[Artifacts.AntiAir] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Incoming damage multiplier applied to airborne characters while Artifact of Suppression is active. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 3.402823E+38 HurtMod = 5 ## The internal name of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = ## The name token of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_ANTIAIR_NAME_RENDERED [Artifacts.Butterknife] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## The internal name of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = ## The name token of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_BUTTERKNIFE_NAME_RENDERED [Artifacts.Danger] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## The internal name of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = ## The name token of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_DANGER_NAME_RENDERED PreventCurseWhileOff = false [Artifacts.DelayLoot] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## What to display in chat when an item is taken for safekeeping. # Setting type: AnnounceItemsMode # Default value: ItemName # Acceptable values: Nothing, Vague, ItemTier, ItemName AnnounceItems = ItemName ## What to display in chat when the teleporter boss is killed. # Setting type: AnnounceDropMode # Default value: TotalItemCount # Acceptable values: Nothing, TotalItemCount AnnounceDrop = TotalItemCount ## The internal name of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = ## The name token of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_DELAYLOOT_NAME_RENDERED [Artifacts.DisposableEquip] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Number of Scavenger's Rucksacks to grant at run start. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 2147483647 RucksackCount = 2 ## Number of extra equipment interactables to spawn per player per stage. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 2147483647 ExtraEquipmentSpawnCount = 3 ## Chance for an extra equipment interactable to be a multishop instead of a barrel. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 MultishopChance = 0.2 ## The internal name of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = ## The name token of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_DISPOSABLEEQUIP_NAME_RENDERED [Artifacts.PackTactics] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Combatants within this distance (in meters) of teammates will buff them if Artifact of Tactics is enabled. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BaseRadius = 25 ## Extra move speed multiplier added per stack of the Tactics buff. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 SpeedMod = 0.05 ## Extra damage multiplier added per stack of the Tactics buff. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageMod = 0.1 ## Extra armor added per stack of the Tactics buff. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 15 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ArmorMod = 15 ## The internal name of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = ## The name token of this artifact for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_PACKTACTICS_NAME_RENDERED [Equipments.Compass] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false CanBeRandomlyTriggered = false ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false IsEnigmaCompatible = false ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 180 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 180 ## How to limit uses of Silver Compass. # Setting type: UseLimitType # Default value: NTimesPerCharacter # Acceptable values: Unlimited, NTimesPerCharacter, NTimesPerStage UseLimitType = NTimesPerCharacter ## Number of limited uses if UseLimitType is not Unlimited. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 2147483647 UseLimitCount = 1 ## If true, an extra stack of Shrine of the Mountain which has no reward will be applied. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true ApplyPunishStack = true ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATCompass ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_COMPASS_NAME_RENDERED [Equipments.Dodge] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true CanBeRandomlyTriggered = true ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 10 ## Instant speed to add on equipment activation. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 45 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 EvadeBurstSpeed = 45 ## Instant speed to add on equipment activation. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 70 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 EvadeBurstSpeedGrounded = 70 ## Duration of the invulnerability effect. ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 InvulnTime = 0.5 ## Minimum cooldown between equipment activations. ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Icd = 0.5 ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATDodge ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_DODGE_NAME_RENDERED ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true IsEnigmaCompatible = true [Equipments.EMP] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false CanBeRandomlyTriggered = false ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false IsEnigmaCompatible = false ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 60 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 60 ## Range of all equipment effects. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 100 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Range = 100 ## Duration of skill disable. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Duration = 10 ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATEMP ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_EMP_NAME_RENDERED [Equipments.Lodestone] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true CanBeRandomlyTriggered = true ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 20 ## Fraction of base damage to inflict. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BaseDamageFrac = 4 ## Proc coefficient of the equipment attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 1 ## Range for pulling enemies. ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: Single # Default value: 40 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 EnemyRange = 40 ## Range for pulling other objects. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 150 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ObjectRange = 150 ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATLodestone ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_LODESTONE_NAME_RENDERED ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true IsEnigmaCompatible = true [Equipments.MonkeysPaw] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false CanBeRandomlyTriggered = false ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false IsEnigmaCompatible = false ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 120 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 120 ## Which object names are allowed for activation (comma-delimited, leading/trailing whitespace will be ignored). Target objects must also incorporate a ChestBehavior component. WARNING: May have unintended results on some untested objects! ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: String # Default value: Chest1, Chest2, GoldChest, CategoryChestDamage, CategoryChestHealing, CategoryChestUtility, CategoryChest2Damage Variant, CategoryChest2Healing Variant, CategoryChest2Utility Variant ObjectNamesConfig = Chest1, Chest2, GoldChest, CategoryChestDamage, CategoryChestHealing, CategoryChestUtility, CategoryChest2Damage Variant, CategoryChest2Healing Variant, CategoryChest2Utility Variant ## Cost reduction (0 = no reduction). