using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2; public static class ViewablesCatalog { public class Node { public readonly string name; public readonly bool isFolder; private readonly List _children = new List(); public ReadOnlyCollection children; private string _fullName; private bool fullNameDirty = true; public Func shouldShowUnviewed; public Node parent { get; private set; } public string fullName { get { if (fullNameDirty) { GenerateFullName(); } return _fullName; } } public Node(string name, bool isFolder, Node parent = null) { = name; this.isFolder = isFolder; shouldShowUnviewed = DefaultShouldShowUnviewedTest; children = _children.AsReadOnly(); SetParent(parent); } public void SetParent(Node newParent) { if (parent != newParent) { parent?._children.Remove(this); parent = newParent; parent?._children.Add(this); fullNameDirty = true; } } private void GenerateFullName() { string text = name; if (parent != null) { text = parent.fullName + text; } if (isFolder) { text += "/"; } _fullName = text; fullNameDirty = false; } public bool DefaultShouldShowUnviewedTest(UserProfile userProfile) { if (!isFolder && userProfile.HasViewedViewable(fullName)) { return false; } foreach (Node child in children) { if (child.shouldShowUnviewed(userProfile)) { return true; } } return false; } public IEnumerable Descendants() { yield return this; foreach (Node child in _children) { foreach (Node item in child.Descendants()) { yield return item; } } } } private static readonly Node rootNode = new Node("", isFolder: true); private static readonly Dictionary fullNameToNodeMap = new Dictionary(); public static void AddNodeToRoot(Node node) { node.SetParent(rootNode); foreach (Node item in node.Descendants()) { if (fullNameToNodeMap.ContainsKey(item.fullName)) { Debug.LogFormat("Tried to add duplicate node {0}", item.fullName); } else { fullNameToNodeMap.Add(item.fullName, item); } } } public static Node FindNode(string fullName) { if (fullNameToNodeMap.TryGetValue(fullName, out var value)) { return value; } return null; } [ConCommand(commandName = "viewables_list", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Displays the full names of all viewables.")] private static void CCViewablesList(ConCommandArgs args) { } [ConCommand(commandName = "viewables_list_unviewed", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Displays the full names of all unviewed viewables.")] private static void CCViewablesListUnviewed(ConCommandArgs args) { _ = args.GetSenderLocalUser().userProfile; } [ConCommand(commandName = "viewables_clear_viewed", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Clears all viewed viewables")] private static void CCViewablesClearViewed(ConCommandArgs args) { args.GetSenderLocalUser().userProfile.ClearAllViewablesAsViewed(); } }