using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using Rewired; using RoR2.ConVar; using RoR2.UI; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace RoR2; public static class LocalUserManager { public struct LocalUserInitializationInfo { public Player player; public UserProfile profile; } private class UserProfileMainConVar : BaseConVar { public static UserProfileMainConVar instance = new UserProfileMainConVar("user_profile_main", ConVarFlags.Archive, null, "The current user profile."); public string lastReceivedValue; public UserProfileMainConVar(string name, ConVarFlags flags, string defaultValue, string helpText) : base(name, flags, defaultValue, helpText) { } public override void SetString(string newValue) { lastReceivedValue = newValue; if (!isAnyUserSignedIn && ready) { AddMainUser(newValue); } } public override string GetString() { int num = FindUserIndex(GetRewiredMainPlayer()); if (num == -1) { return ""; } return localUsersList[num].userProfile.fileName; } } private static readonly List localUsersList = new List(); public static readonly ReadOnlyCollection readOnlyLocalUsersList = localUsersList.AsReadOnly(); public static Player startPlayer; private static bool ready = false; public static bool isAnyUserSignedIn => localUsersList.Count > 0; public static bool HasUsers => localUsersList.Count > 0; public static event Action onUserSignIn; public static event Action onUserSignOut; public static event Action onLocalUsersUpdated; public static bool UserExists(Player inputPlayer) { for (int i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { if (localUsersList[i].inputPlayer == inputPlayer) { return true; } } return false; } private static int FindUserIndex(int userId) { for (int i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { if (localUsersList[i].id == userId) { return i; } } return -1; } public static LocalUser FindLocalUser(int userId) { for (int i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { if (localUsersList[i].id == userId) { return localUsersList[i]; } } return null; } public static LocalUser FindLocalUser(Player inputPlayer) { for (int i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { if (localUsersList[i].inputPlayer == inputPlayer) { return localUsersList[i]; } } return null; } public static LocalUser FindLocalUserByPlayerName(string playerName) { for (int i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { if (localUsersList[i] == playerName) { return localUsersList[i]; } } Debug.LogError("Failed to find player " + playerName); return null; } public static LocalUser GetFirstLocalUser() { if (localUsersList.Count <= 0) { return null; } return localUsersList[0]; } private static int FindUserIndex(Player inputPlayer) { for (int i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { if (localUsersList[i].inputPlayer == inputPlayer) { return i; } } return -1; } private static int GetFirstAvailableId() { int i; for (i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { if (FindUserIndex(i) == -1) { return i; } } return i; } private static void AddUser(Player inputPlayer, UserProfile userProfile) { RoR2Application.IsAllUsersEntitlementsUpdated = false; if (!UserExists(inputPlayer)) { int firstAvailableId = GetFirstAvailableId(); LocalUser localUser = new LocalUser { inputPlayer = inputPlayer, id = firstAvailableId, userProfile = userProfile }; localUsersList.Add(localUser); userProfile.OnLogin(); MPEventSystem.FindByPlayer(inputPlayer).localUser = localUser; if (LocalUserManager.onUserSignIn != null) { LocalUserManager.onUserSignIn(localUser); } if (LocalUserManager.onLocalUsersUpdated != null) { LocalUserManager.onLocalUsersUpdated(); } } } public static bool IsUserChangeSafe() { if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "title") { return true; } return false; } public static void SetLocalUsers(LocalUserInitializationInfo[] initializationInfo) { if (localUsersList.Count > 0) { Debug.LogError("Cannot call LocalUserManager.SetLocalUsers while users are already signed in!"); return; } if (!IsUserChangeSafe()) { Debug.LogError("Cannot call LocalUserManager.SetLocalUsers at this time, user login changes are not safe at this time."); return; } if (initializationInfo.Length == 1) { initializationInfo[0].player = GetRewiredMainPlayer(); } for (int i = 0; i < initializationInfo.Length; i++) { AddUser(initializationInfo[i].player, initializationInfo[i].profile); } } private static Player GetRewiredMainPlayer() { return ReInput.players.GetPlayer("PlayerMain"); } private static void AddMainUser(UserProfile userProfile) { AddUser(GetRewiredMainPlayer(), userProfile); } private static bool AddMainUser(string userProfileName) { UserProfile profile = PlatformSystems.saveSystem.GetProfile(userProfileName); if (profile != null && !profile.isCorrupted) { AddMainUser(profile); return true; } return false; } public static void RemoveUser(Player inputPlayer) { int num = FindUserIndex(inputPlayer); if (num != -1) { RemoveUser(num); } } private static void RemoveUser(int userIndex) { LocalUser localUser = localUsersList[userIndex]; if (LocalUserManager.onUserSignOut != null) { LocalUserManager.onUserSignOut(localUser); } localUser.userProfile.OnLogout(); MPEventSystem.FindByPlayer(localUser.inputPlayer).localUser = null; localUsersList.RemoveAt(userIndex); if (LocalUserManager.onLocalUsersUpdated != null) { LocalUserManager.onLocalUsersUpdated(); } } public static void ClearUsers() { if (!IsUserChangeSafe()) { Debug.LogError("Cannot call LocalUserManager.SetLocalUsers at this time, user login changes are not safe at this time."); return; } for (int num = localUsersList.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { RemoveUser(num); } } private static Player ListenForStartSignIn() { IList players = ReInput.players.Players; for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) { Player player = players[i]; if (!( == "PlayerMain") && !UserExists(player) && player.GetButtonDown(11)) { return player; } } return null; } public static void Init() { ready = true; RoR2Application.onUpdate += Update; SaveSystem.onAvailableUserProfilesChanged += LogInWithPreviousSessionUser; static void LogInWithPreviousSessionUser() { if (UserProfileMainConVar.instance.lastReceivedValue != null) { AddMainUser(UserProfileMainConVar.instance.lastReceivedValue); } else if (PlatformSystems.saveSystem.loadedUserProfiles.Count != 0) { AddMainUser(PlatformSystems.saveSystem.loadedUserProfiles.First().Key); } SaveSystem.onAvailableUserProfilesChanged -= LogInWithPreviousSessionUser; } } private static void Update() { for (int i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { localUsersList[i].RebuildControlChain(); } } [ConCommand(commandName = "remove_all_local_users", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Removes all local users.")] private static void CCRemoveAllLocalUsers(ConCommandArgs args) { ClearUsers(); } [ConCommand(commandName = "remove_all_local_users_menu", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Removes all local users. (invoked via the profile button on applicable platforms)")] private static void CCRemoveAllLocalUsersMenu(ConCommandArgs args) { ClearUsers(); } [ConCommand(commandName = "print_local_users", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Prints a list of all local users.")] private static void CCPrintLocalUsers(ConCommandArgs args) { string[] array = new string[localUsersList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < localUsersList.Count; i++) { if (localUsersList[i] != null) { array[i] = string.Format("localUsersList[{0}] id={1} userProfile={2}", i, localUsersList[i].id, (localUsersList[i].userProfile != null) ? localUsersList[i].userProfile.fileName : "null"); } else { array[i] = $"localUsersList[{i}] null"; } } } [ConCommand(commandName = "test_splitscreen", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Logs in the specified number of guest users, or two by default.")] private static void CCTestSplitscreen(ConCommandArgs args) { int num = 2; if (args.Count >= 1 && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(args[0], out int result)) { num = Mathf.Clamp(result, 1, 4); } if ( { return; } ClearUsers(); LocalUserInitializationInfo[] array = new LocalUserInitializationInfo[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { string text = "Player"; switch (i) { case 0: text += "Main"; break; case 1: text += "2"; break; case 2: text += "3"; break; case 3: text += "4"; break; } array[i] = new LocalUserInitializationInfo { player = ReInput.players.GetPlayer(text), profile = PlatformSystems.saveSystem.CreateGuestProfile() }; } SetLocalUsers(array); } [ConCommand(commandName = "export_controller_maps", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Prints all Rewired ControllerMaps of the first player as xml.")] public static void CCExportControllerMaps(ConCommandArgs args) { if (localUsersList.Count <= 0) { return; } foreach (string item in from v in localUsersList[0].inputPlayer.controllers.maps.GetAllMaps() select v.ToXmlString()) { _ = item; } } }