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 RefundFrac = 0.5 ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATMonkeysPaw ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_MONKEYSPAW_NAME_RENDERED [Equipments.PackBox] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false CanBeRandomlyTriggered = false ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 60 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 60 ## Which object names are allowed for packing (comma-delimited, leading/trailing whitespace will be ignored). WARNING: May have unintended results on some untested objects! ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: String # Default value: Turret1Body, Turret1Broken, SquidTurretBody, Drone1Broken, Drone2Broken, GoldChest, CasinoChest, MissileDroneBroken, FlameDroneBroken, MegaDroneBroken, EquipmentDroneBroken, Chest1, Chest2, KeyLockbox, ShrineHealing, EquipmentBarrel, ShrineBlood, ShrineChance, ShrineCombat, ShrineBoss, ShrineCleanse, ShrineRestack, ShrineGoldshoresAccess, CategoryChestDamage, CategoryChestHealing, CategoryChestUtility, CategoryChest2Damage Variant, CategoryChest2Healing Variant, CategoryChest2Utility Variant, Barrel1, Duplicator, DuplicatorLarge, DuplicatorWild, Scrapper, MultiShopTerminal, MultiShopLargeTerminal, MultiShopEquipmentTerminal, FusionCellDestructibleBody, ExplosivePotDestructibleBody, WarbannerWard, LunarChest, LunarShopTerminal, ItemDroneBroken, BulwarkDroneBroken ObjectNamesConfig = Turret1Body, Turret1Broken, SquidTurretBody, Drone1Broken, Drone2Broken, GoldChest, CasinoChest, MissileDroneBroken, FlameDroneBroken, MegaDroneBroken, EquipmentDroneBroken, Chest1, Chest2, KeyLockbox, ShrineHealing, EquipmentBarrel, ShrineBlood, ShrineChance, ShrineCombat, ShrineBoss, ShrineCleanse, ShrineRestack, ShrineGoldshoresAccess, CategoryChestDamage, CategoryChestHealing, CategoryChestUtility, CategoryChest2Damage Variant, CategoryChest2Healing Variant, CategoryChest2Utility Variant, Barrel1, Duplicator, DuplicatorLarge, DuplicatorWild, Scrapper, MultiShopTerminal, MultiShopLargeTerminal, MultiShopEquipmentTerminal, FusionCellDestructibleBody, ExplosivePotDestructibleBody, WarbannerWard, LunarChest, LunarShopTerminal, ItemDroneBroken, BulwarkDroneBroken ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATPackBox ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_PACKBOX_NAME_RENDERED ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true IsEnigmaCompatible = true [Equipments.Recombobulator] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false CanBeRandomlyTriggered = false ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 60 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 60 ## Which object names are allowed for recombobulation (comma-delimited, leading/trailing whitespace will be ignored). Items not in this list will also not be selected as the new object. WARNING: May have unintended results on some untested objects! ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: String # Default value: Turret1Broken, Drone1Broken, Drone2Broken, EquipmentDroneBroken, MissileDroneBroken, FlameDroneBroken, MegaDroneBroken, Chest1, Chest2, GoldChest, CasinoChest, ShrineHealing, EquipmentBarrel, ShrineBlood, ShrineChance, ShrineCombat, ShrineBoss, ShrineCleanse, ShrineRestack, ShrineGoldshoresAccess, CategoryChestDamage, CategoryChestHealing, CategoryChestUtility, CategoryChest2Damage Variant, CategoryChest2Healing Variant, CategoryChest2Utility Variant, Duplicator, DuplicatorLarge, DuplicatorWild, Scrapper, MultiShopTerminal, MultiShopLargeTerminal, MultiShopEquipmentTerminal, LunarChest, ItemDroneBroken, BulwarkDroneBroken ObjectNamesConfig = Turret1Broken, Drone1Broken, Drone2Broken, EquipmentDroneBroken, MissileDroneBroken, FlameDroneBroken, MegaDroneBroken, Chest1, Chest2, GoldChest, CasinoChest, ShrineHealing, EquipmentBarrel, ShrineBlood, ShrineChance, ShrineCombat, ShrineBoss, ShrineCleanse, ShrineRestack, ShrineGoldshoresAccess, CategoryChestDamage, CategoryChestHealing, CategoryChestUtility, CategoryChest2Damage Variant, CategoryChest2Healing Variant, CategoryChest2Utility Variant, Duplicator, DuplicatorLarge, DuplicatorWild, Scrapper, MultiShopTerminal, MultiShopLargeTerminal, MultiShopEquipmentTerminal, LunarChest, ItemDroneBroken, BulwarkDroneBroken ## If true, interactables will only reroll into other interactables of the same category (chest, shrine, drone, etc.). # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true RespectCategory = true ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATRecombobulator ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_RECOMBOBULATOR_NAME_RENDERED ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true IsEnigmaCompatible = true [Equipments.ReviveOnce] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false CanBeRandomlyTriggered = false ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 10 ## Which master prefab names to spawn if there are no allies to be revived. WARNING: May have unintended results on some untested objects! # Setting type: String # Default value: EquipmentDroneMaster, Drone1Master, Drone2Master, FlameDroneMaster, DroneMissileMaster, ItemDroneMaster, BulwarkDroneMaster MasterNamesConfig = EquipmentDroneMaster, Drone1Master, Drone2Master, FlameDroneMaster, DroneMissileMaster, ItemDroneMaster, BulwarkDroneMaster ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATReviveOnce ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_REVIVEONCE_NAME_RENDERED ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true IsEnigmaCompatible = true [Equipments.Rewind] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true CanBeRandomlyTriggered = true ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 90 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 90 ## Duration of the phasing effect, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PhaseDuration = 2 ## Maximum rewind time, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 RewindDuration = 10 ## Minimum rewind time, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MinDuration = 2 ## Time after use before beginning to record again, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Icd = 2 ## Time between saved player states, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0.05 to 3.402823E+38 FrameInterval = 0.5 ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATRewind ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_REWIND_NAME_RENDERED ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true IsEnigmaCompatible = true [Equipments.UnstableBomb] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Whether the equipment can be triggered by Bottled Chaos. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false CanBeRandomlyTriggered = false ## Whether the equipment can be granted by Artifact of Enigma. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false IsEnigmaCompatible = false ## The base cooldown of the equipment, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 40 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Cooldown = 40 ## Percentage of base damage to deal. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 80 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageFrac = 80 ## Proc coefficient of the equipment attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 1 ## The internal name of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATUnstableBomb ## The name token of this equipment for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_UNSTABLEBOMB_NAME_RENDERED [Items.BismuthFlask] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Reduction to duration of debuffs/DoTs per stack (hyperbolic). