using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RoR2.Networking; using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2; public struct ConCommandArgs { public List userArgs; public NetworkUser sender; public LocalUser localUserSender; public string commandName; public string this[int i] => userArgs[i]; public int Count => userArgs.Count; public GameObject senderMasterObject { get { if (!sender) { return null; } return sender.masterObject; } } public CharacterMaster senderMaster { get { if (!sender) { return null; } return sender.master; } } public CharacterBody senderBody { get { if (!sender) { return null; } return sender.GetCurrentBody(); } } public void CheckArgumentCount(int count) { ConCommandException.CheckArgumentCount(userArgs, count); } public string TryGetArgString(int index) { if ((uint)index < (uint)userArgs.Count) { return userArgs[index]; } return null; } public string GetArgString(int index) { return TryGetArgString(index) ?? throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be a string."); } public ulong? TryGetArgUlong(int index) { if ((uint)index < (uint)userArgs.Count && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(userArgs[index], out ulong result)) { return result; } return null; } public ulong GetArgULong(int index) { ulong? num = TryGetArgUlong(index); if (!num.HasValue) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be an unsigned integer."); } return num.Value; } public int? TryGetArgInt(int index) { if ((uint)index < (uint)userArgs.Count && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(userArgs[index], out int result)) { return result; } return null; } public int GetArgInt(int index) { int? num = TryGetArgInt(index); if (!num.HasValue) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be an integer."); } return num.Value; } public bool? TryGetArgBool(int index) { int? num = TryGetArgInt(index); if (num.HasValue) { return num > 0; } return null; } public bool GetArgBool(int index) { int? num = TryGetArgInt(index); if (!num.HasValue) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be a boolean."); } return num.Value > 0; } public float? TryGetArgFloat(int index) { if ((uint)index < (uint)userArgs.Count && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(userArgs[index], out float result)) { return result; } return null; } public float GetArgFloat(int index) { float? num = TryGetArgFloat(index); if (!num.HasValue) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be a number."); } return num.Value; } public double? TryGetArgDouble(int index) { if ((uint)index < (uint)userArgs.Count && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(userArgs[index], out double result)) { return result; } return null; } public double GetArgDouble(int index) { double? num = TryGetArgDouble(index); if (!num.HasValue) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be a number."); } return num.Value; } public T? TryGetArgEnum(int index) where T : struct { if ((uint)index < (uint)userArgs.Count && Enum.TryParse(userArgs[index], ignoreCase: true, out var result)) { return result; } return null; } public T GetArgEnum(int index) where T : struct { T? val = TryGetArgEnum(index); if (!val.HasValue) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be one of the values of {typeof(T).Name}."); } return val.Value; } public PlatformID? TryGetArgPlatformID(int index) { if ((uint)index < (uint)userArgs.Count && PlatformID.TryParse(userArgs[index], out var result)) { return result; } return null; } public PlatformID GetArgPlatformID(int index) { PlatformID? platformID = TryGetArgPlatformID(index); if (!platformID.HasValue) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be a valid Steam ID."); } return platformID.Value; } public AddressPortPair? TryGetArgAddressPortPair(int index) { if ((uint)index < (uint)userArgs.Count && AddressPortPair.TryParse(userArgs[index], out var addressPortPair)) { return addressPortPair; } return null; } public AddressPortPair GetArgAddressPortPair(int index) { AddressPortPair? addressPortPair = TryGetArgAddressPortPair(index); if (!addressPortPair.HasValue) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be a valid address and port pair in the format \"address:port\" (e.g. \"\"). Given value: {TryGetArgString(index)}"); } return addressPortPair.Value; } public PickupIndex GetArgPickupIndex(int index) { PickupIndex pickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(TryGetArgString(index) ?? string.Empty); if (pickupIndex == PickupIndex.none) { throw new ConCommandException($"Argument {index} must be a valid pickup name."); } return pickupIndex; } public LocalUser GetSenderLocalUser() { return localUserSender ?? throw new ConCommandException($"Command requires a local user that is not available."); } public CharacterBody TryGetSenderBody() { if (!sender) { return null; } return sender.GetCurrentBody(); } public CharacterBody GetSenderBody() { CharacterBody characterBody = TryGetSenderBody(); if ((bool)characterBody) { return characterBody; } throw new ConCommandException("Command requires the sender to have a body."); } public CharacterMaster GetSenderMaster() { if (!senderMaster) { throw new ConCommandException("Command requires the sender to have a CharacterMaster. The game must be in an active run and the sender must be a participating player."); } return senderMaster; } public void Log(string message) { } }