using EntityStates; using EntityStates.ChildMonster; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace RoR2; [RequireComponent(typeof(EntityStateMachine))] [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterBody))] public class ChildMonsterController : MonoBehaviour { public CharacterBody characterBody; public EntityStateMachine stateMachine; public GameObject tpEffectPrefab; [Tooltip("If Child receives this much cumulative damage, they will start trying to teleport.")] [FormerlySerializedAs("frolicThreshold")] public float cumulativeDamageThresholdBeforeFrolic = 10f; [Tooltip("Does not apply to 'falling off cliffs!' teleporting.")] public float teleportCooldown = 20f; [Tooltip("Which skill slot is 'Frolic' (teleport) categorized as.")] public SkillSlot frolicSkillSlot; private float inAirTimer; public float amountToFallBeforeTp = 1.5f; private float cachedYPosition; private SkillLocator skillLocator; private float lastTeleportTimestamp = -1f; private float healthAtLastTeleport; private BaseState requestedTeleportState; private bool hasAuthority; private void Start() { skillLocator = characterBody.skillLocator; cachedYPosition = characterBody.corePosition.y; hasAuthority = Util.HasEffectiveAuthority(characterBody.networkIdentity); RegisterTeleport(addInvincibility: false); lastTeleportTimestamp = -1f; } private void Update() { if (characterBody == null || !characterBody.healthComponent.alive) { return; } TryRefreshTeleportAbility(); if (hasAuthority) { HandleFalling(); HandleCumulativeDamage(); if (requestedTeleportState != null) { SetNextStateToTeleport(); } } } private void SetNextStateToTeleport() { if (stateMachine.CanInterruptState(requestedTeleportState.GetMinimumInterruptPriority())) { stateMachine.SetNextState(requestedTeleportState); requestedTeleportState = null; } } private void HandleFalling() { if (!characterBody.characterMotor.isGrounded && characterBody.corePosition.y < cachedYPosition) { inAirTimer += Time.deltaTime; } else { inAirTimer = 0f; } cachedYPosition = characterBody.corePosition.y; if (inAirTimer > amountToFallBeforeTp) { inAirTimer = 0f; requestedTeleportState = new FrolicAway(); } } private void TryRefreshTeleportAbility() { if (lastTeleportTimestamp != -1f && CheckTeleportAvailable()) { lastTeleportTimestamp = -1f; } } private void HandleCumulativeDamage() { if (requestedTeleportState == null && CheckTeleportAvailable() && healthAtLastTeleport - >= cumulativeDamageThresholdBeforeFrolic) { requestedTeleportState = new Frolic(); } } public bool CheckTeleportAvailable() { if (lastTeleportTimestamp != -1f) { return Time.time - lastTeleportTimestamp >= teleportCooldown; } return true; } public void RegisterTeleport(bool addInvincibility = true) { lastTeleportTimestamp = Time.time; healthAtLastTeleport =; requestedTeleportState = null; skillLocator.GetSkill(frolicSkillSlot)?.DeductStock(100); if (addInvincibility && && !characterBody.HasBuff(RoR2Content.Buffs.HiddenInvincibility)) { characterBody.AddTimedBuff(RoR2Content.Buffs.HiddenInvincibility, 1.5f); } } }