using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Facepunch.Steamworks; using JetBrains.Annotations; using RoR2.Stats; using UnityEngine; using Zio; using Zio.FileSystems; namespace RoR2; public abstract class SaveSystem : SaveSystemBase { public bool isXmlReady; public bool isInitialLoadFinished; public MemoryStream configData; public UserProfile userProfile; protected readonly Dictionary latestWrittenRequestTimesByFile = new Dictionary(); public readonly Dictionary loadedUserProfiles = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); public readonly List badFileResults = new List(); public readonly List loggedInProfiles = new List(); private static float secondAccumulator; private const string userProfilesFolder = "/UserProfiles"; protected readonly Queue pendingOutputQueue = new Queue(); private readonly List activeTasks = new List(); public bool doesInitialDataExist { get { if (configData != null) { return userProfile != null; } return false; } } public static event Action onAvailableUserProfilesChanged; public static void SkipBOM(Stream stream) { long position = stream.Position; if (stream.Length - position < 3) { return; } int num = stream.ReadByte(); int num2 = stream.ReadByte(); if (num != 255 || num2 != 254) { int num3 = stream.ReadByte(); if (num != 239 || num2 != 187 || num3 != 191) { stream.Position = position; } } } public virtual void InitializeSaveSystem() { } public override void LoadInitialData() { } protected bool CanWrite(FileOutput fileOutput) { if (fileOutput.contents.Length == 0) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Cannot write UserProfile \"{0}\" with zero-length contents. This would erase the file."); return false; } if (latestWrittenRequestTimesByFile.TryGetValue(fileOutput.fileReference, out var value)) { return value < fileOutput.requestTime; } return true; } protected UserProfile AttemptToRecoverUserData(string profileXML) { string value = "", num); if (num4 != -1) { num3 = ((num3 != -1) ? (num3 - 1) : (profileXML.Length - 1)); string text2 = profileXML.Substring(num4 + 1, num3 - num4); array = text2.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Debug.LogError("Recovered achievements: " + text2); } } if (num2 != -1 && num2 + 1 < profileXML.Length) { int num5 = profileXML.IndexOf("<", num2 + 1); int num6 = profileXML.IndexOf(">", num2); if (num6 != -1) { num5 = ((num5 != -1) ? (num5 - 1) : (profileXML.Length - 1)); text = profileXML.Substring(num6 + 1, num5 - num6); Debug.LogError("Recovered coins: " + text); } } UserProfile userProfile = CreateGuestProfile(); if (array != null && array.Length != 0) { string[] array2 = array; foreach (string achievementName in array2) { userProfile.AddAchievement(achievementName, isExternal: true); } } else { Debug.LogError("XML didn't contain achievements!"); } uint result = 0u; if (text != null && uint.TryParse(text, out result)) { userProfile.coins = result; } else { Debug.LogError("XML didn't contain coins!"); } return userProfile; } protected void AddActiveTask(Task task) { lock (activeTasks) { activeTasks.Add(task); } } protected void RemoveActiveTask(Task task) { lock (activeTasks) { activeTasks.Remove(task); } } public void StaticUpdate() { secondAccumulator += Time.unscaledDeltaTime; if (secondAccumulator > 1f) { secondAccumulator -= 1f; foreach (UserProfile loggedInProfile in loggedInProfiles) { loggedInProfile.totalLoginSeconds++; } } foreach (UserProfile loggedInProfile2 in loggedInProfiles) { if (loggedInProfile2.saveRequestPending && Save(loggedInProfile2, blocking: false)) { loggedInProfile2.saveRequestPending = false; } } ProcessFileOutputQueue(); } public abstract void SaveHistory(byte[] data, string fileName); public abstract Dictionary LoadHistory(); public void RequestSave(UserProfile profile, bool immediate = false) { if (profile.canSave) { if (immediate) { Save(profile, blocking: true); } else { profile.saveRequestPending = true; } } } public bool Save(UserProfile data, bool blocking) { try { StartSave(data, blocking); return true; } catch { return false; } } public virtual void SaveData(byte[] inputData, string fileName) { Debug.LogError("Child class method not implemented"); } public void AddLoadedUserProfile(string name, UserProfile profile) { if (profile != null && !loadedUserProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { loadedUserProfiles.Add(name, profile); } } public void RemoveLoadedUserProfile(ulong saveId) { foreach (UserProfile value in loadedUserProfiles.Values) { if (value.saveID == saveId) { loadedUserProfiles.Remove(; break; } } } public List GetAvailableProfileNames() { List list = new List(); foreach (KeyValuePair loadedUserProfile in loadedUserProfiles) { if (!loadedUserProfile.Value.isClaimed) { list.Add(loadedUserProfile.Key); } } list.Sort(); return list; } public UserProfile GetProfile(string profileName) { profileName = profileName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (loadedUserProfiles.TryGetValue(profileName, out var value)) { return value; } return null; } public virtual UserProfile CreateProfile(IFileSystem fileSystem, string name, ulong platformUserID = 0uL) { UserProfile newProfile = UserProfile.FromXml(UserProfile.ToXml(UserProfile.defaultProfile)); PlatformInitProfile(ref newProfile, fileSystem, name); newProfile.saveID = platformUserID; newProfile.isInUse = true; AddLoadedUserProfile(, newProfile); Save(newProfile, blocking: true); SaveSystem.onAvailableUserProfilesChanged?.Invoke(); return newProfile; } protected virtual void PlatformInitProfile(ref UserProfile newProfile, IFileSystem fileSystem, string name) { newProfile.fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); newProfile.fileSystem = fileSystem; newProfile.filePath = "/UserProfiles/" + newProfile.fileName + ".xml"; = name; newProfile.canSave = true; } public UserProfile CreateGuestProfile() { UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(); Copy(UserProfile.defaultProfile, userProfile); = "Guest"; return userProfile; } public override void LoadUserProfiles() { badFileResults.Clear(); loadedUserProfiles.Clear(); UserProfile.LoadDefaultProfile(); FileSystem cloudStorage = RoR2Application.cloudStorage; if (cloudStorage != null) { if (!cloudStorage.DirectoryExists("/UserProfiles")) { cloudStorage.CreateDirectory("/UserProfiles"); } foreach (UPath item2 in cloudStorage.EnumeratePaths("/UserProfiles")) { if (cloudStorage.FileExists(item2) && string.CompareOrdinal(item2.GetExtensionWithDot(), ".xml") == 0) { LoadUserProfileOperationResult item = LoadUserProfileFromDisk(cloudStorage, item2); UserProfile userProfile = item.userProfile; if (userProfile != null) { loadedUserProfiles[userProfile.fileName] = userProfile; } if (item.exception != null) { badFileResults.Add(item); } } } OutputBadFileResults(); SaveSystem.onAvailableUserProfilesChanged?.Invoke(); } else { Debug.LogError("cloud storage is null"); } } private void OutputBadFileResults() { if (badFileResults.Count == 0) { return; } try { using Stream stream = RoR2Application.fileSystem.CreateFile(new UPath("/bad_profiles.log")); using TextWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(stream); foreach (LoadUserProfileOperationResult badFileResult in badFileResults) { textWriter.WriteLine("Failed to load file \"{0}\" ({1}B)", badFileResult.fileName, badFileResult.fileLength); textWriter.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", badFileResult.exception); textWriter.Write("Base64 Contents: "); textWriter.WriteLine(badFileResult.failureContents ?? string.Empty); textWriter.WriteLine(string.Empty); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogFormat("Could not write bad UserProfile load log! Reason: {0}", ex.Message); } } public virtual void Shutdown() { foreach (UserProfile loggedInProfile in loggedInProfiles) { RequestSave(loggedInProfile, immediate: true); } } public virtual void SaveLoggedInUserProfiles() { foreach (UserProfile loggedInProfile in loggedInProfiles) { RequestSave(loggedInProfile); } } public static void Copy(UserProfile src, UserProfile dest) { dest.fileSystem = src.fileSystem; dest.filePath = src.filePath; StatSheet.Copy(src.statSheet, dest.statSheet); src.loadout.Copy(dest.loadout); dest.tutorialSprint = src.tutorialSprint; dest.tutorialDifficulty = src.tutorialDifficulty; dest.tutorialEquipment = src.tutorialEquipment; SaveFieldAttribute[] saveFields = UserProfile.saveFields; for (int i = 0; i < saveFields.Length; i++) { saveFields[i].copier(src, dest); } dest.isClaimed = false; dest.canSave = false; dest.fileName = src.fileName; dest.onPickupDiscovered = null; dest.onStatsReceived = null; dest.loggedIn = false; } protected void EnqueueFileOutput(FileOutput fileOutput) { lock (pendingOutputQueue) { pendingOutputQueue.Enqueue(fileOutput); } } private static bool ProfileNameIsReserved([NotNull] string profileName) { return