gameplay-related features. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Force Unlock = false [Keybinds] ## Button to play this emote. # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut # Default value: Alpha1 Emote - Sit = Alpha1 ## Button to play this emote. # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut # Default value: Alpha2 Emote - Pose = Alpha2 ## Button to play this emote. # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut # Default value: Alpha3 Emote - Over-Enthusiasm = Alpha3 [Primaries - HG4 SAM Launcher] ## SAM Rockets will home towards targets. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Homing (Server-Side) = true [Utilities - Nitro Charge] ## When VR Motion Controls are enabled, throw C4 from your nondominant hand. Throws from your dominant hand if false. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true VR: Throw from Offhand = true