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.125 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 DebuffReduction = 0.125 ## Reduction to duration of buffs per stack (hyperbolic). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 BuffReduction = 0.1 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATBismuthFlask ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_BISMUTHFLASK_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.BrambleRing] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Amount of damage to reflect. Will be doubled by bleed proc. Stacks hyperbolically. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.125 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 0.999 DamageFrac = 0.2 ## Amount of damage to convert to barrier. Stacks hyperbolically. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.125 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 0.999 BarrierFrac = 0.125 ## Multiplier to damageFrac vs players. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 VsPlayerScaling = 0.25 ## Proc coefficient of the retaliation attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 0 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATBrambleRing ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_BRAMBLERING_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.ConcentratingAlembic] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Reduction to melee/blast range/radius per stack (linear divisor). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 RangeReduc = 0.1 ## Reduction to projectile speed per stack (linear divisor). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 SpeedReduc = 0.1 ## Reduction to hitscan range per stack (linear divisor). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 HitscanReduc = 0.1 ## DoT damage multiplier per stack (linear). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageBuff = 0.25 ## Debuff duration multiplier per stack (linear). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DurationBuff = 0.25 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATConcentratingAlembic ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_CONCENTRATINGALEMBIC_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.DamageBuffer] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Amount of damage to convert per stack (linear). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.08 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 BufferFrac = 0.1 ## Amount of regen multiplier to add per stack (linear) at full barrier. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 10 RegenFrac = 0.2 ## Time over which each barrier instance is delayed, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BufferDuration = 3 ## Tick interval of the granted barrier, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BufferRate = 0 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATDamageBuffer ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_DAMAGEBUFFER_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.DeadManSwitch] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true ItemIsAIBlacklisted = true ## Multiplicative internal cooldown reduction per stack past the first. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.15 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 CdrStack = 0.15 ## If true, also applies equipment cooldown reduction from other sources to the ICD. If false, only cdrStack is applied. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ExternalCdr = false ## The percentage of maximum health below which to trigger this item's effect. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 HealthThreshold = 0.5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATDeadManSwitch ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_DEADMANSWITCH_NAME_RENDERED [Items.Defib] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Multiplier for extra healing per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CritFracStack = 0.25 ## Crit chance added by the first stack of this item. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 CritBonus = 5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATDefib ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_DEFIB_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.EnPassant] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Base damage of the attack, per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.7 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 AttackDamage = 0.7 ## Duration of the attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 AttackTime = 1.5 ## Fixed cooldown reduction per attack hit, per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.025 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CdrPerHit = 0.025 ## Proc coefficient of the item attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 1 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATEnPassant ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_ENPASSANT_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.ExtendoArms] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Hitbox scale increase per stack, linear. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.125 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ResizeAmount = 0.125 ## Projectile velocity increase per stack, linear. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.075 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 SpeedAmount = 0.075 ## Hitscan range increase per stack, linear. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.075 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 RangeAmount = 0.075 ## Global attack damage increase per stack, linear. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageAmount = 0.05 ## Maximum distance between character and center of an AoE to count as a PBAoE. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PbaoeRange = 5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATExtendoArms ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_EXTENDOARMS_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.ExtraEquipment] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Chance to replace a drop from a Scavenger backpack with this item. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 DropChance = 0.05 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATExtraEquipment ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_EXTRAEQUIPMENT_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.FudgeDice] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true ItemIsAIBlacklisted = true ## Base cooldown at first stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Icd = 20 ## Multiplicative internal cooldown reduction per stack past the first. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 CdrStack = 0.1 ## Amount of luck to provide per proc. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 9 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 100 BoostAmount = 9 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATFudgeDice ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_FUDGEDICE_NAME_RENDERED [Items.GoFaster] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Controls general power of this item (multiplies all other Frac configs). newSpeed ~ baseSpeed * (1 + buffFrac * specificFrac * stack count). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffFrac = 1 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Commando dodge: multiplies movement speed during dodge. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CommandoDodgeFrac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Commando slide: multiplies movement speed during slide. