using System; using HG; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace RoR2.Projectile; [RequireComponent(typeof(ProjectileController))] public class ProjectileExplosion : MonoBehaviour { protected ProjectileController projectileController; protected ProjectileDamage projectileDamage; protected bool alive = true; [Header("Main Properties")] public BlastAttack.FalloffModel falloffModel = BlastAttack.FalloffModel.Linear; public float blastRadius; [Tooltip("The percentage of the damage, proc coefficient, and force of the initial projectile. Ranges from 0-1")] public float blastDamageCoefficient; public float blastProcCoefficient = 1f; public AttackerFiltering blastAttackerFiltering; public Vector3 bonusBlastForce; public bool canRejectForce = true; public HealthComponent projectileHealthComponent; public GameObject explosionEffect; [Obsolete("This sound will not play over the network. Provide the sound via the prefab referenced by explosionEffect instead.", false)] [ShowFieldObsolete] [Tooltip("This sound will not play over the network. Provide the sound via the prefab referenced by explosionEffect instead.")] public string explosionSoundString; [Header("Child Properties")] [Tooltip("Does this projectile release children on death?")] public bool fireChildren; public GameObject childrenProjectilePrefab; public int childrenCount; [Tooltip("What percentage of our damage does the children get?")] public float childrenDamageCoefficient; [ShowFieldObsolete] [Tooltip("How to randomize the orientation of children")] public Vector3 minAngleOffset; [ShowFieldObsolete] public Vector3 maxAngleOffset; public float minRollDegrees; public float rangeRollDegrees; public float minPitchDegrees; public float rangePitchDegrees; [Tooltip("useLocalSpaceForChildren is unused by ProjectileImpactExplosion")] public bool useLocalSpaceForChildren; [Tooltip("If true, applies a DoT given the following properties")] [Header("DoT Properties")] public bool applyDot; public DotController.DotIndex dotIndex = DotController.DotIndex.None; [Tooltip("Duration in seconds of the DoT. Unused if calculateTotalDamage is true.")] public float dotDuration; [Tooltip("Multiplier on the per-tick damage")] public float dotDamageMultiplier = 1f; [Tooltip("If true, we cap the numer of DoT stacks for this attacker.")] public bool applyMaxStacksFromAttacker; [Tooltip("The maximum number of stacks that we can apply for this attacker")] public uint maxStacksFromAttacker = uint.MaxValue; [Tooltip("If true, we disregard the duration and instead specify the total damage.")] public bool calculateTotalDamage; [Tooltip("totalDamage = totalDamageMultiplier * attacker's damage")] public float totalDamageMultiplier; protected virtual void Awake() { projectileController = GetComponent(); projectileDamage = GetComponent(); } public void Detonate() { if ( { DetonateServer(); } UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(base.gameObject); } protected void DetonateServer() { if ((bool)explosionEffect) { EffectManager.SpawnEffect(explosionEffect, new EffectData { origin = base.transform.position, scale = blastRadius }, transmit: true); } if ((bool)projectileDamage) { BlastAttack blastAttack = new BlastAttack(); blastAttack.position = base.transform.position; blastAttack.baseDamage = projectileDamage.damage * blastDamageCoefficient; blastAttack.baseForce = projectileDamage.force * blastDamageCoefficient; blastAttack.radius = blastRadius; blastAttack.attacker = (projectileController.owner ? projectileController.owner.gameObject : null); blastAttack.inflictor = base.gameObject; blastAttack.teamIndex = projectileController.teamFilter.teamIndex; blastAttack.crit = projectileDamage.crit; blastAttack.procChainMask = projectileController.procChainMask; blastAttack.procCoefficient = projectileController.procCoefficient * blastProcCoefficient; blastAttack.bonusForce = bonusBlastForce; blastAttack.falloffModel = falloffModel; blastAttack.damageColorIndex = projectileDamage.damageColorIndex; blastAttack.damageType = projectileDamage.damageType; blastAttack.attackerFiltering = blastAttackerFiltering; blastAttack.canRejectForce = canRejectForce; BlastAttack.Result result = blastAttack.Fire(); OnBlastAttackResult(blastAttack, result); } if (explosionSoundString.Length > 0) { Util.PlaySound(explosionSoundString, base.gameObject); } if (fireChildren) { for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { FireChild(); } } } protected Quaternion GetRandomChildRollPitch() { Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(minRollDegrees + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, rangeRollDegrees), Vector3.forward); Quaternion quaternion2 = Quaternion.AngleAxis(minPitchDegrees + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, rangePitchDegrees), Vector3.left); return quaternion * quaternion2; } protected virtual Quaternion GetRandomDirectionForChild() { Quaternion randomChildRollPitch = GetRandomChildRollPitch(); if (useLocalSpaceForChildren) { return base.transform.rotation * randomChildRollPitch; } return randomChildRollPitch; } protected void FireChild() { Quaternion randomDirectionForChild = GetRandomDirectionForChild(); GameObject obj = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(childrenProjectilePrefab, base.transform.position, randomDirectionForChild); ProjectileController component = obj.GetComponent(); if ((bool)component) { component.procChainMask = projectileController.procChainMask; component.procCoefficient = projectileController.procCoefficient; component.Networkowner = projectileController.owner; } obj.GetComponent().teamIndex = GetComponent().teamIndex; ProjectileDamage component2 = obj.GetComponent(); if ((bool)component2) { component2.damage = projectileDamage.damage * childrenDamageCoefficient; component2.crit = projectileDamage.crit; component2.force = projectileDamage.force; component2.damageColorIndex = projectileDamage.damageColorIndex; } NetworkServer.Spawn(obj); } public void SetExplosionRadius(float newRadius) { blastRadius = newRadius; } public void SetAlive(bool newAlive) { alive = newAlive; } public bool GetAlive() { if (! { return false; } return alive; } protected virtual void OnValidate() { if (!Application.IsPlaying(this) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(explosionSoundString)) { Debug.LogWarningFormat(base.gameObject, "{0} ProjectileImpactExplosion component supplies a value in the explosionSoundString field. This will not play correctly over the network. Please move the sound to the explosion effect.", Util.GetGameObjectHierarchyName(base.gameObject)); } } protected virtual void OnBlastAttackResult(BlastAttack blastAttack, BlastAttack.Result result) { if (!applyDot) { return; } CharacterBody characterBody = blastAttack.attacker?.GetComponent(); BlastAttack.HitPoint[] hitPoints = result.hitPoints; for (int i = 0; i < hitPoints.Length; i++) { BlastAttack.HitPoint hitPoint = hitPoints[i]; if ((bool)hitPoint.hurtBox && (bool)hitPoint.hurtBox.healthComponent) { InflictDotInfo inflictDotInfo = default(InflictDotInfo); inflictDotInfo.victimObject = hitPoint.hurtBox.healthComponent.gameObject; inflictDotInfo.attackerObject = blastAttack.attacker; inflictDotInfo.dotIndex = dotIndex; inflictDotInfo.damageMultiplier = dotDamageMultiplier; InflictDotInfo dotInfo = inflictDotInfo; if (calculateTotalDamage && (bool)characterBody) { dotInfo.totalDamage = characterBody.damage * totalDamageMultiplier; } else { dotInfo.duration = dotDuration; } if (applyMaxStacksFromAttacker) { dotInfo.maxStacksFromAttacker = maxStacksFromAttacker; } if ((bool)characterBody && (bool)characterBody.inventory) { StrengthenBurnUtils.CheckDotForUpgrade(characterBody.inventory, ref dotInfo); } DotController.InflictDot(ref dotInfo); } } } }