using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace RoR2.UI; [RequireComponent(typeof(MPEventSystemLocator))] public class ChatBox : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Cached Components")] public TMP_InputField messagesText; public TMP_InputField inputField; public Button sendButton; public Graphic[] gameplayHiddenGraphics; public RectTransform standardChatboxRect; public RectTransform expandedChatboxRect; public ScrollRect scrollRect; [Tooltip("The canvas group to use to fade this chat box. Leave empty for no fading behavior.")] public CanvasGroup fadeGroup; [Header("Parameters")] public bool allowExpandedChatbox; public bool deselectAfterSubmitChat; public bool deactivateInputFieldIfInactive; public float fadeWait = 5f; public float fadeDuration = 5f; private float fadeTimer; [Tooltip("If we're limiting the number of lines to display on this platform, only display this many lines")] public int lineCountLimit; private MPEventSystemLocator eventSystemLocator; private bool _showInput; private bool showKeybindTipOnStart => Chat.readOnlyLog.Count == 0; private bool showInput { get { return _showInput; } set { if (_showInput != value) { _showInput = value; RebuildChatRects(); if ((bool)inputField && deactivateInputFieldIfInactive) { inputField.gameObject.SetActive(_showInput); } if ((bool)sendButton) { sendButton.gameObject.SetActive(_showInput); } for (int i = 0; i < gameplayHiddenGraphics.Length; i++) { gameplayHiddenGraphics[i].enabled = _showInput; } if (_showInput) { FocusInputField(); } else { UnfocusInputField(); } } } } private void UpdateFade(float deltaTime) { fadeTimer -= deltaTime; if ((bool)fadeGroup) { float alpha; if (!showInput) { alpha = ((fadeTimer < 0f) ? 0f : ((!(fadeTimer < fadeDuration)) ? 1f : Mathf.Sqrt(Util.Remap(fadeTimer, fadeDuration, 0f, 1f, 0f)))); } else { alpha = 1f; ResetFadeTimer(); } fadeGroup.alpha = alpha; } } private void ResetFadeTimer() { fadeTimer = fadeDuration + fadeWait; } public void SetShowInput(bool value) { showInput = value; } public void SubmitChat() { string text = inputField.text; if (text != "") { inputField.text = ""; ReadOnlyCollection readOnlyLocalPlayersList = NetworkUser.readOnlyLocalPlayersList; if (readOnlyLocalPlayersList.Count > 0) { string text2 = text; text2 = text2.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); text2 = text2.Replace("\"", "\\\""); Console.instance.SubmitCmd(readOnlyLocalPlayersList[0], "say \"" + text2 + "\""); } } Debug.LogFormat("SubmitChat() submittedText={0}", text); if (deselectAfterSubmitChat) { showInput = false; } else { FocusInputField(); } } public void OnInputFieldEndEdit() { } private void Awake() { eventSystemLocator = GetComponent(); showInput = true; showInput = false; Chat.onChatChanged += OnChatChangedHandler; } private void OnDestroy() { Chat.onChatChanged -= OnChatChangedHandler; } private void Start() { if (showKeybindTipOnStart && !RoR2Application.isInSinglePlayer) { Chat.AddMessage(Language.GetString("CHAT_KEYBIND_TIP")); } BuildChat(); ScrollToBottom(); inputField.resetOnDeActivation = true; Action callback = delegate { if (PlatformSystems.userManager.CurrentUserHasRestriction(UserManager.PlatformRestriction.TextChat)) { inputField.gameObject.SetActive(value: false); } }; if (PlatformSystems.userManager.CurrentUserHasRestriction(UserManager.PlatformRestriction.TextChat, callback)) { inputField.gameObject.SetActive(value: false); } } private void OnEnable() { BuildChat(); ScrollToBottom(); Invoke("ScrollToBottom", 0f); } private void OnDisable() { } private void OnChatChangedHandler() { ResetFadeTimer(); if (base.enabled) { BuildChat(); ScrollToBottom(); } } public void ScrollToBottom() { messagesText.verticalScrollbar.value = 0f; messagesText.verticalScrollbar.value = 1f; } private void BuildChat() { ReadOnlyCollection readOnlyLog = Chat.readOnlyLog; int count = readOnlyLog.Count; string[] array = new string[count]; readOnlyLog.CopyTo(array, 0); int num = count; messagesText.text = string.Join("\n", array, count - num, num); RebuildChatRects(); } private void Update() { if (PlatformSystems.userManager.CurrentUserHasRestriction(UserManager.PlatformRestriction.TextChat)) { return; } VirtualTextChatLookForInput(); UpdateFade(Time.deltaTime); MPEventSystem eventSystem = eventSystemLocator.eventSystem; GameObject gameObject = (eventSystem ? eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject : null); bool flag = false; flag = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadEnter); if (!showInput && flag && !(ConsoleWindow.instance != null)) { showInput = true; } else if (gameObject == inputField.gameObject) { if (flag) { if (showInput) { SubmitChat(); } else if (!gameObject) { showInput = true; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { showInput = false; } } else { showInput = false; } } private void RebuildChatRects() { RectTransform component = scrollRect.GetComponent(); component.SetParent((showInput && allowExpandedChatbox) ? expandedChatboxRect : standardChatboxRect); component.offsetMin =; component.offsetMax =; ScrollToBottom(); } private void FocusInputField() { MPEventSystem eventSystem = eventSystemLocator.eventSystem; if ((bool)eventSystem) { eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(inputField.gameObject); } inputField.ActivateInputField(); inputField.text = ""; } private void UnfocusInputField() { MPEventSystem eventSystem = eventSystemLocator.eventSystem; if ((bool)eventSystem && eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject == inputField.gameObject) { eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(null); } inputField.DeactivateInputField(); } public void VritualTextChatStart() { } public void VirtualTextChatSubmit() { } private void VirtualTextChatLookForInput() { } }