using System; using System.Linq; using RoR2.ExpansionManagement; using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2; [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "RoR2/DCCS/DccsPool")] public class DccsPool : ScriptableObject { [Serializable] public class PoolEntry : ISerializationCallbackReceiver { public DirectorCardCategorySelection dccs; [Tooltip("The weight of this entry relative to its siblings")] public float weight; [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected bool hasBeenSerialized; public void OnBeforeSerialize() { hasBeenSerialized = true; } public virtual void OnAfterDeserialize() { if (!hasBeenSerialized) { weight = 1f; } } } [Serializable] public class ConditionalPoolEntry : PoolEntry { [Tooltip("ALL expansions in this list must be enabled for this run for this entry to be considered.")] public ExpansionDef[] requiredExpansions; } [Serializable] public class Category : ISerializationCallbackReceiver { [Tooltip("A name to help identify this category")] public string name; [Tooltip("The weight of all entries in this category relative to the sibling categories.")] public float categoryWeight = 1f; [Tooltip("These entries are always considered.")] public PoolEntry[] alwaysIncluded; [Tooltip("These entries are only considered if their individual conditions are met.")] public ConditionalPoolEntry[] includedIfConditionsMet; [Tooltip("These entries are considered only if no entries from 'includedIfConditionsMet' have been included.")] public PoolEntry[] includedIfNoConditionsMet; [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected bool hasBeenSerialized; public void OnBeforeSerialize() { hasBeenSerialized = true; } public void OnAfterDeserialize() { if (!hasBeenSerialized) { categoryWeight = 1f; } } } [SerializeField] private Category[] poolCategories; internal DirectorCardCategorySelection TrySelectPool(string selectionName) { return poolCategories.FirstOrDefault((Category category) => category.includedIfConditionsMet.Any((ConditionalPoolEntry entry) => == selectionName))?.includedIfConditionsMet.First().dccs; } public WeightedSelection GenerateWeightedSelection() { WeightedSelection weightedSelection = new WeightedSelection(); Category[] array = poolCategories; foreach (Category category in array) { float num = SumAllWeightsInCategory(category); if (!(num > 0f)) { continue; } float num2 = category.categoryWeight / num; PoolEntry[] alwaysIncluded = category.alwaysIncluded; foreach (PoolEntry poolEntry in alwaysIncluded) { if (poolEntry.dccs.IsAvailable()) { weightedSelection.AddChoice(poolEntry.dccs, poolEntry.weight * num2); } } bool flag = false; ConditionalPoolEntry[] includedIfConditionsMet = category.includedIfConditionsMet; foreach (ConditionalPoolEntry conditionalPoolEntry in includedIfConditionsMet) { if (conditionalPoolEntry.dccs.IsAvailable() && AreConditionsMet(conditionalPoolEntry)) { weightedSelection.AddChoice(conditionalPoolEntry.dccs, conditionalPoolEntry.weight * num2); flag = true; } } if (flag) { continue; } alwaysIncluded = category.includedIfNoConditionsMet; foreach (PoolEntry poolEntry2 in alwaysIncluded) { if (poolEntry2.dccs.IsAvailable()) { weightedSelection.AddChoice(poolEntry2.dccs, poolEntry2.weight * num2); } } } return weightedSelection; } private float SumAllWeightsInCategory(Category category) { float num = 0f; PoolEntry[] alwaysIncluded = category.alwaysIncluded; foreach (PoolEntry poolEntry in alwaysIncluded) { if (poolEntry.dccs.IsAvailable()) { num += poolEntry.weight; } } bool flag = false; ConditionalPoolEntry[] includedIfConditionsMet = category.includedIfConditionsMet; foreach (ConditionalPoolEntry conditionalPoolEntry in includedIfConditionsMet) { if (conditionalPoolEntry.dccs.IsAvailable() && AreConditionsMet(conditionalPoolEntry)) { num += conditionalPoolEntry.weight; flag = true; } } if (!flag) { alwaysIncluded = category.includedIfNoConditionsMet; foreach (PoolEntry poolEntry2 in alwaysIncluded) { if (poolEntry2.dccs.IsAvailable()) { num += poolEntry2.weight; } } } return num; } private bool AreConditionsMet(ConditionalPoolEntry entry) { if (Run.instance != null) { ExpansionDef[] requiredExpansions = entry.requiredExpansions; foreach (ExpansionDef expansionDef in requiredExpansions) { if (!Run.instance.IsExpansionEnabled(expansionDef)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } }