using System.Collections.Generic; using RoR2; using RoR2.CharacterAI; using RoR2.ConVar; using RoR2.Navigation; using UnityEngine; namespace EntityStates.AI; public abstract class BaseAIState : EntityState { protected static FloatConVar cvAIUpdateInterval = new FloatConVar("ai_update_interval", ConVarFlags.Cheat, "0.2", "Frequency that the local navigator refreshes."); protected BaseAI.BodyInputs bodyInputs; protected bool isInJump; protected Vector3? jumpLockedMoveVector; protected CharacterMaster characterMaster { get; private set; } protected BaseAI ai { get; private set; } protected CharacterBody body { get; private set; } protected Transform bodyTransform { get; private set; } protected InputBankTest bodyInputBank { get; private set; } protected CharacterMotor bodyCharacterMotor { get; private set; } protected SkillLocator bodySkillLocator { get; private set; } public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); characterMaster = GetComponent(); ai = GetComponent(); if ((bool)ai) { body = ai.body; bodyTransform = ai.bodyTransform; bodyInputBank = ai.bodyInputBank; bodyCharacterMotor = ai.bodyCharacterMotor; bodySkillLocator = ai.bodySkillLocator; } bodyInputs = default(BaseAI.BodyInputs); } public override void OnExit() { base.OnExit(); } public override void FixedUpdate() { base.FixedUpdate(); } public virtual BaseAI.BodyInputs GenerateBodyInputs(in BaseAI.BodyInputs previousBodyInputs) { return bodyInputs; } protected void ModifyInputsForJumpIfNeccessary(ref BaseAI.BodyInputs bodyInputs) { if (!ai) { return; } BroadNavigationSystem.AgentOutput output = ai.broadNavigationAgent.output; bodyInputs.pressJump = false; if (!bodyCharacterMotor) { return; } bool isGrounded = bodyCharacterMotor.isGrounded; bool flag = isGrounded || bodyCharacterMotor.isFlying || !bodyCharacterMotor.useGravity; if (isInJump && flag) { isInJump = false; jumpLockedMoveVector = null; } if (isGrounded) { float num = Mathf.Max(output.desiredJumpVelocity, ai.localNavigator.jumpSpeed); if (num > 0f && body.jumpPower > 0f) { bool num2 = output.desiredJumpVelocity >= ai.localNavigator.jumpSpeed; num = body.jumpPower; bodyInputs.pressJump = true; if (num2 && output.nextPosition.HasValue) { Vector3 vector = output.nextPosition.Value - bodyTransform.position; Vector3 vector2 = vector; vector2.y = 0f; float num3 = Trajectory.CalculateFlightDuration(0f, vector.y, num); float walkSpeed = bodyCharacterMotor.walkSpeed; if (num3 > 0f && walkSpeed > 0f) { float magnitude = vector2.magnitude; float num4 = Mathf.Max(magnitude / num3 / bodyCharacterMotor.walkSpeed, 0f); jumpLockedMoveVector = vector2 * (num4 / magnitude); bodyCharacterMotor.moveDirection = jumpLockedMoveVector.Value; } } isInJump = true; } } if (jumpLockedMoveVector.HasValue) { bodyInputs.moveVector = jumpLockedMoveVector.Value; } } protected Vector3? PickRandomNearbyReachablePosition() { if (!ai || !body) { return null; } NodeGraph nodeGraph = SceneInfo.instance.GetNodeGraph(body.isFlying ? MapNodeGroup.GraphType.Air : MapNodeGroup.GraphType.Ground); NodeGraphSpider nodeGraphSpider = new NodeGraphSpider(nodeGraph, (HullMask)(1 << (int)body.hullClassification)); NodeGraph.NodeIndex nodeIndex = nodeGraph.FindClosestNode(bodyTransform.position, body.hullClassification, 50f); nodeGraphSpider.AddNodeForNextStep(nodeIndex); nodeGraphSpider.PerformStep(); nodeGraphSpider.PerformStep(); List collectedSteps = nodeGraphSpider.collectedSteps; if (collectedSteps.Count == 0) { return null; } int index = Random.Range(0, collectedSteps.Count); NodeGraph.NodeIndex node = collectedSteps[index].node; if (nodeGraph.GetNodePosition(node, out var position)) { return position; } return null; } protected void AimAt(ref BaseAI.BodyInputs dest, BaseAI.Target aimTarget) { if (aimTarget != null && aimTarget.GetBullseyePosition(out var position)) { dest.desiredAimDirection = (position - bodyInputBank.aimOrigin).normalized; } } protected void AimInDirection(ref BaseAI.BodyInputs dest, Vector3 aimDirection) { if (aimDirection != { dest.desiredAimDirection = aimDirection; } } }