using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2.PostProcessing; public class DamageIndicator : MonoBehaviour { private struct IndicatorTimestamp { public Run.FixedTimeStamp hitTimeStamp; public bool isActive; } private CameraRigController cameraRigController; public Material mat; public float boxCornerRadius = 0.5f; public float boxFeather = 0.5f; public float maxboxSize = 1f; public float minboxSize = 0.75f; [Tooltip("The color of the damage indicator.")] public Color tintColor; [Tooltip("X and Y are the normalized screen position, and Z is the opacity of the indicator.")] public Vector4[] indicators = new Vector4[8]; private IndicatorTimestamp[] _indicatorTimestamps = new IndicatorTimestamp[8]; [Tooltip("The radius of the mask for the indicator. It will be scaled to fit the aspect ratio of the screen.")] public float indicatorRadius; [Tooltip("The opacity of the indicator over time.")] public AnimationCurve indicatorOpacity; [Min(0.01f)] [Tooltip("The duration of the indicator. This will scale the opacity fade time.")] public float indicatorDuration = 1f; [Tooltip("The feather on the indicator mask.")] public float indicatorFeather = 0.5f; private float _indicatorValue; private bool isEnabled = true; private void Awake() { cameraRigController = GetComponentInParent(); mat = Object.Instantiate(mat); } private void OnEnable() { GlobalEventManager.onClientDamageNotified += OnClientDamage; } public void OnDisable() { GlobalEventManager.onClientDamageNotified -= OnClientDamage; } private float GetBoxSize(float value) { return Util.Remap(value, 0f, 1f, maxboxSize, minboxSize); } public void OnClientDamage(DamageDealtMessage damageDealtMessage) { if (!(damageDealtMessage.attacker == null) && !(damageDealtMessage.victim == null) && (bool)cameraRigController && damageDealtMessage.victim == cameraRigController.localUserViewer.cachedBodyObject) { _indicatorValue = cameraRigController.localUserViewer.userProfile.directionalDamageIndicatorScale; Vector3 forward = cameraRigController.transform.forward; Vector3 position = damageDealtMessage.victim.gameObject.transform.position; Vector3 position2 = damageDealtMessage.attacker.gameObject.transform.position; Vector2 to = new Vector2(position.x, position.z) - new Vector2(position2.x, position2.z); int num = Mathf.RoundToInt((0f - Vector2.SignedAngle(new Vector2(forward.x, forward.z), to) + 180f) / 45f) % 8; _indicatorTimestamps[num].hitTimeStamp =; _indicatorTimestamps[num].isActive = true; } } private void ResetIndicators() { for (int i = 0; i < _indicatorTimestamps.Length; i++) { _indicatorTimestamps[i].isActive = false; indicators[i].z = 0f; } } private void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) { if (Mathf.Approximately(_indicatorValue, 0f)) { if (isEnabled) { ResetIndicators(); mat.SetVectorArray("_Indicators", indicators); isEnabled = false; } Graphics.Blit(source, destination, mat); return; } if (!isEnabled) { isEnabled = true; } mat.SetFloat("_BoxCornerRadius", boxCornerRadius); mat.SetFloat("_BoxFeather", boxFeather); mat.SetFloat("_BoxSize", GetBoxSize(_indicatorValue)); mat.SetColor("_TintColor", tintColor); mat.SetFloat("_IndicatorRadius", indicatorRadius); mat.SetFloat("_IndicatorFeather", indicatorFeather); for (int i = 0; i < _indicatorTimestamps.Length; i++) { if (_indicatorTimestamps[i].isActive) { float timeSince = _indicatorTimestamps[i].hitTimeStamp.timeSince; if (timeSince >= indicatorDuration) { _indicatorTimestamps[i].isActive = false; } else { indicators[i].z = Mathf.Clamp(indicatorOpacity.Evaluate(timeSince / indicatorDuration), 0f, 1f); } } } mat.SetVectorArray("_Indicators", indicators); Graphics.Blit(source, destination, mat); } }