using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2; public class IKTargetPassive : MonoBehaviour, IIKTargetBehavior { private float smoothedTargetHeightOffset; private float targetHeightOffset; private float smoothdampVelocity; public float minHeight = -0.3f; public float maxHeight = 1f; public float dampTime = 0.1f; public float baseOffset; [Tooltip("The IK weight float parameter if used")] public string animatorIKWeightFloat = ""; public Animator animator; [Tooltip("The target transform will plant without any calls from external IK chains")] public bool selfPlant; public float selfPlantFrequency = 5f; [Tooltip("Whether or not to cache where the raycast begins. Used when not attached to bones, who reset themselves via animator.")] public bool cacheFirstPosition; private Vector3 cachedLocalPosition; private float selfPlantTimer; public void UpdateIKState(int targetState) { } private void Awake() { if (cacheFirstPosition) { cachedLocalPosition = base.transform.localPosition; } } private void LateUpdate() { selfPlantTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (selfPlant && selfPlantTimer <= 0f) { selfPlantTimer = 1f / selfPlantFrequency; UpdateIKTargetPosition(); } UpdateYOffset(); } public void UpdateIKTargetPosition() { ResetTransformToCachedPosition(); if (Physics.Raycast(base.transform.position + Vector3.up * (0f - minHeight), Vector3.down, out var hitInfo, maxHeight - minHeight, { targetHeightOffset = hitInfo.point.y - base.transform.position.y; } else { targetHeightOffset = 0f; } targetHeightOffset += baseOffset; } public void UpdateYOffset() { float t = 1f; if ((bool)animator && animatorIKWeightFloat.Length > 0) { t = animator.GetFloat(animatorIKWeightFloat); } smoothedTargetHeightOffset = Mathf.SmoothDamp(smoothedTargetHeightOffset, targetHeightOffset, ref smoothdampVelocity, dampTime, float.PositiveInfinity, Time.deltaTime); ResetTransformToCachedPosition(); base.transform.position = new Vector3(base.transform.position.x, base.transform.position.y + Mathf.Lerp(0f, smoothedTargetHeightOffset, t), base.transform.position.z); } private void ResetTransformToCachedPosition() { if (cacheFirstPosition) { base.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(cachedLocalPosition.x, cachedLocalPosition.y, cachedLocalPosition.z); } } }