## Settings file was created by plugin Captain's Busted Diablo Strike v1.1.0.0 ## Plugin GUID: com.farofus.CaptainBustedDiabloStrike [Busted_Diablo_Config] ## This is the duration in seconds you will approach as you stack Attack Speed. This is the value, where the mod will never cross (or reach, because assymptotic behavior), no matter how much attack speed you have. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 Minimum_Diablo_Duration = 5 ## This is the value you will begin with, the maximum duration of the Diablo Strike (in seconds). # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 Maximum_Diablo_Duration = 20 ## This is how significant the atkSpeed is. The bigger this number is, the easier it is to get closer to the minimum duration. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1 Attack_Speed_Scaling_Factor = 1