using System; using System.Linq; using EntityStates; using EntityStates.AI; using HG; using JetBrains.Annotations; using RoR2.Navigation; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace RoR2.CharacterAI; [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterMaster))] public class BaseAI : MonoBehaviour, IManagedMonoBehaviour { [Serializable] public class Target { private readonly BaseAI owner; private bool unset = true; private GameObject _gameObject; private float losCheckTimer; public HurtBox bestHurtBox; private HurtBoxGroup hurtBoxGroup; private HurtBox mainHurtBox; private int bullseyeCount; private Vector3? lastKnownBullseyePosition; private Run.FixedTimeStamp lastKnownBullseyePositionTime = Run.FixedTimeStamp.negativeInfinity; public bool hasLoS; public GameObject gameObject { get { return _gameObject; } set { if ((object)value != _gameObject) { _gameObject = value; characterBody = gameObject?.GetComponent(); healthComponent = characterBody?.healthComponent; hurtBoxGroup = characterBody?.hurtBoxGroup; bullseyeCount = (hurtBoxGroup ? hurtBoxGroup.bullseyeCount : 0); mainHurtBox = (hurtBoxGroup ? hurtBoxGroup.mainHurtBox : null); bestHurtBox = mainHurtBox; hasLoS = false; unset = !_gameObject; } } } public CharacterBody characterBody { get; private set; } public HealthComponent healthComponent { get; private set; } public Target([NotNull] BaseAI owner) { this.owner = owner; } public void Update() { if ((bool)gameObject) { hasLoS = (bool)bestHurtBox && owner.HasLOS(bestHurtBox.transform.position); if (bullseyeCount > 1 && !hasLoS) { bestHurtBox = GetBestHurtBox(out hasLoS); } } } public bool TestLOSNow() { if ((bool)bestHurtBox) { return owner.HasLOS(bestHurtBox.transform.position); } return false; } public bool GetBullseyePosition(out Vector3 position) { if ((bool)characterBody && (bool)owner.body && (characterBody.GetVisibilityLevel(owner.body) >= VisibilityLevel.Revealed || lastKnownBullseyePositionTime.timeSince >= 2f)) { if ((bool)bestHurtBox) { lastKnownBullseyePosition = bestHurtBox.transform.position; } else { lastKnownBullseyePosition = null; } lastKnownBullseyePositionTime =; } if (lastKnownBullseyePosition.HasValue) { position = lastKnownBullseyePosition.Value; return true; } position = (gameObject ? gameObject.transform.position :; return false; } private HurtBox GetBestHurtBox(out bool hadLoS) { if ((bool)owner && (bool)owner.bodyInputBank && (bool)hurtBoxGroup) { Vector3 aimOrigin = owner.bodyInputBank.aimOrigin; HurtBox hurtBox = null; float num = float.PositiveInfinity; HurtBox[] hurtBoxes = hurtBoxGroup.hurtBoxes; foreach (HurtBox hurtBox2 in hurtBoxes) { if (!hurtBox2 || !hurtBox2.transform || !hurtBox2.isBullseye) { continue; } Vector3 position = hurtBox2.transform.position; if (CheckLoS(aimOrigin, hurtBox2.transform.position)) { float sqrMagnitude = (position - aimOrigin).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude < num) { num = sqrMagnitude; hurtBox = hurtBox2; } } } if ((bool)hurtBox) { hadLoS = true; return hurtBox; } } hadLoS = false; return mainHurtBox; } public void Reset() { if (!unset) { _gameObject = null; characterBody = null; healthComponent = null; hurtBoxGroup = null; bullseyeCount = 0; mainHurtBox = null; bestHurtBox = mainHurtBox; hasLoS = false; unset = true; losCheckTimer = 0f; } } } public struct SkillDriverEvaluation { public AISkillDriver dominantSkillDriver; public Target target; public Target aimTarget; public float separationSqrMagnitude; } public struct BodyInputs { public Vector3 desiredAimDirection; public Vector3 moveVector; public bool pressSprint; public bool pressJump; public bool pressSkill1; public bool pressSkill2; public bool pressSkill3; public bool pressSkill4; public bool pressActivateEquipment; } public bool showDebugStateChanges; [Tooltip("If true, this character can spot enemies behind itself.")] public bool fullVision; [Tooltip("If true, this AI will not be allowed to retaliate against damage received from a source on its own team.")] public bool neverRetaliateFriendlies; public float enemyAttentionDuration = 5f; public MapNodeGroup.GraphType desiredSpawnNodeGraphType; [Tooltip("The state machine to run while the body exists.")] public EntityStateMachine stateMachine; public SerializableEntityStateType scanState; public bool isHealer; public float enemyAttention; public float aimVectorDampTime = 0.2f; public float aimVectorMaxSpeed = 6f; private float aimVelocity; private float targetRefreshTimer; private const float targetRefreshInterval = 0.5f; public LocalNavigator localNavigator = new LocalNavigator(); public string selectedSkilldriverName; private const float maxVisionDistance = float.PositiveInfinity; [Tooltip("If true and this AI remains off-screen from players until its first shot, that shot will miss. The desired skill must handle this behaviour itself. If not this will do nothing")] public bool shouldMissFirstOffScreenShot; private float offScreenUpdateTimer; private const float offScreenUpdateInterval = 0.25f; public static readonly NodeGraphNavigationSystem nodeGraphNavigationSystem = new NodeGraphNavigationSystem(); private BroadNavigationSystem _broadNavigationSystem; private BroadNavigationSystem.Agent _broadNavigationAgent = BroadNavigationSystem.Agent.invalid; public bool forceUpdateEveryFrame; public HurtBox debugEnemyHurtBox; private BullseyeSearch enemySearch = new BullseyeSearch(); private BullseyeSearch buddySearch = new BullseyeSearch(); private float skillDriverUpdateTimer; private const float skillDriverMinUpdateInterval = 1f / 6f; private const float skillDriverMaxUpdateInterval = 0.2f; public SkillDriverEvaluation skillDriverEvaluation; protected BodyInputs bodyInputs; public CharacterMaster master { get; protected set; } public CharacterBody body { get; protected set; } public Transform bodyTransform { get; protected set; } public CharacterDirection bodyCharacterDirection { get; protected set; } public CharacterMotor bodyCharacterMotor { get; protected set; } public InputBankTest bodyInputBank { get; protected set; } public HealthComponent bodyHealthComponent { get; protected set; } public SkillLocator bodySkillLocator { get; protected set; } public NetworkIdentity networkIdentity { get; protected set; } public AISkillDriver[] skillDrivers { get; protected set; } public bool hasAimConfirmation { get; private set; } public bool hasAimTarget { get { if (skillDriverEvaluation.aimTarget != null) { return skillDriverEvaluation.aimTarget.gameObject; } return false; } } private BroadNavigationSystem broadNavigationSystem { get { return _broadNavigationSystem; } set { if (_broadNavigationSystem != value) { _broadNavigationSystem?.ReturnAgent(ref _broadNavigationAgent); _broadNavigationSystem = value; _broadNavigationSystem?.RequestAgent(ref _broadNavigationAgent); } } } public BroadNavigationSystem.Agent broadNavigationAgent => _broadNavigationAgent; public bool AlwaysUpdate => forceUpdateEveryFrame; public Target currentEnemy { get; private set; } public Target leader { get; private set; } private Target buddy { get; set; } public Target customTarget { get; private set; } public event Action onBodyDiscovered; public event Action onBodyLost; [ContextMenu("Toggle broad navigation debug drawing")] private void ToggleBroadNavigationDebugDraw() { if (broadNavigationSystem is NodeGraphNavigationSystem) { NodeGraphNavigationSystem.Agent agent = (NodeGraphNavigationSystem.Agent)broadNavigationAgent; agent.drawPath = !agent.drawPath; } } public void SetBroadNavigationDebugDrawEnabled(bool newBroadNavigationDebugDrawEnabled) { if (broadNavigationSystem is NodeGraphNavigationSystem) { NodeGraphNavigationSystem.Agent agent = (NodeGraphNavigationSystem.Agent)broadNavigationAgent; agent.drawPath = newBroadNavigationDebugDrawEnabled; } } protected void Awake() { targetRefreshTimer = 0.5f; master = GetComponent(); stateMachine = GetComponent(); stateMachine.enabled = false; networkIdentity = GetComponent(); skillDrivers = GetComponents(); currentEnemy = new Target(this); leader = new Target(this); buddy = new Target(this); customTarget = new Target(this); broadNavigationSystem = nodeGraphNavigationSystem; } protected void OnDestroy() { broadNavigationSystem = null; } protected void Start() { if (!Util.HasEffectiveAuthority(networkIdentity)) { base.enabled = false; if ((bool)stateMachine) { stateMachine.enabled = false; } } if ( { skillDriverUpdateTimer = UnityEngine.Random.value; } } protected void FixedUpdate() { ManagedFixedUpdate(Time.fixedDeltaTime); } public void ManagedFixedUpdate(float deltaTime) { enemyAttention -= deltaTime; targetRefreshTimer -= deltaTime; skillDriverUpdateTimer -= deltaTime; if ((bool)body) { if (shouldMissFirstOffScreenShot) { offScreenUpdateTimer -= deltaTime; if (offScreenUpdateTimer <= 0f) { offScreenUpdateTimer = 0.25f; shouldMissFirstOffScreenShot = OffScreenMissHelper.IsPositionOffScreen(body.transform.position); } } broadNavigationAgent.ConfigureFromBody(body); if (skillDriverUpdateTimer <= 0f) { if ((bool)skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver && skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver.resetCurrentEnemyOnNextDriverSelection) { currentEnemy.Reset(); targetRefreshTimer = 0f; } if (!currentEnemy.gameObject && targetRefreshTimer <= 0f) { targetRefreshTimer = 0.5f; HurtBox hurtBox = null; hurtBox = FindEnemyHurtBox(float.PositiveInfinity, fullVision, filterByLoS: true); if ((bool)hurtBox && (bool)hurtBox.healthComponent) { currentEnemy.gameObject = hurtBox.healthComponent.gameObject; currentEnemy.bestHurtBox = hurtBox; } if ((bool)currentEnemy.gameObject) { enemyAttention = enemyAttentionDuration; } } BeginSkillDriver(EvaluateSkillDrivers()); } } _broadNavigationAgent.currentPosition = GetNavigationStartPos(); UpdateBodyInputs(); UpdateBodyAim(deltaTime); debugEnemyHurtBox = currentEnemy.bestHurtBox; } private void BeginSkillDriver(SkillDriverEvaluation newSkillDriverEvaluation) { if ((bool)skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver) { _ = skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver.customName; } skillDriverEvaluation = newSkillDriverEvaluation; skillDriverUpdateTimer = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f / 6f, 0.2f); if ((bool)skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver) { _ = showDebugStateChanges; selectedSkilldriverName = skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver.customName; if (skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver.driverUpdateTimerOverride >= 0f) { skillDriverUpdateTimer = skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver.driverUpdateTimerOverride; } skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver.OnSelected(); } else { _ = showDebugStateChanges; selectedSkilldriverName = ""; } } public virtual void OnBodyStart(CharacterBody newBody) { body = newBody; bodyTransform = newBody.transform; bodyCharacterDirection = newBody.GetComponent(); bodyCharacterMotor = newBody.GetComponent(); bodyInputBank = newBody.GetComponent(); bodyHealthComponent = newBody.GetComponent(); bodySkillLocator = newBody.GetComponent(); localNavigator.SetBody(newBody); _broadNavigationAgent.enabled = true; if ((bool)stateMachine && Util.HasEffectiveAuthority(networkIdentity)) { stateMachine.enabled = true; stateMachine.SetNextState(EntityStateCatalog.InstantiateState(ref scanState)); } base.enabled = true; if ((bool)bodyCharacterDirection) { bodyInputs.desiredAimDirection = bodyCharacterDirection.forward; } else { bodyInputs.desiredAimDirection = bodyTransform.forward; } if ((bool)bodyInputBank) { bodyInputBank.aimDirection = bodyInputs.desiredAimDirection; } this.onBodyDiscovered?.Invoke(newBody); } public virtual void OnBodyDeath(CharacterBody characterBody) { OnBodyLost(characterBody); } public virtual void OnBodyDestroyed(CharacterBody characterBody) { OnBodyLost(characterBody); } public virtual void OnBodyLost(CharacterBody characterBody) { if ((object)body != null) { base.enabled = false; body = null; bodyTransform = null; bodyCharacterDirection = null; bodyCharacterMotor = null; bodyInputBank = null; bodyHealthComponent = null; bodySkillLocator = null; localNavigator.SetBody(null); _broadNavigationAgent.enabled = false; if ((bool)stateMachine) { stateMachine.enabled = false; stateMachine.SetNextState(new Idle()); } this.onBodyLost?.Invoke(characterBody); } } public virtual void OnBodyDamaged(DamageReport damageReport) { DamageInfo damageInfo = damageReport.damageInfo; if ((bool)damageInfo.attacker && (bool)body && (!currentEnemy.gameObject || enemyAttention <= 0f) && damageInfo.attacker != body.gameObject && (!neverRetaliateFriendlies || !damageReport.isFriendlyFire)) { currentEnemy.gameObject = damageInfo.attacker; enemyAttention = enemyAttentionDuration; } } [Obsolete] public virtual bool HasLOS(Vector3 start, Vector3 end) { if (!body) { return false; } Vector3 direction = end - start; float magnitude = direction.magnitude; if (body.visionDistance < magnitude) { return false; } Ray ray = default(Ray); ray.origin = start; ray.direction = direction; RaycastHit hitInfo; return !Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, magnitude,; } public virtual bool HasLOS(Vector3 end) { if (!body || !bodyInputBank) { return false; } Vector3 aimOrigin = bodyInputBank.aimOrigin; Vector3 direction = end - aimOrigin; float magnitude = direction.magnitude; if (body.visionDistance < magnitude) { return false; } Ray ray = default(Ray); ray.origin = aimOrigin; ray.direction = direction; RaycastHit hitInfo; return !Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, magnitude,; } private Vector3? GetNavigationStartPos() { if (!body) { return null; } return body.footPosition; } public NodeGraph GetDesiredSpawnNodeGraph() { return SceneInfo.instance.GetNodeGraph(desiredSpawnNodeGraphType); } public void SetGoalPosition(Vector3? goalPos) { BroadNavigationSystem.Agent agent = broadNavigationAgent; agent.goalPosition = goalPos; } public void SetGoalPosition(Target goalTarget) { Vector3? goalPosition = null; if (goalTarget.GetBullseyePosition(out var position)) { Vector3 value = position; goalPosition = value; } SetGoalPosition(goalPosition); } public void DebugDrawPath(Color color, float duration) { if (broadNavigationSystem is NodeGraphNavigationSystem) { ((NodeGraphNavigationSystem.Agent)broadNavigationAgent).DebugDrawPath(color, duration); } } private static bool CheckLoS(Vector3 start, Vector3 end) { Vector3 direction = end - start; RaycastHit hitInfo; return !Physics.Raycast(start, direction, out hitInfo, direction.magnitude,, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); } public HurtBox GetBestHurtBox(GameObject target) { HurtBoxGroup hurtBoxGroup = target.GetComponent()?.hurtBoxGroup; if ((bool)hurtBoxGroup && hurtBoxGroup.bullseyeCount > 1 && (bool)bodyInputBank) { Vector3 aimOrigin = bodyInputBank.aimOrigin; HurtBox hurtBox = null; float num = float.PositiveInfinity; HurtBox[] hurtBoxes = hurtBoxGroup.hurtBoxes; foreach (HurtBox hurtBox2 in hurtBoxes) { if (!hurtBox2.isBullseye) { continue; } Vector3 position = hurtBox2.transform.position; if (CheckLoS(aimOrigin, hurtBox2.transform.position)) { float sqrMagnitude = (position - aimOrigin).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude < num) { num = sqrMagnitude; hurtBox = hurtBox2; } } } if ((bool)hurtBox) { return hurtBox; } } return Util.FindBodyMainHurtBox(target); } public void ForceAcquireNearestEnemyIfNoCurrentEnemy() { if ((bool)currentEnemy.gameObject) { return; } if (!body) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("BaseAI.ForceAcquireNearestEnemyIfNoCurrentEnemy for CharacterMaster '{0}' failed: AI has no body to search from.",; return; } HurtBox hurtBox = FindEnemyHurtBox(float.PositiveInfinity, full360Vision: true, filterByLoS: false); if ((bool)hurtBox && (bool)hurtBox.healthComponent) { currentEnemy.gameObject = hurtBox.healthComponent.gameObject; currentEnemy.bestHurtBox = hurtBox; } } private HurtBox FindEnemyHurtBox(float maxDistance, bool full360Vision, bool filterByLoS) { if (!body) { return null; } enemySearch.viewer = body; enemySearch.teamMaskFilter = TeamMask.allButNeutral; enemySearch.teamMaskFilter.RemoveTeam(master.teamIndex); enemySearch.sortMode = BullseyeSearch.SortMode.Distance; enemySearch.minDistanceFilter = 0f; enemySearch.maxDistanceFilter = maxDistance; enemySearch.searchOrigin = bodyInputBank.aimOrigin; enemySearch.searchDirection = bodyInputBank.aimDirection; enemySearch.maxAngleFilter = (full360Vision ? 