using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using EntityStates; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace RoR2; [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterBody))] public class MageCalibrationController : MonoBehaviour { [Serializable] public struct CalibrationInfo { public bool enableCalibrationOverlay; public Material calibrationOverlayMaterial; } public CalibrationInfo[] calibrationInfos; public SkinnedMeshRenderer calibrationOverlayRenderer; [Tooltip("The state machine upon which to perform the calibration state.")] public EntityStateMachine stateMachine; [Tooltip("The priority with which the calibration state will try to interrupt the current state.")] public InterruptPriority calibrationStateInterruptPriority; private CharacterBody characterBody; private bool hasEffectiveAuthority; private MageElement _currentElement; private static readonly int[] elementCounter = new int[4]; private MageElement currentElement { get { return _currentElement; } set { if (value != _currentElement) { _currentElement = value; RefreshCalibrationElement(_currentElement); } } } private void Awake() { characterBody = GetComponent(); characterBody.onInventoryChanged += OnInventoryChanged; hasEffectiveAuthority = Util.HasEffectiveAuthority(base.gameObject); } private void Start() { currentElement = GetAwardedElementFromInventory(); RefreshCalibrationElement(currentElement); } private void OnDestroy() { characterBody.onInventoryChanged -= OnInventoryChanged; } private void OnInventoryChanged() { base.enabled = true; } private void FixedUpdate() { base.enabled = false; currentElement = GetAwardedElementFromInventory(); if (hasEffectiveAuthority && currentElement == MageElement.None) { MageElement mageElement = CalcElementToAward(); if (mageElement != 0 && !(stateMachine.state is MageCalibrate)) { MageCalibrate mageCalibrate = new MageCalibrate(); mageCalibrate.element = mageElement; stateMachine.SetInterruptState(mageCalibrate, calibrationStateInterruptPriority); } } } private MageElement GetAwardedElementFromInventory() { Inventory inventory = characterBody.inventory; if ((bool)inventory) { MageElement mageElement = (MageElement)inventory.GetItemCount(JunkContent.Items.MageAttunement); if ((int)mageElement >= 0 && (int)mageElement < 4) { return mageElement; } } return MageElement.None; } private MageElement CalcElementToAward() { for (int i = 0; i < elementCounter.Length; i++) { elementCounter[i] = 0; } Inventory inventory = characterBody.inventory; if (!inventory) { return MageElement.None; } List itemAcquisitionOrder = inventory.itemAcquisitionOrder; for (int j = 0; j < itemAcquisitionOrder.Count; j++) { ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(itemAcquisitionOrder[j]); } EquipmentDef equipmentDef = EquipmentCatalog.GetEquipmentDef(inventory.currentEquipmentIndex); if ((bool)equipmentDef) { MageElement mageElement = equipmentDef.mageElement; if (mageElement != 0) { elementCounter[(uint)mageElement] += 2; } } MageElement result = MageElement.None; int num = 0; MageElement mageElement2 = MageElement.Fire; while ((int)mageElement2 < 4) { int num2 = elementCounter[(uint)mageElement2]; if (num2 > num) { result = mageElement2; num = num2; } mageElement2++; } if (num >= 5) { return result; } return MageElement.None; } public MageElement GetActiveCalibrationElement() { return currentElement; } public void SetElement(MageElement newElement) { if (! { return; } Inventory inventory = characterBody.inventory; if ((bool)inventory) { MageElement mageElement = (MageElement)inventory.GetItemCount(JunkContent.Items.MageAttunement); if (mageElement != newElement) { int count = newElement - mageElement; inventory.GiveItem(JunkContent.Items.MageAttunement, count); } } } public void RefreshCalibrationElement(MageElement targetElement) { CalibrationInfo calibrationInfo = calibrationInfos[(uint)targetElement]; calibrationOverlayRenderer.enabled = calibrationInfo.enableCalibrationOverlay; calibrationOverlayRenderer.material = calibrationInfo.calibrationOverlayMaterial; } }