using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using HG; using RoR2.ContentManagement; using RoR2.Modding; using RoR2.Projectile; using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2; public static class ProjectileCatalog { private static GameObject[] projectilePrefabs = Array.Empty(); private static ProjectileController[] projectilePrefabProjectileControllerComponents = Array.Empty(); private static string[] projectileNames = Array.Empty(); public static int projectilePrefabCount => projectilePrefabs.Length; [Obsolete("Use IContentPackProvider instead.")] public static event Action> getAdditionalEntries { add { LegacyModContentPackProvider.instance.HandleLegacyGetAdditionalEntries("RoR2.ProjectileCatalog.getAdditionalEntries", value, LegacyModContentPackProvider.instance.registrationContentPack.projectilePrefabs); } remove { } } [SystemInitializer(new Type[] { })] private static void Init() { SetProjectilePrefabs(ContentManager.projectilePrefabs); } private static void SetProjectilePrefabs(GameObject[] newProjectilePrefabs) { ProjectileController[] array = projectilePrefabProjectileControllerComponents; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i].catalogIndex = -1; } ArrayUtils.CloneTo(newProjectilePrefabs, ref projectilePrefabs); Array.Sort(projectilePrefabs, (GameObject a, GameObject b) => string.CompareOrdinal(,; int num = 256; if (projectilePrefabs.Length > num) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Cannot have more than {0} projectile prefabs defined, which is over the limit for {1}. Check comments at error source for details.", num, typeof(byte).Name); for (int j = num; j < projectilePrefabs.Length; j++) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Could not register projectile [{0}/{1}]=\"{2}\"", j, num - 1, projectilePrefabs[j].name); } } Array.Resize(ref projectilePrefabProjectileControllerComponents, projectilePrefabs.Length); Array.Resize(ref projectileNames, projectilePrefabs.Length); for (int k = 0; k < projectilePrefabs.Length; k++) { GameObject gameObject = projectilePrefabs[k]; ProjectileController component = gameObject.GetComponent(); component.catalogIndex = k; projectilePrefabProjectileControllerComponents[k] = component; projectileNames[k] =; } } public static int GetProjectileIndex(GameObject projectileObject) { if ((bool)projectileObject) { return GetProjectileIndex(projectileObject.GetComponent()); } return -1; } public static int GetProjectileIndex(ProjectileController projectileController) { if (!projectileController) { return -1; } return projectileController.catalogIndex; } public static GameObject GetProjectilePrefab(int projectileIndex) { return ArrayUtils.GetSafe(projectilePrefabs, projectileIndex); } public static ProjectileController GetProjectilePrefabProjectileControllerComponent(int projectileIndex) { return ArrayUtils.GetSafe(projectilePrefabProjectileControllerComponents, projectileIndex); } public static int FindProjectileIndex(string projectileName) { return Array.IndexOf(projectileNames, projectileName); } [ConCommand(commandName = "dump_projectile_map", flags = ConVarFlags.None, helpText = "Dumps the map between indices and projectile prefabs.")] private static void DumpProjectileMap(ConCommandArgs args) { string[] array = new string[projectilePrefabs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < projectilePrefabs.Length; i++) { array[i] = $"[{i}] = {projectilePrefabs[i].name}"; } } }