string.Equals("default", profileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } [ConCommand(commandName = "user_profile_save", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Saves the named profile to disk, if it exists.")] private static void CCUserProfileSave(ConCommandArgs args) { args.CheckArgumentCount(1); string text = args[0]; if (ProfileNameIsReserved(text)) { Debug.LogFormat("Cannot save profile \"{0}\", it is a reserved profile.", text); return; } UserProfile profile = PlatformSystems.saveSystem.GetProfile(text); if (profile == null) { Debug.LogFormat("Could not find profile \"{0}\" to save.", text); } else { profile.RequestEventualSave(); } } [ConCommand(commandName = "user_profile_copy", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Copies the profile named by the first argument to a new profile named by the second argument. This does not save the profile.")] private static void CCUserProfileCopy(ConCommandArgs args) { args.CheckArgumentCount(2); string text = args[0].ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string text2 = args[1].ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); UserProfile profile = PlatformSystems.saveSystem.GetProfile(text); if (profile == null) { Debug.LogFormat("Profile {0} does not exist, so it cannot be copied.", text); return; } if (PlatformSystems.saveSystem.GetProfile(text2) != null) { Debug.LogFormat("Profile {0} already exists, and cannot be copied to.", text2); return; } UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(); Copy(profile, userProfile); userProfile.fileSystem = profile.fileSystem ?? RoR2Application.cloudStorage; userProfile.filePath = "/UserProfiles/" + text2 + ".xml"; userProfile.fileName = text2; userProfile.canSave = true; PlatformSystems.saveSystem.loadedUserProfiles[text2] = userProfile; SaveSystem.onAvailableUserProfilesChanged?.Invoke(); } [ConCommand(commandName = "user_profile_delete", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Unloads the named user profile and deletes it from the disk if it exists.")] private static void CCUserProfileDelete(ConCommandArgs args) { args.CheckArgumentCount(1); string text = args[0]; if (ProfileNameIsReserved(text)) { Debug.LogFormat("Cannot delete profile \"{0}\", it is a reserved profile.", text); } else { DeleteUserProfile(text); } } private static void DeleteUserProfile(string fileName) { fileName = fileName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); UserProfile profile = PlatformSystems.saveSystem.GetProfile(fileName); if (PlatformSystems.saveSystem.loadedUserProfiles.ContainsKey(fileName)) { PlatformSystems.saveSystem.loadedUserProfiles.Remove(fileName); } if (profile != null && profile.fileSystem != null) { profile.fileSystem.DeleteFile(profile.filePath); } SaveSystem.onAvailableUserProfilesChanged?.Invoke(); } [ConCommand(commandName = "create_corrupted_profiles", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Creates corrupted user profiles.")] private static void CCCreateCorruptedProfiles(ConCommandArgs args) { FileSystem fileSystem = RoR2Application.cloudStorage; WriteFile("empty", ""); WriteFile("truncated", "\r\n\r\n"); WriteFile("multiroot", "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"); WriteFile("outoforder", "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"); void WriteFile(string fileName, string contents) { using Stream stream = fileSystem.OpenFile("/UserProfiles/" + fileName + ".xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); using (TextWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(stream)) { textWriter.Write(contents.ToCharArray()); textWriter.Flush(); } stream.Flush(); } } [ConCommand(commandName = "userprofile_test_buffer_overflow", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "")] private static void CCUserProfileTestBufferOverflow(ConCommandArgs args) { args.CheckArgumentCount(1); int num = 128; _ = RoR2Application.cloudStorage; RemoteFile remoteFile = Client.Instance.RemoteStorage.OpenFile(args[0]); _ = remoteFile.SizeInBytes; FieldInfo field = remoteFile.GetType().GetField("_sizeInBytes", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); int num2 = (int)field.GetValue(remoteFile); field.SetValue(remoteFile, num2 + num); byte[] array = remoteFile.ReadAllBytes(); byte[] array2 = new byte[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { array2[i] = array[num2 + i]; } GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(array2); field.SetValue(remoteFile, num2); } }