using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RoR2.ConVar; using RoR2.Networking; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace RoR2.Audio; public static class PointSoundManager { private class NetworkSoundEventMessage : MessageBase { public NetworkSoundEventIndex soundEventIndex; public Vector3 position; public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.WriteNetworkSoundEventIndex(soundEventIndex); writer.Write(position); } public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); soundEventIndex = reader.ReadNetworkSoundEventIndex(); position = reader.ReadVector3(); } } private struct TimeoutInfo { public readonly AkGameObj emitter; public readonly float startTime; public TimeoutInfo(AkGameObj emitter, float startTime) { this.emitter = emitter; this.startTime = startTime; } } private static readonly Stack emitterPool = new Stack(); private static GameObject emitterObjectPrefab; private const uint EMPTY_AK_EVENT_SOUND = 2166136261u; private static readonly NetworkSoundEventMessage sharedMessage = new NetworkSoundEventMessage(); private static readonly QosChannelIndex channel = QosChannelIndex.effects; private const short messageType = 72; private static readonly FloatConVar cvPointSoundManagerTimeout = new FloatConVar("pointsoundmanager_timeout", ConVarFlags.None, "4.5", "Timeout value in seconds to use for sound emitters dispatched by PointSoundManager. -1 for end-of-playback callbacks instead, which we suspect may have thread-safety issues."); private static readonly Queue timeouts = new Queue(); [InitDuringStartup] private static void InitSoundEmitter() { RoR2Application.onLoad = (Action)Delegate.Combine(RoR2Application.onLoad, (Action)delegate { LoadEmitterPrefab(); }); } private static void LoadEmitterPrefab() { AsyncOperationHandle asyncOperationHandle = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync("29b2b6ef68391f74e91693f36016b301"); asyncOperationHandle.Completed += delegate(AsyncOperationHandle obj) { SetEmitterPrefab(obj.Result); }; } private static void SetEmitterPrefab(GameObject emitterPrefab) { emitterObjectPrefab = emitterPrefab; } private static AkGameObj RequestEmitter() { if (emitterPool.Count > 0) { return emitterPool.Pop(); } if ((bool)emitterObjectPrefab) { return UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(emitterObjectPrefab).GetComponent(); } LoadEmitterPrefab(); GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("SoundEmitter"); gameObject.AddComponent().isKinematic = true; return gameObject.AddComponent(); } private static void FreeEmitter(AkGameObj emitter) { if ((bool)emitter) { emitterPool.Push(emitter); } } public static uint EmitSoundLocal(AkEventIdArg akEventId, Vector3 position) { if (WwiseIntegrationManager.noAudio || == 0 || == 2166136261u) { return 0u; } AkGameObj akGameObj = RequestEmitter(); akGameObj.transform.position = position; akGameObj.SetPosition(); uint result; if (cvPointSoundManagerTimeout.value < 0f) { result = AkSoundEngine.PostEvent(akEventId, akGameObj.gameObject, 1u, Callback, akGameObj); } else { result = AkSoundEngine.PostEvent(akEventId, akGameObj.gameObject); timeouts.Enqueue(new TimeoutInfo(akGameObj, Time.unscaledTime)); } return result; } private static void Callback(object cookie, AkCallbackType in_type, AkCallbackInfo in_info) { if (in_type == AkCallbackType.AK_EndOfEvent) { FreeEmitter((AkGameObj)cookie); } } [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] private static void Init() { SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += OnSceneUnloaded; RoR2Application.onUpdate += StaticUpdate; } private static void StaticUpdate() { ProcessTimeoutQueue(); } private static void OnSceneUnloaded(Scene scene) { ClearEmitterPool(); } private static void ClearEmitterPool() { foreach (AkGameObj item in emitterPool) { if ((bool)item) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(item.gameObject); } } emitterPool.Clear(); } public static void EmitSoundServer(NetworkSoundEventIndex networkSoundEventIndex, Vector3 position) { sharedMessage.soundEventIndex = networkSoundEventIndex; sharedMessage.position = position; NetworkServer.SendByChannelToAll(72, sharedMessage, channel.intVal); } [NetworkMessageHandler(client = true, server = false, msgType = 72)] private static void HandleMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg) { netMsg.ReadMessage(sharedMessage); EmitSoundLocal(NetworkSoundEventCatalog.GetAkIdFromNetworkSoundEventIndex(sharedMessage.soundEventIndex), sharedMessage.position); } private static void ProcessTimeoutQueue() { float num = Time.unscaledTime - cvPointSoundManagerTimeout.value; while (timeouts.Count > 0) { TimeoutInfo timeoutInfo = timeouts.Peek(); if (!(num <= timeoutInfo.startTime)) { timeouts.Dequeue(); FreeEmitter(timeoutInfo.emitter); continue; } break; } } }