using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using RoR2.Networking; using Unity; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace RoR2; public class VoteController : NetworkBehaviour { public enum TimerStartCondition { Immediate, OnAnyVoteReceived, WhileAnyVoteReceived, WhileAllVotesReceived, Never } [Tooltip("Custom name for this component to help describe its role.")] public string customName; [Tooltip("Whether or not users must be participating in the run to be allowed to vote.")] public bool onlyAllowParticipatingPlayers = true; [Tooltip("Whether or not to add new players to the voting pool when they connect.")] public bool addNewPlayers; [Tooltip("Whether or not users are allowed to change their choice after submitting it.")] public bool canChangeVote; [Tooltip("Whether or not users are allowed to revoke their vote entirely after submitting it.")] public bool canRevokeVote; [Tooltip("If set, the vote cannot be completed early by all users submitting, and the timeout must occur.")] public bool mustTimeOut; [Tooltip("Whether or not this vote must reset and be unvotable while someone is connecting or disconnecting.")] public bool resetOnConnectionsChanged; [Tooltip("How long it takes for the vote to forcibly complete once the timer begins.")] public float timeoutDuration = 15f; [Tooltip("How long it takes for action to be taken after the vote is complete.")] public float minimumTimeBeforeProcessing = 3f; [Tooltip("What causes the timer to start counting down.")] public TimerStartCondition timerStartCondition; [Tooltip("An array of functions to be called based on the user vote.")] public UnityEvent[] choices; [Tooltip("The choice to use when nobody votes or everybody who can vote quits.")] public int defaultChoiceIndex; [Tooltip("Whether or not to destroy the attached GameObject when the vote completes.")] public bool destroyGameObjectOnComplete = true; private SyncListUserVote votes = new SyncListUserVote(); [SyncVar] public bool timerIsActive; [SyncVar] public float timer; private static int kListvotes; public bool NetworktimerIsActive { get { return timerIsActive; } [param: In] set { SetSyncVar(value, ref timerIsActive, 2u); } } public float Networktimer { get { return timer; } [param: In] set { SetSyncVar(value, ref timer, 4u); } } [Server] private void StartTimer() { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.VoteController::StartTimer()' called on client"); } else if (!timerIsActive) { NetworktimerIsActive = true; Networktimer = timeoutDuration; } } [Server] private void StopTimer() { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.VoteController::StopTimer()' called on client"); return; } NetworktimerIsActive = false; Networktimer = timeoutDuration; } [Server] private void InitializeVoters() { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.VoteController::InitializeVoters()' called on client"); return; } StopTimer(); if (votes.Count > 0) { votes.Clear(); } IEnumerable source = NetworkUser.readOnlyInstancesList; if (onlyAllowParticipatingPlayers) { source = source.Where((NetworkUser v) => v.isParticipating); } foreach (GameObject item in source.Select((NetworkUser v) => v.gameObject)) { votes.Add(new UserVote { networkUserObject = item, voteChoiceIndex = -1 }); } } [Server] private void AddUserToVoters(NetworkUser networkUser) { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.VoteController::AddUserToVoters(RoR2.NetworkUser)' called on client"); } else if ((!onlyAllowParticipatingPlayers || networkUser.isParticipating) && !votes.Any((UserVote v) => v.networkUserObject == networkUser.gameObject)) { votes.Add(new UserVote { networkUserObject = networkUser.gameObject, voteChoiceIndex = -1 }); } } private void Awake() { if ( { if (timerStartCondition == TimerStartCondition.Immediate) { StartTimer(); } if (addNewPlayers) { NetworkUser.OnPostNetworkUserStart += AddUserToVoters; } NetworkManagerSystem.onServerConnectGlobal += OnServerConnectGlobal; NetworkManagerSystem.onServerDisconnectGlobal += OnServerDisconnectGlobal; } votes.InitializeBehaviour(this, kListvotes); } private void OnServerConnectGlobal(NetworkConnection conn) { if (resetOnConnectionsChanged) { InitializeVoters(); } } private void OnServerDisconnectGlobal(NetworkConnection conn) { if (resetOnConnectionsChanged) { InitializeVoters(); } } private void OnDestroy() { NetworkUser.OnPostNetworkUserStart -= AddUserToVoters; NetworkManagerSystem.onServerConnectGlobal -= OnServerConnectGlobal; NetworkManagerSystem.onServerDisconnectGlobal -= OnServerDisconnectGlobal; } public override void OnStartServer() { base.OnStartServer(); InitializeVoters(); } [Server] public void ReceiveUserVote(NetworkUser networkUser, int voteChoiceIndex) { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.VoteController::ReceiveUserVote(RoR2.NetworkUser,System.Int32)' called