## Settings file was created by plugin Aetherium v0.6.8 ## Plugin GUID: com.KomradeSpectre.Aetherium [Artifact: Artifact of Leonids] ## Should this artifact appear for selection? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Artifact? = true ## How many seconds between each meteor shower? # Setting type: Single # Default value: 60 Interval Between Meteor Showers = 60 ## How many waves of meteors should be included in each meteor shower? Each wave contains 1 meteor per body on the map. # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 6 Meteor Waves Per Shower = 6 [Artifact: Artifact of Progression] ## Should this artifact appear for selection? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Artifact? = true ## How long until a monster progresses to the next progression state if they have one? # Setting type: Single # Default value: 60 Interval Between Each Progression = 60 ## Should progressions spawned by the Progression effect have doubled money and exp? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Double Gold and Exp Reward of Progressions = true ## Which enemies master components should be blacklisted from evolving? (Each entry should be separated by a comma, you must know their internal master name to blacklist them. E.g. impmaster,lemurianmaster will blacklist normal imps and lemurians. # Setting type: String # Default value: Blacklisted Evolution Masters = [Artifact: Artifact of Regression] ## Should this artifact appear for selection? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Artifact? = true ## At what monster population should we not be able to split anymore? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 48 Regression Split Monster Cap = 48 ## Should children spawned by the Regression effect have halved money and exp? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Reduce Gold and Exp Reward of Children = true ## How long in seconds should children of regression splits be immune? # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 Duration of Child Immunity = 2 ## How many Beetle Guards should appear when the Beetle Queen has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 Queen to Guard Split Amount = 2 ## How many Beetles should appear when the Beetle Guard has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 4 Guard to Beetle Split Amount = 4 ## How many Crystal Beetles should appear when the Crystal Beetle Guard has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 4 Crystal Guard to Crystal Beetle Split Amount = 4 ## How many Arch Wisps should appear when the Ancient Wisp has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 Ancient Wisp To Arch Wisp Split Amount = 2 ## How many Greater Wisps should appear when the Arch Wisp has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 Arch Wisp To Greater Wisp Split Amount = 2 ## How many Greater Wisps should appear when the Grovetender has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 Grovetender To Greater Wisp Split Amount = 2 ## How many Wisps should appear when the Greater Wisp has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 4 Greater Wisp To Wisp Split Amount = 4 ## How many Jellyfish should appear when the Wandering Vagrant has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 8 Wandering Vagrant To Jellyfish Split Amount = 8 ## How many Lemurians should appear when the Elder Lemurian has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 5 Elder Lemurian To Lemurian Split Amount = 5 ## How many Lunar Chimeras should appear when the Lunar Wisp has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 Lunar Wisp To Lunar Chimera Split Amount = 2 ## How many Lunar Exploders should appear when the Lunar Chimera has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 5 Lunar Chimera To Lunar Exploder Split Amount = 5 ## How many Golems should appear when the Titan has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 4 Titan To Golem Split Amount = 4 ## How many Parents should appear when the Grandparent has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 5 Grandparent To Parent Split Amount = 5 ## How many Vultures should appear when the Alloy Worship Unit has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 6 Alloy Worship Unit To Vulture Split Amount = 6 ## How many Solus Probes should appear when the Solus Control Unit has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 6 Solus Control Unit To Solus Probe Split Amount = 6 ## How many Clay Templars should appear when the Clay Dunestrider has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 4 Clay Dunestrider To Clay Templar Split Amount = 4 ## How many Imps should appear when the Imp Overlord has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 5 Imp Overlord To Imp Split Amount = 5 ## How many Hermit Crabs should appear when the Void Reaver has regressed? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 4 Void Reaver To Hermit Crab Split Amount = 4 [Artifact: Artifact of the Journey] ## Should this artifact appear for selection? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Artifact? = true [Artifact: Artifact of the Nightmare] ## Should this artifact appear for selection? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Artifact? = true [Artifact: Artifact of the Tyrant] ## Should this artifact appear for selection? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Artifact? = true ## How many elite statuses should Route-Ending bosses be granted by us? # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 1 Number of Elite Affixes to Give Route-Ending Bosses = 1 ## What affixes should be blacklisted from Artifact of the Tyrant? (generally no spaces, comma delimited) # Setting type: String # Default value: Blacklisted Affixes String = [Artifact:Artifact of Progression] ## Should a sound play each time a monster reaches a progression checkpoint? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Progression Sounds? = true [Artifacts] ## Do you wish to disable every artifact in Aetherium? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Disable All Artifacts? = false [Buff: Double XP and Double Gold] ## Should this buff be registered for use in the game? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Buff? = true [Buff: Soul Linked] ## Should this buff be registered for use in the game? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Buff? = true [Buffs] ## Do you wish to disable every standalone buff in Aetherium? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Disable All Standalone Buffs? = false [Elite Equipment: Bloody Fealty] Duration of the Abyssal Dash State = 0.2 Max Distance to Cover in a Single Abyssal Dash = 10 Cost Multiplier of Elite = 2.5 Damage Multiplier of Elite = 1 Health Multiplier of Elite = 2 Forced Cooldown Duration Between Player Blinks = 2 [Equipment] Disable All Equipment? = false [Equipment: Bell Totem] Enable Equipment? = true Time Between Consecutive Uses = 1 Radius of Bell Ring Shockwave = 25 Force of Bell Ring Shockwave = 6000 Forced Cooldown Time Between Equipment Uses = 2 [Equipment: Bloody Fealty] Enable Elite Equipment? = true [Equipment: Jar Of Reshaping] Enable Equipment? = true Base Projectile Absorption Radius = 20 Projectile Absorption Time / SUCC Mode Duration = 3 Cooldown Duration of Jar = 20 I Want To Lose Friends In Chaos Mode = false Spawn Copy of Original Projectile from Jar of Reshaping? = true [Interactable: Buff Brazier] Enable Interactable? = true Enable All BuffCatalog Entries for Flame Selection? = false [Interactable: Buff Brazier Buffs] Warcry: Enable in Runs? = true Jade Elephant: Enable in Runs? = true Super Leech: Enable in Runs? = true Brainstalks: Enable in Runs? = true Double XP and Double Gold: Enable in Runs? = true [Interactable: Buff Brazier Debuffs] Cripple: Enable in Runs? = true 80 Percent Slowdown: Enable in Runs? = true Soul Linked: Enable in Runs? = true [Item: Accursed Potion] ## Should this item appear in runs? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Item? = true ## Should the AI not be able to obtain this item? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false ## Should the printers be able to print this item? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false ## Should we require this item to be unlocked before it appears in runs? (Will only affect items with associated unlockables.) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Require Unlock = true ## Should this item be able to emit sounds in certain conditions? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Sounds? = true ## What should the base duration of the Accursed Potion sip cooldown be? (Default: 30 (30s)) # Setting type: Single # Default value: 30 Base Duration of Sip Cooldown = 30 ## How far should each stack reduce the cooldown? (Default: 0.75 (100% - 75% = 25% Reduction per stack)) # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.75 Percentage of Cooldown Reduction per Additional Stack = 0.75 ## What radius of buff/debuff sharing should the first pickup have? (Default: 20m) # Setting type: Single # Default value: 20 Default Radius of Accursed Potion Effect Sharing = 20 ## What additional radius of buff/debuff sharing should each stack after grant? (Default: 5m) # Setting type: Single # Default value: 5 Additional Radius Granted per Additional Stack = 5 ## How many buffs or debuffs should we be able to have? (Default: 8) # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 8 Max Potion Effects Allowed = 8 ## Which buffs and debuffs should not be allowed to roll via Accursed Potion? # Setting type: String # Default value: Blacklisted Buffs and Debuffs = [Item: Alien Magnet] ## Should this item appear in runs? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Item? = true ## Should the AI not be able to obtain this item? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false ## Should the printers be able to print this item? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false ## Should we require this item to be unlocked before it appears in runs? (Will only affect items with associated unlockables.) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Require Unlock = true ## What should the starting pull force multiplier of the Alien Magnet's pull be? # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 Starting Pull Force Multiplier = 3 ## How much additional force multiplier should be granted per Alien Magnet stack? # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 Additional Pull Force Multiplier per Stack = 2 ## What should the minimum force multiplier be for the Alien Magnet? # Setting type: Single # Default value: 3 Minimum Pull Force Multiplier = 3 ## What should the maximum force multiplier be for the Alien Magnet? # Setting type: Single # Default value: 10 Maximum Pull Force Multiplier = 10 [Item: Blaster Sword] ## Should this item appear in runs? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Item? = true ## Should the AI not be able to obtain this item? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false ## Should the printers be able to print this item? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false ## Should we require this item to be unlocked before it appears in runs? (Will only affect items with associated unlockables.) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Require Unlock = true ## Do you wish to start feeling motivated now? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Use Alternate Blaster Sword Model = false ## Should the particle effects for the models be enabled? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable Particle Effects = true ## Should the swords impale and stick to targets (true), or pierce and explode on world collision (false)? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Use Impale Projectile Variant? = true ## In percentage, how much of the wielder's damage should we have for the sword projectile? (2 = 200%) # Setting type: Single # Default value: 2 Base Damage Inheritance Multiplier = 2 ## In percentage, how much of the wielder's damage should we add per additional stack? (0.5 = 50%) # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.5 Damage Multiplier Gained per Additional Stacks = 0.5 ## Should the Blaster Sword projectiles home in on enemies? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Homing Projectiles = false ## Should having any amount of barrier allow you to use the effect of Blaster Sword? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Any Barrier Grants Blaster Sword Activation Buff = false [Item: Bloodthirsty Shield] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Use Alternative Icon Art? = false Percentage of Shield Restored per Kill = 0.1 Additional Shield Restoration Percentage per Additional BSS Stack (Diminishing) = 0.1 Absolute Maximum Shield Restored per Kill = 0.5 Shield Granted on First BSS Stack = 0.08 [Item: Engineers Toolbelt] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Enable Sounds? = true Base Duplication Percent Chance = 0.2 Additional Duplication Percentage Chance = 0.2 Base Revival Percentage Chance = 0.1 Additional Revival Percentage Chance = 0.1 [Item: Feathered Plume] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Use Alternative Icon Art? = false Base Duration of Buff with One Feathered Plume = 5 Additional Duration of Buff per Feathered Plume Stack = 0.5 Stacks of Buff per Feathered Plume = 3 Movement speed per Feathered Plume Buff Stack = 0.07 [Item: Heart of the Void] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Void Implosion Camera Spin Speed = 0.0125 Void Implosion Damage Multiplier = 120 Base Radius of Void Implosion = 15 Additional Implosion Radius per Additional Heart of the Void = 7.5 Ticking Time Bomb Threshold = 0.3 Percentage Raise in Ticking Time Bomb Threshold per Additional Heart of the Void = 0.05 Absolute Max Ticking Time Bomb Threshold = 0.99 Duration of Heart of the Void Cooldown After Use = 30 [Item: Inspiring Drone] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Should the Inspiring Drone be required to be unlocked? = true Should the Inspiring Drone be Green Rarity instead of Red Rarity? = false Set All Stat Gain Percentages at Once? = true Stat Gain Percentage (All) = 0.5 Damage Stat Gain (Individual) = 0.5 Attack Speed Stat Gain (Individual) = 0.5 Critical Chance Stat Gain (Individual) = 0.5 Health Stat Gain (Individual) = 0.5 Regeneration Stat Gain (Individual) = 0.5 Armor Stat Gain (Individual) = 0.5 Movement Speed Stat Gain (Individual) = 0.5 Duration of Turret Teleportation Cooldown = 40 Duration of Drone Teleportation Cooldown = 30 Distance Away from Owner to Teleport Turrets = 20 Distance Away from Owner to Teleport Drone = 30 [Item: Nail Bomb] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Use Alternate Item Implementation? = false Nail Bomb Child Direction Vector = {"x":0.0,"y":-1.0,"z":0.0} Nail Bomb Child Min Spread Angle = 0 Nail Bomb Child Max Spread Angle = 45 Percent Damage Threshold Required to Activate Effect = 1.2 Amount of Nails per Nail Bomb = 20 Percent Damage per Nail in Nail Bomb = 0.3 Percent Damage Bonus of Additional Stacks = 0.5 Cooldown for Nail Bomb Absurdity Limiter = 2 Delay Between Nail Bomb Drops in Alternate Implementation = 10 Duration Percentage is Reduced By With Additional Stacks = 0.2 [Item: Shark Teeth] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Base Damage Spread Percentage = 0.25 Damage Spread Percentage Gained Per Stack (Diminishing) = 0.25 Absolute Maximum Damage Spread Percentage = 0.75 Damage Spread Duration = 2 Damage Spread Ticks (Segments) = 5 Shark Teeth Effect is Non-Lethal = false [Item: Shielding Core] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Enable Particle Effects = true First Shielding Core Bonus to Armor = 15 Additional Shielding Cores Bonus to Armor = 10 First Shielding Core Bonus to Max Shield = 0.08 [Item: Unstable Design] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Enable Sounds? = true Seconds Before First Lunar Chimera Spawn = 15 Duration of Chimera Resummoning Cooldown = 30 Duration of Chimera Retargeting Cooldown = 10 Minimum Spawn Distance Away From User = 80 Maximum Spawn Distance Away From User = 170 Base Damage Boosting Item Amount = 40 Additional Damage Boosting Item Amount = 10 HP Boosting Item Amount = 10 Attack Speed Item Amount = 30 Movement Speed Item Amount = 2 Enable Targeting Indicator? = true Should Unstable Design Pull Aggression From Its Targets? = true Replace Unstable Design Air Skill if AOTK is Installed = false [Item: Weighted Anklet] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Base Knockback Reduction Percentage = 0.25 Base Attack Speed Reduction Percentage = 0.1 Absolute Lowest Attack Speed Reduction Percentage = 0.1 Base Movement Speed Reduction Percentage = 0.1 Absolute Lowest Movement Speed Reduction Percentage = 0.1 Attack Speed Gained per Limiter Release (Flat) = 0.25 Movement Speed Gained per Limiter Release (Flat) = 1 Damage Percentage Gained per Limiter Release (Percentile) = 0.05 Base Dodge Depletion Cooldown Duration = 10 Additional Dodge Depletion Cooldown Duration for Additional Dodge Stacks = 5 [Item: Witches Ring] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Damage Multiplier Required in a Hit to Activate = 5 Duration of Cooldown After Use = 10 Cooldown Duration Reduction per Additional Witches Ring (Diminishing) = 0.1 Global Cooldown On Use = false [Item: Zenith Accelerator] Enable Item? = true Blacklist Item from AI Use? = false Blacklist Item from Printers? = false Require Unlock = true Exponential Base Multiplier = 0.5 Percentage Increase per Hit = 0.1 Base Percentage Max of Zenith Acceleration Attack Speed Bonus = 3 Additional Percentage Cap per Additional Stack = 1 Duration of Zenith Acceleration Stack = 3 [Items] ## Do you wish to disable every item in Aetherium? # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Disable All Items? = false