using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using HG; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine; namespace RoR2.Navigation; [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "RoR2/NodeGraph")] [PreferBinarySerialization] public class NodeGraph : ScriptableObject { [Serializable] public struct NodeIndex : IEquatable { public int nodeIndex; public static readonly NodeIndex invalid = new NodeIndex(-1); public NodeIndex(int nodeIndex) { this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex; } public static bool operator ==(NodeIndex lhs, NodeIndex rhs) { return lhs.nodeIndex == rhs.nodeIndex; } public static bool operator !=(NodeIndex lhs, NodeIndex rhs) { return lhs.nodeIndex != rhs.nodeIndex; } public override bool Equals(object other) { if (other is NodeIndex) { return ((NodeIndex)other).nodeIndex == nodeIndex; } return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return nodeIndex; } public bool Equals(NodeIndex other) { return nodeIndex == other.nodeIndex; } } [Serializable] public struct LinkIndex { public int linkIndex; public static readonly LinkIndex invalid = new LinkIndex { linkIndex = -1 }; public static bool operator ==(LinkIndex lhs, LinkIndex rhs) { return lhs.linkIndex == rhs.linkIndex; } public static bool operator !=(LinkIndex lhs, LinkIndex rhs) { return lhs.linkIndex != rhs.linkIndex; } public override bool Equals(object other) { if (other is LinkIndex) { return ((LinkIndex)other).linkIndex == linkIndex; } return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return linkIndex; } } [Serializable] public struct LinkListIndex { public int index; public uint size; } [Serializable] public struct Node { public Vector3 position; public LinkListIndex linkListIndex; public HullMask forbiddenHulls; public SerializableBitArray lineOfSightMask; public byte gateIndex; public NodeFlags flags; } [Serializable] public struct Link { public NodeIndex nodeIndexA; public NodeIndex nodeIndexB; public float distanceScore; public float maxSlope; public float minJumpHeight; public int hullMask; public int jumpHullMask; public byte gateIndex; } private struct NodePositionGetter : IPosition3Getter { private readonly NodeGraph nodeGraph; public NodePositionGetter(NodeGraph nodeGraph) { this.nodeGraph = nodeGraph; } public Vector3 GetPosition3(NodeIndex item) { return nodeGraph.nodes[item.nodeIndex].position; } } public readonly struct PathRequestPosition { public readonly NodeIndex? nodeIndex; public readonly Vector3? position; private PathRequestPosition(NodeIndex nodeIndex) { this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex; position = null; } private PathRequestPosition(Vector3 position) { nodeIndex = null; this.position = position; } public static implicit operator PathRequestPosition(NodeIndex nodeIndex) { return new PathRequestPosition(nodeIndex); } public static implicit operator PathRequestPosition(Vector3 position) { return new PathRequestPosition(position); } } public class PathRequest { public Path path; public PathRequestPosition startPos; public PathRequestPosition endPos; public HullClassification hullClassification; public float maxSlope; public float maxJumpHeight; public float maxSpeed; public PathRequest() { Init(); } public void Reset() { Init(); } private void Init() { path = null; startPos = NodeIndex.invalid; endPos = NodeIndex.invalid; hullClassification = HullClassification.Human; maxSlope = 0f; maxJumpHeight = 0f; maxSpeed = 0f; } } private static class NodeFilters { public interface INodeCheckFilterComponent { bool CheckNode(NodeGraph nodeGraph, ref Node node); } public struct NodeCheckFilterAnd : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterA : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterB : INodeCheckFilterComponent { private TFilterA filterA; private TFilterB filterB; public NodeCheckFilterAnd(TFilterA filterA, TFilterB filterB) { this.filterA = filterA; this.filterB = filterB; } public bool CheckNode(NodeGraph nodeGraph, ref Node node) { if (filterA.CheckNode(nodeGraph, ref node)) { return filterB.CheckNode(nodeGraph, ref node); } return false; } } public struct NodeSearchFilter : IBlockMapSearchFilter where TNodeCheckFilter : INodeCheckFilterComponent { private readonly NodeGraph nodeGraph; private TNodeCheckFilter nodeCheckFilter; public NodeSearchFilter(NodeGraph nodeGraph, TNodeCheckFilter nodeCheckFilter) { this.nodeGraph = nodeGraph; this.nodeCheckFilter = nodeCheckFilter; } public bool CheckItem(NodeIndex item, ref bool shouldFinish) { return nodeCheckFilter.CheckNode(nodeGraph, ref nodeGraph.nodes[item.nodeIndex]); } } public readonly struct NodeHullFilter : INodeCheckFilterComponent { private readonly HullMask hullMask; public NodeHullFilter(HullMask hullMask) { this.hullMask = hullMask; } public NodeHullFilter(HullClassification hullClassification) { hullMask = (HullMask)(1 << (int)hullClassification); } public bool CheckNode(NodeGraph nodeGraph, ref Node node) { return (node.forbiddenHulls & hullMask) == 0; } } public readonly struct NodeFlagsFilter : INodeCheckFilterComponent { private readonly NodeFlags requiredFlags; private readonly NodeFlags forbiddenFlags; public NodeFlagsFilter(NodeFlags requiredFlags, NodeFlags forbiddenFlags) { this.requiredFlags = requiredFlags; this.forbiddenFlags = forbiddenFlags; } public bool CheckNode(NodeGraph nodeGraph, ref Node node) { NodeFlags flags = node.flags; if ((flags & forbiddenFlags) == 0) { return (flags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags; } return false; } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 1)] public readonly struct NodeAvailableFilter : INodeCheckFilterComponent { public bool CheckNode(NodeGraph nodeGraph, ref Node node) { if (node.gateIndex != 0) { return nodeGraph.openGates[node.gateIndex]; } return true; } } public struct NodeMinDistanceFilter : INodeCheckFilterComponent { private readonly Vector3 position; private readonly float minDistanceSqr; public NodeMinDistanceFilter(Vector3 position, float minDistance) { this.position = position; minDistanceSqr = minDistance * minDistance; } public bool CheckNode(NodeGraph nodeGraph, ref Node node) { return (node.position - position).sqrMagnitude >= minDistanceSqr; } } public struct NodeRaycastFilter : INodeCheckFilterComponent { private readonly Vector3 raycastOrigin; private readonly Vector3 raycastOffset; private readonly int maxRaycasts; private int raycastsPerformed; public NodeRaycastFilter(Vector3 raycastOrigin, Vector3 raycastOffset, int maxRaycasts) { this.raycastOrigin = raycastOrigin + raycastOffset; this.raycastOffset = raycastOffset; this.maxRaycasts = maxRaycasts; raycastsPerformed = 0; } public bool CheckNode(NodeGraph nodeGraph, ref Node node) { if (raycastsPerformed < maxRaycasts) { raycastsPerformed++; if (Physics.Linecast(raycastOrigin, node.position + raycastOffset, out var _,, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { return false; } } return true; } } public struct NodeOverheadFilter : INodeCheckFilterComponent { private Vector3 position; private bool enabled; public NodeOverheadFilter(Vector3 position, bool enabled) { this.position = position; this.enabled = enabled; } public bool CheckNode(NodeGraph nodeGraph, ref Node node) { if (enabled && Vector3.Dot((node.position - position).normalized, Vector3.up) > 0.70710677f) { return false; } return true; } } public static NodeSearchFilter Create(NodeGraph nodeGraph, TFilter nodeCheckFilter) where TFilter : INodeCheckFilterComponent { return new NodeSearchFilter(nodeGraph, nodeCheckFilter); } public static NodeCheckFilterAnd And(TFilterA filterA, TFilterB filterB) where TFilterA : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterB : INodeCheckFilterComponent { return new NodeCheckFilterAnd(filterA, filterB); } public static NodeCheckFilterAnd> And(TFilterA filterA, TFilterB filterB, TFilterC filterC) where TFilterA : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterB : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterC : INodeCheckFilterComponent { return And(filterA, And(filterB, filterC)); } public static NodeCheckFilterAnd>> And(TFilterA filterA, TFilterB filterB, TFilterC filterC, TFilterD filterD) where TFilterA : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterB : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterC : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterD : INodeCheckFilterComponent { return And(filterA, And(filterB, filterC, filterD)); } public static NodeCheckFilterAnd>>> And(TFilterA filterA, TFilterB filterB, TFilterC filterC, TFilterD filterD, TFilterE filterE) where TFilterA : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterB : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterC : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterD : INodeCheckFilterComponent where TFilterE : INodeCheckFilterComponent { return And(filterA, And(filterB, filterC, filterD, filterE)); } } [SerializeField] private Node[] nodes = Array.Empty(); [SerializeField] private Link[] links = Array.Empty(); [SerializeField] private List gateNames = new List { "" }; private bool[] openGates = new bool[256]; public Vector3 cellSize = new Vector3(15f, 30f, 15f); private BlockMap blockMap = new BlockMap(); private FixedSizeArrayPool boolPerNodePool = new FixedSizeArrayPool(0); private FixedSizeArrayPool floatPerNodePool = new FixedSizeArrayPool(0); private FixedSizeArrayPool nodePerNodePool = new FixedSizeArrayPool(0); private FixedSizeArrayPool linkPerNodePool = new FixedSizeArrayPool(0); private const float overheadDotLimit = 0.70710677f; private void OnNodeCountChanged() { boolPerNodePool.lengthOfArrays = nodes.Length; floatPerNodePool.lengthOfArrays = nodes.Length; nodePerNodePool.lengthOfArrays = nodes.Length; linkPerNodePool.lengthOfArrays = nodes.Length; } private void Awake() { OnNodeCountChanged(); RebuildBlockMap(); } private void RebuildBlockMap() { NativeArray nativeArray = new NativeArray(nodes.Length, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { nativeArray[i] = new NodeIndex(i); } try { blockMap.SetCellSize(cellSize); blockMap.Set(new NativeArrayIListWrapper(nativeArray), nativeArray.Length, new NodePositionGetter(this)); } finally { nativeArray.Dispose(); } } public void Clear() { nodes = Array.Empty(); links = Array.Empty(); gateNames.Clear(); gateNames.Add(""); blockMap.Reset(); OnNodeCountChanged(); } public void SetNodes(ReadOnlyCollection mapNodes, ReadOnlyCollection lineOfSightMasks) { Clear(); Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary(); List list = new List(); List list2 = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < mapNodes.Count; i++) { MapNode key = mapNodes[i]; dictionary[key] = new NodeIndex(i); } for (int j = 0; j < mapNodes.Count; j++) { MapNode mapNode = mapNodes[j]; NodeIndex nodeIndexA = dictionary[mapNode]; int count = list2.Count; for (int k = 0; k < mapNode.links.Count; k++) { MapNode.Link link = mapNode.links[k]; if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(link.nodeB)) { Debug.LogErrorFormat(link.nodeB, "[{0}] Node {1} was not registered.", k, link.nodeB); } list2.Add(new Link { nodeIndexA = nodeIndexA, nodeIndexB = dictionary[link.nodeB], distanceScore = link.distanceScore, minJumpHeight = link.minJumpHeight, hullMask = link.hullMask, jumpHullMask = link.jumpHullMask, gateIndex = RegisterGateName(link.gateName) }); } HullMask hullMask = mapNode.forbiddenHulls; for (HullClassification hullClassification = HullClassification.Human; hullClassification < HullClassification.Count; hullClassification++) { bool flag = false; int num = 1 << (int)hullClassification; List list3 = mapNode.links; for (int l = 0; l < list3.Count; l++) { if ((list3[l].hullMask & num) != 0) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { hullMask = (HullMask)((int)hullMask | num); } } list.Add(new Node { position = mapNode.transform.position, linkListIndex = new LinkListIndex { index = count, size = (uint)mapNode.links.Count }, forbiddenHulls = hullMask, flags = mapNode.flags, lineOfSightMask = new SerializableBitArray(lineOfSightMasks[j]), gateIndex = RegisterGateName(mapNode.gateName) }); } nodes = list.ToArray(); links = list2.ToArray(); OnNodeCountChanged(); RebuildBlockMap(); } public Vector3 GetQuadraticCoordinates(float t, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 apexPos, Vector3 endPos) { return Mathf.Pow(1f - t, 2f) * startPos + 2f * t * (1f - t) * apexPos + Mathf.Pow(t, 