using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace RoR2; [RequireComponent(typeof(CombatSquad))] public class ScriptedCombatEncounter : MonoBehaviour { [Serializable] public struct SpawnInfo { public SpawnCard spawnCard; public Transform explicitSpawnPosition; [Tooltip("The chance that this spawn card will be culled, removing it from the list. A value of 0 means it is guaranteed.")] [Range(0f, 100f)] public float cullChance; } public ulong seed; public bool randomizeSeed; public TeamIndex teamIndex; public SpawnInfo[] spawns; public bool spawnOnStart; public bool grantUniqueBonusScaling = true; private Xoroshiro128Plus rng; public CombatSquad combatSquad { get; private set; } public bool hasSpawnedServer { get; private set; } public event Action onBeginEncounter; private void Awake() { combatSquad = GetComponent(); hasSpawnedServer = false; if ( { rng = new Xoroshiro128Plus(randomizeSeed ? Run.instance.stageRng.nextUlong : seed); } } private void Start() { if ( && spawnOnStart) { BeginEncounter(); } } private void Spawn(ref SpawnInfo spawnInfo) { Vector3 position = base.transform.position; DirectorPlacementRule directorPlacementRule = new DirectorPlacementRule { placementMode = DirectorPlacementRule.PlacementMode.NearestNode, minDistance = 0f, maxDistance = 1000f, position = position }; if ((bool)spawnInfo.explicitSpawnPosition) { directorPlacementRule.placementMode = DirectorPlacementRule.PlacementMode.Direct; directorPlacementRule.spawnOnTarget = spawnInfo.explicitSpawnPosition; } DirectorSpawnRequest directorSpawnRequest = new DirectorSpawnRequest(spawnInfo.spawnCard, directorPlacementRule, rng); directorSpawnRequest.ignoreTeamMemberLimit = true; directorSpawnRequest.teamIndexOverride = teamIndex; directorSpawnRequest.onSpawnedServer = (Action)Delegate.Combine(directorSpawnRequest.onSpawnedServer, new Action(HandleSpawn)); DirectorCore.instance.TrySpawnObject(directorSpawnRequest); void HandleSpawn(SpawnCard.SpawnResult spawnResult) { GameObject spawnedInstance = spawnResult.spawnedInstance; if ((bool)spawnedInstance) { hasSpawnedServer = true; CharacterMaster component = spawnedInstance.GetComponent(); if (grantUniqueBonusScaling) { float num = 1f; float num2 = 1f; num += Run.instance.difficultyCoefficient / 2.5f; num2 += Run.instance.difficultyCoefficient / 30f; int num3 = Mathf.Max(1, Run.instance.livingPlayerCount); num *= Mathf.Pow(num3, 0.5f); Debug.LogFormat("Scripted Combat Encounter: currentBoostHpCoefficient={0}, currentBoostDamageCoefficient={1}", num, num2); component.inventory.GiveItem(RoR2Content.Items.BoostHp, Mathf.RoundToInt((num - 1f) * 10f)); component.inventory.GiveItem(RoR2Content.Items.BoostDamage, Mathf.RoundToInt((num2 - 1f) * 10f)); } if (RunArtifactManager.instance.IsArtifactEnabled(RoR2Content.Artifacts.eliteOnlyArtifactDef)) { EliteDef[] array = new EliteDef[4] { RoR2Content.Elites.Fire, RoR2Content.Elites.Lightning, RoR2Content.Elites.Ice, DLC1Content.Elites.Earth }; int num4 = rng.RangeInt(0, array.Length); EquipmentIndex equipmentIndex = array[num4]?.eliteEquipmentDef?.equipmentIndex ?? EquipmentIndex.None; if (equipmentIndex != EquipmentIndex.None) { component.inventory.SetEquipmentIndex(equipmentIndex); } } combatSquad.AddMember(component); } else { Debug.LogFormat("No spawned master from combat group!"); } } } public void BeginEncounter() { if (hasSpawnedServer || ! { return; } for (int i = 0; i < spawns.Length; i++) { ref SpawnInfo reference = ref spawns[i]; if (!(rng.nextNormalizedFloat * 100f < reference.cullChance)) { Spawn(ref reference); } } this.onBeginEncounter?.Invoke(this); } }