[Currency] ## Type of currency used to purchase shrine. Using anything other than "Gold" disables price scaling over time. Each currency has its own options. # Setting type: CostTypes # Default value: Gold # Acceptable values: Gold, VoidCoin, LunarCoin Currency Type = Gold [Gold] ## Base cost of the interactable in gold that is used for scaling. Will spawn with this cost at the start of the run. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 12 Shrine Base Cost = 12 ## Use default scaling formula instead of custom scaling formula for the shrine. Custom formula is diffCoef^customsScalingModifier * BaseCost, default formula is diffCoef^1.25 * BaseCost * ScalingModifier # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Use Default Scaling = false ## Used for defining how cost of shrine scales throughout the run for both default and custom scaling formulas. # Setting type: Single # Default value: 1.35 Scaling Modifier = 1.35 [Lunar Coins] ## Base cost of the interactable in lunar coins. Does not scale with time. Can be used with EphemeralCoins. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 Shrine Base Cost = 2 [Void Coins] ## Base cost of the interactable in void coins. Does not scale with time. To be used with ReleasedFromTheVoid. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 Shrine Base Cost = 2