on client"); return; } if (resetOnConnectionsChanged) { int connectingClientCount = PlatformSystems.networkManager.GetConnectingClientCount(); if (connectingClientCount > 0) { Debug.LogFormat("Vote from user \"{0}\" rejected: {1} clients are currently still in the process of connecting.", networkUser.userName, connectingClientCount); return; } } if ((voteChoiceIndex < 0 && !canRevokeVote) || voteChoiceIndex >= choices.Length) { return; } GameObject gameObject = networkUser.gameObject; for (int i = 0; i < votes.Count; i++) { if (gameObject == votes[i].networkUserObject) { if (votes[i].receivedVote && !canChangeVote) { break; } votes[i] = new UserVote { networkUserObject = gameObject, voteChoiceIndex = voteChoiceIndex }; } } } private void Update() { if ( { ServerUpdate(); } } [Server] private void ServerUpdate() { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.VoteController::ServerUpdate()' called on client"); return; } if (timerIsActive) { Networktimer = timer - Time.deltaTime; if (timer < 0f) { Networktimer = 0f; } } int num = 0; for (int num2 = votes.Count - 1; num2 >= 0; num2--) { if (!votes[num2].networkUserObject) { votes.RemoveAt(num2); } else if (votes[num2].receivedVote) { num++; } } bool flag = num > 0; bool num3 = num == votes.Count; if (flag) { if (timerStartCondition == TimerStartCondition.OnAnyVoteReceived || timerStartCondition == TimerStartCondition.WhileAnyVoteReceived) { StartTimer(); } } else if (timerStartCondition == TimerStartCondition.WhileAnyVoteReceived) { StopTimer(); } if (num3) { if (timerStartCondition == TimerStartCondition.WhileAllVotesReceived) { StartTimer(); } else if (RoR2Application.isInSinglePlayer) { Networktimer = 0f; } else { Networktimer = Mathf.Min(timer, minimumTimeBeforeProcessing); } } else if (timerStartCondition == TimerStartCondition.WhileAllVotesReceived) { StopTimer(); } if ((num3 && !mustTimeOut) || (timerIsActive && timer <= 0f)) { FinishVote(); } } [Server] private void FinishVote() { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.VoteController::FinishVote()' called on client"); return; } int num = (from v in votes where v.receivedVote group v by v.voteChoiceIndex into v orderby v.Count() descending select v).FirstOrDefault()?.Key ?? defaultChoiceIndex; if (num >= choices.Length) { num = defaultChoiceIndex; } if (num < choices.Length) { choices[num].Invoke(); } base.enabled = false; NetworktimerIsActive = false; Networktimer = 0f; if (destroyGameObjectOnComplete) { Object.Destroy(base.gameObject); } } public int GetVoteCount() { return votes.Count; } public UserVote GetVote(int i) { return votes[i]; } public void SubmitVoteForAllLocalUsers(int choiceIndex) { foreach (NetworkUser readOnlyLocalPlayers in NetworkUser.readOnlyLocalPlayersList) { readOnlyLocalPlayers.CallCmdSubmitVote(base.gameObject, choiceIndex); } } private void UNetVersion() { } protected static void InvokeSyncListvotes(NetworkBehaviour obj, NetworkReader reader) { if (! { Debug.LogError("SyncList votes called on server."); } else { ((VoteController)obj).votes.HandleMsg(reader); } } static VoteController() { kListvotes = 458257089; NetworkBehaviour.RegisterSyncListDelegate(typeof(VoteController), kListvotes, InvokeSyncListvotes); NetworkCRC.RegisterBehaviour("VoteController", 0); } public override bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool forceAll) { if (forceAll) { GeneratedNetworkCode._WriteStructSyncListUserVote_None(writer, votes); writer.Write(timerIsActive); writer.Write(timer); return true; } bool flag = false; if ((base.syncVarDirtyBits & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0) { if (!flag) { writer.WritePackedUInt32(base.syncVarDirtyBits); flag = true; } GeneratedNetworkCode._WriteStructSyncListUserVote_None(writer, votes); } if ((base.syncVarDirtyBits & 2u) != 0) { if (!flag) { writer.WritePackedUInt32(base.syncVarDirtyBits); flag = true; } writer.Write(timerIsActive); } if ((base.syncVarDirtyBits & 4u) != 0) { if (!flag) { writer.WritePackedUInt32(base.syncVarDirtyBits); flag = true; } writer.Write(timer); } if (!flag) { writer.WritePackedUInt32(base.syncVarDirtyBits); } return flag; } public override void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState) { if (initialState) { GeneratedNetworkCode._ReadStructSyncListUserVote_None(reader, votes); timerIsActive = reader.ReadBoolean(); timer = reader.ReadSingle(); return; } int num = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32(); if (((uint)num & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0) { GeneratedNetworkCode._ReadStructSyncListUserVote_None(reader, votes); } if (((uint)num & 2u) != 0) { timerIsActive = reader.ReadBoolean(); } if (((uint)num & 4u) != 0) { timer = reader.ReadSingle(); } } public override void PreStartClient() { } }