2f) * endPos; } public Mesh GenerateLinkDebugMesh(HullMask hullMask) { using WireMeshBuilder wireMeshBuilder = new WireMeshBuilder(); Link[] array = links; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Link link = array[i]; if (((uint)link.hullMask & (uint)hullMask) == 0) { continue; } Vector3 position = nodes[link.nodeIndexA.nodeIndex].position; Vector3 position2 = nodes[link.nodeIndexB.nodeIndex].position; Vector3 vector = (position + position2) * 0.5f; bool num = ((uint)link.jumpHullMask & (uint)hullMask) != 0; Color color = (num ? Color.cyan :; if (num) { Vector3 apexPos = vector; apexPos.y = position.y + link.minJumpHeight; int num2 = 8; Vector3 p = position; for (int j = 1; j <= num2; j++) { if (j > num2 / 2) { color.a = 0.1f; } Vector3 quadraticCoordinates = GetQuadraticCoordinates((float)j / (float)num2, position, apexPos, position2); wireMeshBuilder.AddLine(p, color, quadraticCoordinates, color); p = quadraticCoordinates; } } else { Color c = color; c.a = 0.1f; wireMeshBuilder.AddLine(position, color, (position + position2) * 0.5f, c); } } return wireMeshBuilder.GenerateMesh(); } public void DebugDrawLinks(HullClassification hull) { int num = 1 << (int)hull; Link[] array = links; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Link link = array[i]; if ((link.hullMask & num) == 0) { continue; } Vector3 position = nodes[link.nodeIndexA.nodeIndex].position; Vector3 position2 = nodes[link.nodeIndexB.nodeIndex].position; Vector3 vector = (position + position2) * 0.5f; bool num2 = (link.jumpHullMask & num) != 0; Color color = (num2 ? Color.cyan :; if (num2) { Vector3 apexPos = vector; apexPos.y = position.y + link.minJumpHeight; int num3 = 8; Vector3 start = position; for (int j = 1; j <= num3; j++) { if (j > num3 / 2) { color.a = 0.1f; } Vector3 quadraticCoordinates = GetQuadraticCoordinates((float)j / (float)num3, position, apexPos, position2); Debug.DrawLine(start, quadraticCoordinates, color, 10f); start = quadraticCoordinates; } } else { Debug.DrawLine(position, vector, color, 10f, depthTest: false); Color color2 = color; color2.a = 0.1f; Debug.DrawLine(vector, position2, color2, 10f, depthTest: false); } } } public void DebugDrawPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos) { Path path = new Path(this); ComputePath(new PathRequest { startPos = startPos, endPos = endPos, path = path, hullClassification = HullClassification.Human }).Wait(); if (path.status == PathStatus.Valid) { for (int i = 1; i < path.waypointsCount; i++) { Debug.DrawLine(nodes[path[i - 1].nodeIndex.nodeIndex].position, nodes[path[i].nodeIndex.nodeIndex].position,, 10f); } } } public void DebugHighlightNodesWithNoLinks() { Node[] array = nodes; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Node node = array[i]; if (node.linkListIndex.size == 0) { Debug.DrawRay(node.position, Vector3.up * 100f, Color.cyan, 60f); } } } public int GetNodeCount() { return nodes.Length; } public List GetActiveNodesForHullMask(HullMask hullMask) { List list = new List(nodes.Length); GetActiveNodesForHullMask(hullMask, list); return list; } public void GetActiveNodesForHullMask(HullMask hullMask, List dest) { dest.Capacity = Math.Max(dest.Capacity, nodes.Length); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { if ((nodes[i].forbiddenHulls & hullMask) == 0 && (nodes[i].gateIndex == 0 || openGates[nodes[i].gateIndex])) { dest.Add(new NodeIndex(i)); } } } public List GetActiveNodesForHullMaskWithFlagConditions(HullMask hullMask, NodeFlags requiredFlags, NodeFlags forbiddenFlags) { List list = new List(nodes.Length); GetActiveNodesForHullMaskWithFlagConditions(hullMask, requiredFlags, forbiddenFlags, list); return list; } public void GetActiveNodesForHullMaskWithFlagConditions(HullMask hullMask, NodeFlags requiredFlags, NodeFlags forbiddenFlags, List dest) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { NodeFlags flags = nodes[i].flags; if ((flags & forbiddenFlags) == 0 && (flags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags && (nodes[i].forbiddenHulls & hullMask) == 0 && (nodes[i].gateIndex == 0 || openGates[nodes[i].gateIndex])) { dest.Add(new NodeIndex(i)); } } } public