using System.Collections.Generic; using RoR2.Projectile; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace RoR2; public class SeekerSoulSpiralManager { public enum SoulSpiralCommandType { RegisterIncomingSpiral, Boost, EndBoost } public SeekerController seekerController; private NetworkIdentity seekerNetworkIdentity; public CharacterBody seekerBody; private SoulSpiralProjectile[] soulSpiralArray; private SoulSpiralOrbiter soulSpiralOrbiter; private static GameObject soulSpiralBoostVFXPrefab; private static string soulSpiralBoostVFXPrefabGuid = "085f424d57ade224388b2ec514439cd9"; private static string soulSpiralBoostVFXParentName = "Base"; private EffectManagerHelper boostFXInstance; private Transform boostFXParent; public bool runFixedUpdate; private int soulSpiralLimit = 6; private int spiralsRequested; private int nextIndex; public bool hasAuthority { get { if (seekerNetworkIdentity == null) { return false; } return Util.HasEffectiveAuthority(seekerNetworkIdentity); } } public SeekerSoulSpiralManager(SeekerController _seekerController) { seekerController = _seekerController; seekerNetworkIdentity = _seekerController.GetComponent(); seekerBody = _seekerController.GetComponent(); soulSpiralArray = new SoulSpiralProjectile[soulSpiralLimit * 2]; soulSpiralOrbiter = new SoulSpiralOrbiter(_seekerController, this); ChildLocator childLocator = seekerBody.modelLocator?.modelTransform.GetComponent(); if (childLocator != null) { int childIndex = childLocator.FindChildIndex(soulSpiralBoostVFXParentName); boostFXParent = childLocator.FindChild(childIndex)?.transform; } if (!(soulSpiralBoostVFXPrefab == null)) { return; } if (!Addressables.LoadAssetAsync(soulSpiralBoostVFXPrefabGuid).IsValid()) { Debug.LogError("SeekerSoulSpiralManager failed to load " + soulSpiralBoostVFXPrefabGuid + ". Check the path and try again?"); return; } LegacyResourcesAPI.LoadAsyncCallback(soulSpiralBoostVFXPrefabGuid, delegate(GameObject result) { soulSpiralBoostVFXPrefab = result; }); } public void ReceiveSpiralCommand(SoulSpiralCommandType msg) { switch (msg) { case SoulSpiralCommandType.RegisterIncomingSpiral: RegisterIncomingSpiral(); break; case SoulSpiralCommandType.Boost: BoostSpirals(); break; case SoulSpiralCommandType.EndBoost: NonAuthorityEndBoost(); break; } } public void MyFixedUpdate() { soulSpiralOrbiter.UpdateSpirals(ref soulSpiralArray); } public void FireSoulSpiral(FireProjectileInfo projectileInfo) { runFixedUpdate = hasAuthority; if (!CheckOurSpiralBudget()) { BoostSpirals(); } else { FireSoulSpiralInternal(projectileInfo); } } public void BoostSpirals() { FireBoostFX(); if (hasAuthority) { soulSpiralOrbiter.BoostAuthority(); } } public void FireBoostFX() { if (!(boostFXParent == null)) { if (boostFXInstance != null && boostFXInstance.gameObject.activeSelf) { EndBoostFX(); } boostFXInstance = EffectManager.GetAndActivatePooledEffect(soulSpiralBoostVFXPrefab, boostFXParent, inResetLocal: true); boostFXInstance.transform.SetParent(boostFXParent, worldPositionStays: false); } } public void EndBoostFX() { if (!(boostFXInstance == null)) { boostFXInstance.ReturnToPool(); } } public void NonAuthorityEndBoost() { EndBoostFX(); int num = soulSpiralArray.Length; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (!(soulSpiralArray[i] == null)) { soulSpiralArray[i].EndBoost(); } } } private void FireSoulSpiralInternal(FireProjectileInfo projectileInfo) { RegisterIncomingSpiral(); ProjectileManager.instance.FireProjectile(projectileInfo); } public void RegisterIncomingSpiral() { if (spiralsRequested < 1) { RoR2Application.onUpdate += DiscoverUnassignedSpirals; } spiralsRequested++; } private void DiscoverUnassignedSpirals() { if (seekerController == null) { StopListeningForUnassignedSpirals(); return; } if (spiralsRequested > 0) { List unassignedSoulSpirals = SoulSpiralProjectile.unassignedSoulSpirals; int count = unassignedSoulSpirals.Count; bool flag = hasAuthority; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SoulSpiralProjectile soulSpiralProjectile = unassignedSoulSpirals[i]; if (!(soulSpiralProjectile == null) && !(soulSpiralProjectile.projectileController.owner != seekerController.gameObject)) { if (!TryToCacheSoulSpiral(soulSpiralProjectile, out var spiralPosition)) { break; } soulSpiralProjectile.AssignSpiralOwner(this); if (flag) { SetSpiralOrbitPosition(soulSpiralProjectile, spiralPosition); } if (!soulSpiralProjectile.projectileController.isPrediction) { spiralsRequested--; } } } } if (spiralsRequested < 1) { RoR2Application.onUpdate -= DiscoverUnassignedSpirals; } } private bool TryToCacheSoulSpiral(SoulSpiralProjectile soulSpiral, out int spiralPosition) { spiralPosition = -1; for (int i = 0; i < soulSpiralLimit; i++) { if (soulSpiralArray[nextIndex] == null) { if (soulSpiral.projectileController.isPrediction) { soulSpiralArray[nextIndex * 2] = soulSpiral; } else { soulSpiralArray[nextIndex] = soulSpiral; } spiralPosition = nextIndex; if (!soulSpiral.projectileController.isPrediction) { nextIndex = (nextIndex + 1) % soulSpiralLimit; } soulSpiralOrbiter.ResetValues(soulSpiral); return true; } nextIndex = (nextIndex + 1) % soulSpiralLimit; } return false; } private bool CheckOurSpiralBudget() { int num = spiralsRequested; for (int i = 0; i < soulSpiralLimit; i++) { if (soulSpiralArray[i] != null) { num++; } } return num < soulSpiralLimit; } private float GetSoulSpiralOffsetDegreesByIndex(int index) { return index switch { 1 => 240f, 2 => 120f, 3 => 300f, 4 => 60f, 5 => 180f, _ => 0f, }; } private void SetSpiralOrbitPosition(SoulSpiralProjectile soulSpiral, int positionIndex) { soulSpiral.SetInitialDegreesFromOwnerForward(GetSoulSpiralOffsetDegreesByIndex(positionIndex), positionIndex); } public void ShutdownAndCleanupSpirals() { if ( { DestroyAllSpirals(); CatchAndDestroyUnassignedSpirals(); } StopListeningForUnassignedSpirals(); runFixedUpdate = false; } private void CatchAndDestroyUnassignedSpirals() { if (seekerController == null || seekerController.gameObject == null) { return; } List unassignedSoulSpirals = SoulSpiralProjectile.unassignedSoulSpirals; for (int num = unassignedSoulSpirals.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { SoulSpiralProjectile soulSpiralProjectile = unassignedSoulSpirals[num]; if (!(soulSpiralProjectile == null) && !(soulSpiralProjectile.projectileController.owner != seekerController.gameObject)) { soulSpiralProjectile.DestroySpiral(); } } } private void StopListeningForUnassignedSpirals() { if (spiralsRequested > 0) { RoR2Application.onUpdate -= DiscoverUnassignedSpirals; } spiralsRequested = 0; } public void DestroyAllSpirals() { if (! { return; } runFixedUpdate = false; int num = soulSpiralArray.Length; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (soulSpiralArray[i] != null) { soulSpiralArray[i].DestroySpiral(); } } } }