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CommandoSlideFrac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for both Huntress blink variants: divides time spent in blink animation. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 HuntressBlinkTimeFac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Huntress blink: multiplies distance travelled. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 HuntressBlinkRangeFac = 0.25 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Huntress mini-blink: multiplies distance travelled. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.35 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 HuntressBlink2RangeFac = 0.35 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Bandit smokebomb: controls launch force. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 40 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BanditCloakSpeedFrac = 40 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for MUL-T dash: multiplies move speed during reactivation boosts. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ToolbotReacBoostFrac = 0.5 ## MUL-T dash: directly specify number of reactivations per cast. Stacks. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 2147483647 ToolbotReacBoostCount = 3 ## MUL-T dash: directly specify duration of each boost. Does not stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ToolbotReacTime = 1 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Engineer shield: shield provides a stacking, 5-second speed buff at a rate increased by item stacks. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.35 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 EngiSharedBuffFrac = 0.35 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Engineer missiles: controls launch force per consumed missile. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 50 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 EngiBoostFrac = 50 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Mercenary Blinding Assault: multiplies movement speed during dash. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MercDashFrac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Mercenary Focused Assault: multiplies movement speed during dash. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MercDash2Frac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for REX DIRECTIVE: Disperse: multiplies launch force. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 TreebotSonicBoomFrac = 1 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for REX Bramble Volley: multiplies launch force. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 TreebotSonicBoom2Frac = 1 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Loader Charged Gauntlet: multiplies lunge velocity. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 LoaderChargeFistFrac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Loader Thunder Gauntlet: multiplies lunge velocity. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 LoaderChargeFist2Frac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Acrid Caustic Leap: multiplies jump velocity. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CrocoLeapFrac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Acrid Frenzied Leap: multiplies jump velocity. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CrocoLeap2Frac = 0.5 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Captain Airstrike: controls launch force of projectile (NOT adjusted for mass!). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 6000 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CaptainAirstrikeFrac = 6000 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Captain Nuke: controls launch velocity of projectile at 1 stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 80 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CaptainAirstrikeAltFracBase = 80 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for Captain Nuke: controls launch velocity of projectile per additional stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CaptainAirstrikeAltFracStack = 20 ## Multiplier to BuffFrac for all unhandled characters: controls magnitude of speed buff. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 UnhandledFrac = 0.5 ## Static value for all unhandled characters: duration of speed buff, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 UnhandledDuration = 5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATGoFaster ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_GOFASTER_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.GoldenGear] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Gold required for the first point of armor. Scales with difficulty level. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 2147483647 GoldAmt = 10 ## Exponential reduction to points of armor past the first. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.01 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 GoldExp = 0.075 ## Duration of each point of armor. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Duration = 5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATGoldenGear ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_GOLDENGEAR_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false GoldReduc = 0.1 GoldMin = 0.0001 InclDeploys = true [Items.GupRay] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Number of copies to spawn per split. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 2 to 2147483647 SplitCount = 2 ## Damage/health multiplier per stack (exponential). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 1.401298E-45 to 1 StatMult = 0.25 ## Speed and attack speed multiplier per stack (exponential). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 1.401298E-45 to 1 SpeedStatMult = 0.5 ## Visual scale multiplier per stack (exponential). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 1.401298E-45 to 1 ScaleMult = 0.5 ## Internal cooldown of applying the effect. Does not stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Icd = 5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATGupRay ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_GUPRAY_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Headset] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Fraction of base damage dealt by H3AD-53T procs with a single item copy. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BaseDamagePct = 4 ## Fraction of base damage dealt by H3AD-53T procs per additional item copy. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 StackDamagePct = 1.5 ## Stun time (in seconds) dealt by H3AD-53T procs. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 StunDuration = 5 ## Procs added on Utility skill cast with a single item copy. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 2147483647 ProcCount = 5 ## Procs added on Utility skill cast per additional item copy. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 2147483647 StackProcCount = 3 ## Proc coefficient of the item attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 1 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATHeadset ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_HEADSET_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.HealsToDamage] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false ## Fraction of healing to absorb, stacks hyperbolically. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 HealingRatio = 0.5 ## Additional multiplier to HealingRatio for overheal. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 OverhealMalus = 0.25 ## Absorbed healing required to activate the buff, relative to max health. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ActivationRatio = 1 ## Duration of the buff, once triggered. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffDuration = 10 ## Attack speed multiplier to add per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffMagnitudeAttackSpeed = 0.2 ## Damage multiplier to add per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffMagnitudeDamage = 0.2 ## Move speed multiplier to add per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffMagnitudeMoveSpeed = 0.2 ## Jump power multiplier to add per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffMagnitudeJumpPower = 0.2 ## Health regen multiplier to add per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffMagnitudeRegen = 0.2 ## Base crit chance to add per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffMagnitudeCrit = 20 ## Base armor to add per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffMagnitudeArmor = 20 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATHealsToDamage ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_HEALSTODAMAGE_NAME_RENDERED ExtraConversionMalus = 0.5 MaxStoredDamageRatio = 99 TriggerBigHitFrac = 4 [Items.HurdyGurdy] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Base damage of this item's projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ProjDamage = 2 ## Forward cone angle for acquiring projectile targets. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 30 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 180 ProjAngle = 30 ## Uninterrupted secondary skill activations required to start firing. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 2147483647 WindupTime = 3 ## Secondary skill charges provided by the first stack of this item. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 2147483647 BaseCharges = 2 ## Secondary skill charges provided per additional first stack of this item. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 2147483647 StackCharges = 1 ## Proc coefficient of the item attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 0.5 ## Skill names which will always count for consecutive Hurdy-Gurdy activations. # Setting type: String # Default value: RailgunnerBodyFireSnipeHeavy SkillOverridesConfig = RailgunnerBodyFireSnipeHeavy ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATHurdyGurdy ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_HURDYGURDY_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Kintsugi] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Stat bonus per T1 item per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.01 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 Tier1Bonus = 0.01 ## Stat bonus per T2 item per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.03 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 Tier2Bonus = 0.03 ## Stat bonus per any other item (e.g. T3, Boss) per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 Tier3Bonus = 0.05 ## Items to count towards Kintsugi, as a comma-delimited list of name tokens or internal names (will be automatically trimmed, prefix name tokens with @). # Setting type: String # Default value: ScrapWhite, ScrapGreen, ScrapRed, ScrapYellow, RegeneratingScrap, RegeneratingScrapConsumed, HealingPotionConsumed, FragileDamageBonusConsumed, ExtraLifeVoidConsumed, ExtraLifeConsumed, TKSATKintsugi ValidItemNameTokens = ScrapWhite, ScrapGreen, ScrapRed, ScrapYellow, RegeneratingScrap, RegeneratingScrapConsumed, HealingPotionConsumed, FragileDamageBonusConsumed, ExtraLifeVoidConsumed, ExtraLifeConsumed, TKSATKintsugi ## Binary flag determining which stats to effect. 1: Attack Speed, 2: Damage, 4: Move Speed, 8: Jump Power, 16: Regen Mult., 32: Crit Chance, 64: Armor # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 127 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 127 BuffEffectFlags = 127 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATKintsugi ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_KINTSUGI_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.KleinBottle] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Percent chance for Unstable Klein Bottle to proc; stacks multiplicatively. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 8 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 ProcChance = 8 ## Range of the Unstable Klein Bottle effect. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PullRadius = 20 ## Vertical hold distance of the Unstable Klein Bottle's float effect. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PullHeight = 2 ## Radius of random motion of the Unstable Klein Bottle's float effect. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PullWobble = 0.5 ## Duration of the Unstable Klein Bottle's float effect and stun. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PullTime = 1 ## Internal cooldown of the Unstable Klein Bottle effect. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ProcIcd = 1.5 ## Damage multiplier stat of the attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageFrac = 0.5 ## Proc coefficient of the item attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 1 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATKleinBottle ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_KLEINBOTTLE_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Loom] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Maximum number of buff stacks per item stack. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 2147483647 MaxStacks = 10 ## Attack speed multiplier reduction per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 0.999 StackAttack = 0.05 ## Damage multiplier addition per buff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.125 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 StackDamage = 0.125 ## Time before effect expires. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Window = 3 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATLoom ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_LOOM_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Magnetism] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Projectile magnetism angle (deg) at first stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 180 RangedAmountBase = 1 ## Projectile magnetism angle (deg) cap. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 30 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 180 RangedAmountMax = 30 ## Number of item stacks over which projectile magnetism angle approaches its cap by half. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 50 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 2147483647 RangedAmountLambda = 50 ## Melee draw-in range (m) per stack, linear. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MeleeAmount = 2 ## Maximum melee draw-in pull speed (m/s). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 30 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MeleeForce = 30 ## Maximum melee draw-in pull angular speed (rotations/sec). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MeleeTurnForce = 4 ## Global critical chance increase (percentage 0-100) per stack, linear. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 CritAmount = 2.5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATMagnetism ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_MAGNETISM_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Mimic] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Time between batches of re-mimics. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 15 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ScrambleRate = 15 ## Linear scalar on chosen item types per tier. At 1, only one item per tier will ever be chosen; at 0, all items will remain valid. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.8 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ChanceTableSpikiness = 0.8 ## Relative weight for a Mimic to prefer Tier 1 items. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.8 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ChanceTableT1 = 0.8 ## Relative weight for a Mimic to prefer Tier 2 items. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ChanceTableT2 = 0.2 ## Relative weight for a Mimic to prefer Tier 3 items. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ChanceTableT3 = 0.1 ## Relative weight for a Mimic to prefer Boss Tier items. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ChanceTableTB = 0.05 ## Relative weight for a Mimic to prefer Lunar Tier items. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ChanceTableTL = 0.05 ## Relative weight for a Mimic to prefer all other items. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ChanceTableTX = 0 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATMimic ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_MIMIC_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.MotionTracker] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Damage coefficient of this item's attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageFracBase = 0.4 ## Proc coefficient of this item's attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcFrac = 0.5 ## Time in combat required to recharge projectile attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageTime = 3 ## Damage coefficient per additional item stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageFracStack = 0.2 ## If true, indicator VFX will be disabled. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false DisableVFX = false ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATMotionTracker ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_MOTIONTRACKER_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.MountainToken] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Time spent in midair after which all bonus item stacks will have been removed and granted to enemies. Bonus items decay linearly over this timespan. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MaxUngroundedTime = 20 ## Amount of extra monster credits to assign to the teleporter event per stack (scales with time). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 100 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DifficultyBonus = 100 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATMountainToken ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_MOUNTAINTOKEN_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Moustache] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Percent chance to trigger this item's effect on hit, per stack (hyperbolic). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 ProcChance = 4 ## Fixed taunt duration. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ProcDuration = 5 ## Fixed damage resistance vs. taunted enemies. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.15 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 DamageResist = 0.15 ## Fixed knockback resistance vs. taunted enemies. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 KnockResist = 0.5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATMoustache ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_MOUSTACHE_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Mug] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Maximum degrees of spread to add to extra projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 17.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 180 SpreadConeHalfAngleDegr = 17.5 ## Extra projectile chance per item. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ProcChance = 0.1 ## Proc coefficient on melee projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 0.25 ## Proportion of melee attack damage on fired projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MeleeProjectileDamage = 0.25 ## Proportion of missile/orb attack damage on fired projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MissileProjectileDamage = 0.25 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATMug ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_MUG_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.NautilusProtocol] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true ItemIsAIBlacklisted = true ## Armor applied per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ArmorBuff = 25 ## Regen applied per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 RegenBuff = 2 ## Damage bonus multiplier applied per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageBuff = 0.2 ## Range (m) of the ping explosion. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 80 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DetRange = 80 ## Relative damage of the ping explosion. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DetDamage = 1 ## Minimum time between detonations on a single drone. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DetIcd = 5 ## Proc coefficient of the void detonation attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 1 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATNautilusProtocol ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_NAUTILUSPROTOCOL_NAME_RENDERED [Items.ObsidianBrooch] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Chance to trigger the effect. Effect can proc once per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 9 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 ProcChance = 9 ## Range to spread debuffs within. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 50 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Range = 50 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATObsidianBrooch ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_OBSIDIANBROOCH_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.OrderedArmor] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Armor given at minimum item type variety (1). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 100 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ArmorAmtBase = 100 ## Multiplier of armor scaling per additional item type (higher = less penalty). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.975 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 0.999 VarietyExp = 0.975 ## Linear multiplier for increased ArmorAmt per stack (higher = more powerful). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ArmorStacking = 0.25 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATOrderedArmor ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_ORDEREDARMOR_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Pinball] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Number of extra projectile bounces at first stack. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 2147483647 BaseBounces = 3 ## Number of extra projectile bounces per additional stack. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 2147483647 StackBounces = 2 ## Fraction of original attack damage for bounced projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BounceDamageFrac = 0.5 ## Percent chance to proc. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 15 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 BounceChance = 15 ## Extra projectile names to blacklist (comma-delimited, leading/trailing whitespace will be ignored). ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: String # Default value: TreebotFlower1, TreebotFlower2, TreebotFlowerSeed BlacklistedProjectiles = TreebotFlower1, TreebotFlower2, TreebotFlowerSeed ## Proportion of melee attack damage on fired projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MeleeProjectileDamage = 0.5 ## Proc coefficient for melee projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 0.5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATPinball ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_PINBALL_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.PixieTube] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Duration of all Pixie Tube buffs. ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffDuration = 10 ## Fractional move speed bonus from the Water buff. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffMoveAmt = 0.05 ## Fractional attack speed bonus from the Air buff. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.05 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffAttackAmt = 0.05 ## Fractional damage bonus from the Fire buff. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.03 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffDamageAmt = 0.03 ## Flat armor bonus from the Earth buff. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffArmorAmt = 10 ## Internal cooldown on each non-primary skill, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PerSkillCooldown = 3 ## Internal cooldown on primary skill, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 6 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PrimaryCooldown = 6 ## If true, stacking spawns stronger wisps instead of more. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true PerformanceMerge = true ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATPixieTube ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_PIXIETUBE_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.ShootToHeal] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## If true, AI with nothing better to do will attempt to shoot teammates if they have this item, either of them are injured, and Artifact of Chaos is not enabled. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true AiOverride = true ## Healing amount multiplier, relative to attack power+proc and target health, per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.01 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BaseHealMod = 0.01 ## Self-healing amount on healing an ally, relative to the healing the ally received, per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ReturnHealMod = 0.5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATShootToHeal ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_SHOOTTOHEAL_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.ShrinkRay] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Effect duration per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Duration = 3 ## Internal cooldown of applying the effect. Does not stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Icd = 2.5 ## Strength of the damage debuff (higher = less damage). Does not stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageDebuff = 0.5 ## Strength of the model scale effect per stack (lower = smaller). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ScaleDebuff = 0.5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATShrinkRay ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_SHRINKRAY_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Skein] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Maximum damage/knockback to block per stack (hyperbolic). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 HighMassFrac = 0.5 ## Maximum speed to add per stack (linear). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 LowMassFrac = 0.5 ## Time required to reach maximum buff, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MassChangeDuration = 5 ## Rate at which buffs decay, relative to the charge rate. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 GraceRate = 2 ## Time after being hit to force movement state. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 HitIcd = 0.25 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATSkein ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_SKEIN_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Swordbreaker] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Base damage of this item's projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 RawDamage = 0.5 ## Reflected damage of this item's projectiles (added to rawDamage). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 RetalDamage = 0.25 ## Amount of flat shield given by this item per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 50 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ShieldAmt = 50 ## Number of projectiles fired by this item per stack. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 2147483647 SparkCount = 3 ## Maximum degrees of spread to add to projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 180 SpreadConeHalfAngleDegr = 5 ## Internal cooldown for firing projectiles. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Icd = 0.5 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATSwordbreaker ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_SWORDBREAKER_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.TimelostRum] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Delay per extra hit. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DelayTime = 0.5 ## Extra hit chance per item. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ProcChance = 0.1 ## Damage modifier for melee attacks. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.25 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 MeleeDamage = 0.25 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATTimelostRum ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_TIMELOSTRUM_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.TriBrooch] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Chance for the effect to trigger (percentage). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 9 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 ProcChance = 9 ## Proc damage, as base damage fraction, at first stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ProcBaseDamage = 0.5 ## Proc damage, as base damage fraction, per additional stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ProcStackDamage = 0.5 ## If true, will never proc from self damage. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false PreventSelfProc = false ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATTriBrooch ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_TRIBROOCH_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.VillainousVisage] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Fractional stealth attack damage bonus per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.13 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageFrac = 0.13 ## Duration of the stealth buff once triggered. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1.3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BuffDuration = 1.3 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATVillainousVisage ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_VILLAINOUSVISAGE_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.VoidwispHive] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Lifetime of Voidwisp Hive wisps. ## WARNING: THIS SETTING CANNOT BE CHANGED WHILE THE GAME IS RUNNING, AND MUST BE SYNCED MANUALLY FOR MULTIPLAYER! # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 WispDuration = 10 ## Damage fraction dealt by Voidwisp attacks per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.08 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageAmt = 0.08 ## Time, in seconds, between attacks. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageRate = 0.5 ## Internal cooldown on each non-primary skill, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PerSkillCooldown = 3 ## Internal cooldown on primary skill, in seconds. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 6 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PrimaryCooldown = 6 ## Proc coefficient of wisp attacks. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.1 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 ProcCoefficient = 0.1 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATVoidwispHive ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_VOIDWISPHIVE_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.WaxFeather] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Airtime required to accumulate a buff/debuff stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ChargeFreq = 0.4 ## Maximum buff/debuff stacks per item stack. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 10 # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 2147483647 MaxStacks = 10 ## How fast to decay charge while grounded, relative to chargeFreq. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DecayFreqMult = 3 ## Ignite chance at full strength (does not stack). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 15 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 IgniteChance = 15 ## Relative ignite damage per stack at full strength (linear). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 IgniteDamage = 0.2 ## Armor penalty per stack at full strength (linear). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 ArmorDebuff = 5 ## Gravity reduction per stack at full strength (hyperbolic). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.015 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 1 GravityBuff = 0.015 ## Speed penalty per stack at full strength (linear divisor). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.01 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 SpeedDebuff = 0.01 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATWaxFeather ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_WAXFEATHER_NAME_RENDERED ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false ItemIsAIBlacklisted = false [Items.Wrangler] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## If true, the item will not be given to enemies by Evolution nor in the arena map, and it will not be found by Scavengers. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true ItemIsAIBlacklisted = true ## Extra fire rate applied at 1 stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 BaseExtraSpeed = 0.4 ## Extra fire rate applied per additional stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 StackExtraSpeed = 0.4 ## Armor given to item's holder, per drone per stack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 15 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 OwnerArmor = 15 ## Maximum range (m) before breaking AI override and losing armor bonus. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 150 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Wrange = 150 ## The internal name of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameInternal = TKSATWrangler ## The name token of this item for use in other config entries. No effect if changed; will be reset on game launch. # Setting type: String # Default value: ConfigNameToken = TINKERSSATCHEL_WRANGLER_NAME_RENDERED Duwration = 30 [Modules.BulwarkDrone] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true [Modules.CommandoPrimaryPulse] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## If true, skill will have no recoil and use an alternate mechanic: high-end damage will start at +0 compared to low-end, and ramp up while attacking the same enemy without missing. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false AltModeFocusFire = false [Modules.CommandoSpecialPlasmaGrenade] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true [Modules.CommandoUtilityJinkJet] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Multiplier to GoFaster BuffFrac for this skill: multiplies launch speed. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 GoFasterBuffFrac = 0.5 [Modules.CursesKeepOSP] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Enabled = false [Modules.EngiPrimaryFlak] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true [Modules.EngiSecondaryChaff] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true [Modules.EngiUtilitySpeedispenser] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true [Modules.EquipmentDroneLabels] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true [Modules.HuntressPrimaryBombArrow] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true [Modules.HuntressSecondaryBola] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true [Modules.ItemDrone] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Items to prevent giving to Item Drones, as a comma-delimited list of internal names (will be automatically trimmed). # Setting type: String # Default value: ScrapWhite, ScrapGreen, ScrapRed, ScrapYellow, ScrapWhiteSuppressed, ScrapGreenSuppressed, ScrapRedSuppressed, RegeneratingScrap, RegeneratingScrapConsumed, ExtraLifeConsumed, ExtraLifeVoidConsumed, FragileDamageBonusConsumed, HealingPotionConsumed, BeetleGland, RoboBallBuddy, MinorConstructOnKill, TitanGoldDuringTP ItemNameBlacklist = ScrapWhite, ScrapGreen, ScrapRed, ScrapYellow, ScrapWhiteSuppressed, ScrapGreenSuppressed, ScrapRedSuppressed, RegeneratingScrap, RegeneratingScrapConsumed, ExtraLifeConsumed, ExtraLifeVoidConsumed, FragileDamageBonusConsumed, HealingPotionConsumed, BeetleGland, RoboBallBuddy, MinorConstructOnKill, TitanGoldDuringTP ## Item tiers to prevent giving to Item Drones, as a comma-delimited list of internal names (will be automatically trimmed). # Setting type: String # Default value: LunarTierDef, VoidTier1Def, VoidTier2Def, VoidTier3Def, VoidBossDef ItemTierNameBlacklist = LunarTierDef, VoidTier1Def, VoidTier2Def, VoidTier3Def, VoidBossDef ## If true, items placed in item drones will be dropped if the item drone dies. If false, items will be destroyed. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true DropItemsOnDeath = true ## If true, items dropped by DropItemsOnDeath will never be Command droplets even if Artifact of Command is enabled. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true ForceNoCommand = true ## Range of Item Drone itemsharing. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1000 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 Range = 1000 [Modules.KnockbackFinFloat] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true ## Damage multiplier stat of the reworked Knockback Fin attack. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1.8 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 DamageFrac = 1.8 ## Percent chance for reworked Knockback Fin to proc; stacks hyperbolically. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 6 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 100 ProcChance = 6 ## Vertical hold distance of the reworked Knockback Fin float effect. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 4 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PullHeight = 4 ## Radius of random motion of the reworked Knockback Fin float effect. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PullWobble = 0.5 ## Duration of the reworked Knockback Fin float effect. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 # Acceptable value range: From 0 to 3.402823E+38 PullTime = 2 [Modules.ModdableEquipmentMaxCharges] ## Set to False to disable this module, and as much of its content as can be disabled after initial load. Doing so may cause changes in other modules as well. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enabled = true