## Settings file was created by plugin PlayerRespawnSystem v2.0.4 ## Plugin GUID: com.Mordrog.PlayerRespawnSystem [Settings] ## Maps on which respawning is ignored. # Setting type: String # Default value: bazaar,arena,goldshores,moon,moon2,artifactworld,mysteryspace,limbo,voidraid IgnoredMapsForTimedRespawn = bazaar,arena,goldshores,moon,moon2,artifactworld,mysteryspace,limbo,voidraid ## Gamemode in which respawning should not work. # Setting type: String # Default value: InfiniteTowerRun IgnoredGameModes = InfiniteTowerRun ## Type of time to consider when calculating respawn time. # Setting type: RespawnTimeType # Default value: StageTimeBased # Acceptable values: StageTimeBased, GameTimeBased RespawnTimeType = StageTimeBased ## Starting respawn time. # Setting type: UInt32 # Default value: 30 StartingRespawnTime = 30 ## Max respawn time. # Setting type: UInt32 # Default value: 180 MaxRespawnTime = 180 ## Value by which current respawn time is updated every UpdateCurrentRespawnTimeEveryXSeconds. # Setting type: UInt32 # Default value: 5 UpdateCurrentRepsawnTimeByXSeconds = 5 ## Time interval between updates of the UpdateCurrentRepsawnTimeByXSeconds. # Setting type: UInt32 # Default value: 10 UpdateCurrentRespawnTimeEveryXSeconds = 10 ## Should players spawn from pods on start of match. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false UsePodsOnStartOfMatch = false ## Should UI death timer show up for you on death. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true UseDeathTimerUI = true ## Should players be respawned on timed based system. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true UseTimedRespawn = true ## Should players be blocked from respawning after teleporter event is started. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true BlockTimedRespawnOnTPEvent = true ## Should players be respawned on start of teleporter event (regardless of BlockSpawningOnTPEvent). # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true RespawnOnTPStart = true ## Should players be respawned on end of teleporter event (regardless of BlockSpawningOnTPEvent). # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true RespawnOnTPEnd = true ## Should players be blocked from respawning after Mithrix fight is started. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true BlockTimedRespawnOnMithrixFight = true ## Should players be respawned on start of Mithrix fight (regardless of BlockRespawningOnMithrixFight or map being ignored). # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true RespawnOnMithrixStart = true ## Should players be respawned on end of Mithrix fight (regardless of BlockRespawningOnMithrixFight or map being ignored). # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false RespawnOnMithrixEnd = false ## Should players be blocked from respawning after Artifact trial is started. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true BlockTimedRespawnOnArtifactTrial = true ## Should players be respawned on start of Artifact trial (regardless of BlockTimedRespawningOnArtifactTrial or map being ignored). # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true RespawnOnArtifactTrialStart = true ## Should players be respawned on end of Artifact trial (regardless of BlockTimedRespawningOnArtifactTrial or map being ignored). # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true RespawnOnArtifactTrialEnd = true