180f : 90f); enemySearch.filterByLoS = filterByLoS; enemySearch.RefreshCandidates(); return enemySearch.GetResults().FirstOrDefault(); } public bool GameObjectPassesSkillDriverFilters(Target target, AISkillDriver skillDriver, out float separationSqrMagnitude) { separationSqrMagnitude = 0f; if (!target.gameObject) { return false; } float num = 1f; if ((bool)target.healthComponent) { num = target.healthComponent.combinedHealthFraction; } if (num < skillDriver.minTargetHealthFraction || num > skillDriver.maxTargetHealthFraction) { return false; } float num2 = 0f; if ((bool)body) { num2 = body.radius; } float num3 = 0f; if ((bool)target.characterBody) { num3 = target.characterBody.radius; } Vector3 vector = (bodyInputBank ? bodyInputBank.aimOrigin : bodyTransform.position); target.GetBullseyePosition(out var position); float sqrMagnitude = (position - vector).sqrMagnitude; separationSqrMagnitude = sqrMagnitude - num3 * num3 - num2 * num2; if (separationSqrMagnitude < skillDriver.minDistanceSqr || separationSqrMagnitude > skillDriver.maxDistanceSqr) { return false; } if (skillDriver.selectionRequiresTargetLoS && !target.hasLoS) { return false; } return true; } private void UpdateTargets() { currentEnemy.Update(); leader.Update(); } protected SkillDriverEvaluation? EvaluateSingleSkillDriver(in SkillDriverEvaluation currentSkillDriverEvaluation, AISkillDriver aiSkillDriver, float myHealthFraction) { if (!body || !bodySkillLocator) { return null; } float separationSqrMagnitude = float.PositiveInfinity; if (aiSkillDriver.noRepeat && currentSkillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver == aiSkillDriver) { return null; } if (aiSkillDriver.maxTimesSelected >= 0 && aiSkillDriver.timesSelected >= aiSkillDriver.maxTimesSelected) { return null; } Target target = null; if (aiSkillDriver.requireEquipmentReady && body.equipmentSlot.stock <= 0) { return null; } if (aiSkillDriver.skillSlot != SkillSlot.None) { GenericSkill skill = bodySkillLocator.GetSkill(aiSkillDriver.skillSlot); if (aiSkillDriver.requireSkillReady && (!skill || !skill.IsReady())) { return null; } if ((bool)aiSkillDriver.requiredSkill && (!skill || !(skill.skillDef == aiSkillDriver.requiredSkill))) { return null; } } if (aiSkillDriver.minUserHealthFraction > myHealthFraction || aiSkillDriver.maxUserHealthFraction < myHealthFraction) { return null; } if ((bool)bodyCharacterMotor && !bodyCharacterMotor.isGrounded && aiSkillDriver.selectionRequiresOnGround) { return null; } switch (aiSkillDriver.moveTargetType) { case AISkillDriver.TargetType.CurrentEnemy: if (GameObjectPassesSkillDriverFilters(currentEnemy, aiSkillDriver, out separationSqrMagnitude)) { target = currentEnemy; } break; case AISkillDriver.TargetType.NearestFriendlyInSkillRange: if ((bool)bodyInputBank) { buddySearch.teamMaskFilter = TeamMask.none; buddySearch.teamMaskFilter.AddTeam(master.teamIndex); buddySearch.sortMode = BullseyeSearch.SortMode.Distance; buddySearch.minDistanceFilter = aiSkillDriver.minDistanceSqr; buddySearch.maxDistanceFilter = aiSkillDriver.maxDistance; buddySearch.searchOrigin = bodyInputBank.aimOrigin; buddySearch.searchDirection = bodyInputBank.aimDirection; buddySearch.maxAngleFilter = 180f; buddySearch.filterByLoS = aiSkillDriver.activationRequiresTargetLoS; buddySearch.RefreshCandidates(); if ((bool)body) { buddySearch.FilterOutGameObject(body.gameObject); } buddySearch.FilterCandidatesByHealthFraction(aiSkillDriver.minTargetHealthFraction, aiSkillDriver.maxTargetHealthFraction); HurtBox hurtBox = buddySearch.GetResults().FirstOrDefault(); if ((bool)hurtBox && (bool)hurtBox.healthComponent) { buddy.gameObject = hurtBox.healthComponent.gameObject; buddy.bestHurtBox = hurtBox; } if (GameObjectPassesSkillDriverFilters(buddy, aiSkillDriver, out separationSqrMagnitude)) { target = buddy; } } break; case AISkillDriver.TargetType.CurrentLeader: if (GameObjectPassesSkillDriverFilters(leader, aiSkillDriver, out separationSqrMagnitude)) { target = leader; } break; case AISkillDriver.TargetType.Custom: if (GameObjectPassesSkillDriverFilters(customTarget, aiSkillDriver, out separationSqrMagnitude)) { target = customTarget; } break; } if (target == null) { return null; } Target target2 = null; if (aiSkillDriver.aimType != 0) { bool flag = aiSkillDriver.selectionRequiresAimTarget; switch (aiSkillDriver.aimType) { case AISkillDriver.AimType.AtMoveTarget: target2 = target; break; case AISkillDriver.AimType.AtCurrentEnemy: target2 = currentEnemy; break; case AISkillDriver.AimType.AtCurrentLeader: target2 = leader; break; default: flag = false; break; } if (flag && (target2 == null || !target2.gameObject)) { return null; } } SkillDriverEvaluation value = default(SkillDriverEvaluation); value.dominantSkillDriver = aiSkillDriver; = target; value.aimTarget = target2; value.separationSqrMagnitude = separationSqrMagnitude; return value; } public SkillDriverEvaluation EvaluateSkillDrivers() { UpdateTargets(); float myHealthFraction = 1f; if ((bool)bodyHealthComponent) { myHealthFraction = bodyHealthComponent.combinedHealthFraction; } if ((bool)bodySkillLocator) { if ((bool)this.skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver && (bool)this.skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver.nextHighPriorityOverride) { SkillDriverEvaluation? skillDriverEvaluation = EvaluateSingleSkillDriver(in this.skillDriverEvaluation, this.skillDriverEvaluation.dominantSkillDriver.nextHighPriorityOverride, myHealthFraction); if (skillDriverEvaluation.HasValue) { return skillDriverEvaluation.Value; } } for (int i = 0; i < skillDrivers.Length; i++) { AISkillDriver aISkillDriver = skillDrivers[i]; if (aISkillDriver.enabled) { SkillDriverEvaluation? skillDriverEvaluation2 = EvaluateSingleSkillDriver(in this.skillDriverEvaluation, aISkillDriver, myHealthFraction); if (skillDriverEvaluation2.HasValue) { return skillDriverEvaluation2.Value; } } } } return default(SkillDriverEvaluation); } protected void UpdateBodyInputs() { if (stateMachine.state is BaseAIState baseAIState) { bodyInputs = baseAIState.GenerateBodyInputs(in bodyInputs); } if ((bool)bodyInputBank) { bodyInputBank.skill1.PushState(bodyInputs.pressSkill1); bodyInputBank.skill2.PushState(bodyInputs.pressSkill2); bodyInputBank.skill3.PushState(bodyInputs.pressSkill3); bodyInputBank.skill4.PushState(bodyInputs.pressSkill4); bodyInputBank.jump.PushState(bodyInputs.pressJump); bodyInputBank.sprint.PushState(bodyInputs.pressSprint); bodyInputBank.activateEquipment.PushState(bodyInputs.pressActivateEquipment); bodyInputBank.moveVector = bodyInputs.moveVector; } } protected void UpdateBodyAim(float deltaTime) { hasAimConfirmation = false; if ((bool)bodyInputBank) { Vector3 aimDirection = bodyInputBank.aimDirection; Vector3 desiredAimDirection = bodyInputs.desiredAimDirection; if (desiredAimDirection != { Quaternion target = Util.QuaternionSafeLookRotation(desiredAimDirection); Vector3 vector = Util.SmoothDampQuaternion(Util.QuaternionSafeLookRotation(aimDirection), maxSpeed: aimVectorMaxSpeed, target: target, currentVelocity: ref aimVelocity, smoothTime: aimVectorDampTime, deltaTime: deltaTime) * Vector3.forward; bodyInputBank.aimDirection = vector; hasAimConfirmation = Vector3.Dot(vector, desiredAimDirection) >= 0.95f; } } } [ConCommand(commandName = "ai_draw_path", flags = ConVarFlags.Cheat, helpText = "Enables or disables the drawing of the specified AI's broad navigation path. Format: ai_draw_path <0/1>")] private static void CCAiDrawPath(ConCommandArgs args) { CharacterMaster argCharacterMasterInstance = args.GetArgCharacterMasterInstance(0); args.GetArgBool(1); if (!argCharacterMasterInstance) { throw new ConCommandException("Could not find target."); } BaseAI component = argCharacterMasterInstance.GetComponent(); if (!component) { throw new ConCommandException("Target has no AI."); } component.ToggleBroadNavigationDebugDraw(); } }