List FindNodesInRange(Vector3 position, float minRange, float maxRange, HullMask hullMask) { List list = new List(); FindNodesInRange(position, minRange, maxRange, hullMask, list); return list; } public void FindNodesInRange(Vector3 position, float minRange, float maxRange, HullMask hullMask, List dest) { NodeFilters.NodeSearchFilter>> filter = NodeFilters.Create(this, NodeFilters.And(new NodeFilters.NodeHullFilter(hullMask), default(NodeFilters.NodeAvailableFilter), new NodeFilters.NodeMinDistanceFilter(position, minRange))); blockMap.GetNearestItemsWhichPassFilter(position, maxRange, ref filter, dest); } public List FindNodesInRangeWithFlagConditions(Vector3 position, float minRange, float maxRange, HullMask hullMask, NodeFlags requiredFlags, NodeFlags forbiddenFlags, bool preventOverhead) { List list = new List(); FindNodesInRangeWithFlagConditions(position, minRange, maxRange, hullMask, requiredFlags, forbiddenFlags, preventOverhead, list); return list; } public void FindNodesInRangeWithFlagConditions(Vector3 position, float minRange, float maxRange, HullMask hullMask, NodeFlags requiredFlags, NodeFlags forbiddenFlags, bool preventOverhead, List dest) { NodeFilters.NodeSearchFilter>>>> filter = NodeFilters.Create(this, NodeFilters.And(new NodeFilters.NodeFlagsFilter(requiredFlags, forbiddenFlags), new NodeFilters.NodeHullFilter(hullMask), default(NodeFilters.NodeAvailableFilter), new NodeFilters.NodeOverheadFilter(position, preventOverhead), new NodeFilters.NodeMinDistanceFilter(position, minRange))); blockMap.GetNearestItemsWhichPassFilter(position, maxRange, ref filter, dest); } public bool GetNodePosition(NodeIndex nodeIndex, out Vector3 position) { if (nodeIndex != NodeIndex.invalid && nodeIndex.nodeIndex < nodes.Length) { position = nodes[nodeIndex.nodeIndex].position; return true; } position =; return false; } public bool GetNodeFlags(NodeIndex nodeIndex, out NodeFlags flags) { if (nodeIndex != NodeIndex.invalid && nodeIndex.nodeIndex < nodes.Length) { flags = nodes[nodeIndex.nodeIndex].flags; return true; } flags = NodeFlags.None; return false; } public LinkIndex[] GetActiveNodeLinks(NodeIndex nodeIndex) { if (nodeIndex != NodeIndex.invalid && nodeIndex.nodeIndex < nodes.Length) { LinkListIndex linkListIndex = nodes[nodeIndex.nodeIndex].linkListIndex; LinkIndex[] array = new LinkIndex[linkListIndex.size]; int index = linkListIndex.index; for (int i = 0; i < linkListIndex.size; i++) { array[i] = new LinkIndex { linkIndex = index++ }; } return array; } return null; } public void GetActiveNodeLinks(NodeIndex nodeIndex, List results) { if (nodeIndex != NodeIndex.invalid && nodeIndex.nodeIndex < nodes.Length) { LinkListIndex linkListIndex = nodes[nodeIndex.nodeIndex].linkListIndex; int index = linkListIndex.index; for (int i = 0; i < linkListIndex.size; i++) { results.Add(new LinkIndex { linkIndex = index++ }); } } } public bool TestNodeLineOfSight(NodeIndex nodeIndexA, NodeIndex nodeIndexB) { if (nodeIndexA != NodeIndex.invalid && nodeIndexA.nodeIndex < nodes.Length && nodeIndexB != NodeIndex.invalid && nodeIndexB.nodeIndex < nodes.Length) { return nodes[nodeIndexA.nodeIndex].lineOfSightMask[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex]; } return false; } public bool GetPositionAlongLink(LinkIndex linkIndex, float t, out Vector3 position) { if (linkIndex != LinkIndex.invalid && linkIndex.linkIndex < links.Length) { position = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(nodes[links[linkIndex.linkIndex].nodeIndexA.nodeIndex].position, nodes[links[linkIndex.linkIndex].nodeIndexB.nodeIndex].position, t); return true; } position =; return false; } public bool IsLinkSuitableForHull(LinkIndex linkIndex, HullClassification hullClassification) { if (linkIndex != LinkIndex.invalid && linkIndex.linkIndex < links.Length) { if ((links[linkIndex.linkIndex].hullMask & (1 << (int)hullClassification)) != 0) { if (links[linkIndex.linkIndex].gateIndex != 0) { return openGates[links[linkIndex.linkIndex].gateIndex]; } return true; } return false; } return false; } public bool IsLinkSuitableForHull(LinkIndex linkIndex, HullMask hullMask) { if (linkIndex != LinkIndex.invalid && linkIndex.linkIndex < links.Length) { if (((uint)links[linkIndex.linkIndex].hullMask & (uint)hullMask) != 0) { if (links[linkIndex.linkIndex].gateIndex != 0) { return openGates[links[linkIndex.linkIndex].gateIndex]; } return true; } return false; } return false; } public NodeIndex GetLinkStartNode(LinkIndex linkIndex) { if (linkIndex != LinkIndex.invalid && linkIndex.linkIndex < links.Length) { return links[linkIndex.linkIndex].nodeIndexA; } return NodeIndex.invalid; } public NodeIndex GetLinkEndNode(LinkIndex linkIndex) { if (linkIndex != LinkIndex.invalid && linkIndex.linkIndex < links.Length) { return links[linkIndex.linkIndex].nodeIndexB; } return NodeIndex.invalid; } public NodeIndex FindClosestNode(Vector3 position, HullClassification hullClassification, float maxDistance = float.PositiveInfinity) { NodeFilters.NodeSearchFilter> filter = NodeFilters.Create(this, NodeFilters.And(new NodeFilters.NodeHullFilter(hullClassification), default(NodeFilters.NodeAvailableFilter))); if (blockMap.GetNearestItemWhichPassesFilter(position, maxDistance, ref filter, out var dest)) { return dest; } return NodeIndex.invalid; } public NodeIndex FindClosestNodeWithRaycast(Vector3 position, HullClassification hullClassification, float maxDistance, int maxRaycasts) { NodeFilters.NodeSearchFilter>> filter = NodeFilters.Create(this, NodeFilters.And(new NodeFilters.NodeHullFilter(hullClassification), default(NodeFilters.NodeAvailableFilter), new NodeFilters.NodeRaycastFilter(position, new Vector3(0f, 0.2f, 0f), 3))); if (blockMap.GetNearestItemWhichPassesFilter(position, maxDistance, ref filter, out var dest)) { return dest; } return NodeIndex.invalid; } public NodeIndex FindClosestNodeWithFlagConditions(Vector3 position, HullClassification hullClassification, NodeFlags requiredFlags, NodeFlags forbiddenFlags, bool preventOverhead) { NodeFilters.NodeSearchFilter>>> filter = NodeFilters.Create(this, NodeFilters.And(new NodeFilters.NodeFlagsFilter(requiredFlags, forbiddenFlags), new NodeFilters.NodeHullFilter(hullClassification), default(NodeFilters.NodeAvailableFilter), new NodeFilters.NodeOverheadFilter(position, preventOverhead))); if (blockMap.GetNearestItemWhichPassesFilter(position, float.PositiveInfinity, ref filter, out var dest)) { return dest; } return NodeIndex.invalid; } private float HeuristicCostEstimate(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos) { return Vector3.Distance(startPos, endPos); } private static float DistanceXZ(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { a.y = 0f; b.y = 0f; return Vector3.Distance(a, b); } private static void ArrayRemoveNodeIndex(NodeIndex[] array, NodeIndex value, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (array[i] == value) { array[i] = array[count - 1]; break; } } } private static void ArrayRemoveNodeIndexFromCachedPosition(NodeIndex[] array, int arrayIndex, int count) { array[arrayIndex] = array[count - 1]; } public PathTask ComputePath(PathRequest pathRequest) { bool[] array = boolPerNodePool.Request(); bool[] array2 = boolPerNodePool.Request(); NodeIndex[] array3 = nodePerNodePool.Request(); LinkIndex[] array4 = linkPerNodePool.Request(); ArrayUtils.SetAll(array4, in LinkIndex.invalid); float[] array5 = floatPerNodePool.Request(); float value = float.PositiveInfinity; ArrayUtils.SetAll(array5, in value); float[] array6 = floatPerNodePool.Request(); value = float.PositiveInfinity; ArrayUtils.SetAll(array6, in value); try { ResolveNodePosition(in pathRequest.startPos, out var dest2, 100f, 2); ResolveNodePosition(in pathRequest.endPos, out var dest3, 500f, 0); PathTask pathTask = new PathTask(pathRequest.path); pathTask.status = PathTask.TaskStatus.Running; if (dest2.nodeIndex == NodeIndex.invalid.nodeIndex || dest3.nodeIndex == NodeIndex.invalid.nodeIndex) { pathRequest.path.Clear(); pathTask.status = PathTask.TaskStatus.Complete; pathTask.wasReachable = false; return pathTask; } int num = 1 << (int)pathRequest.hullClassification; array2[dest2.nodeIndex] = true; int num2 = 1; array3[0] = dest2; array5[dest2.nodeIndex] = 0f; array6[dest2.nodeIndex] = HeuristicCostEstimate(nodes[dest2.nodeIndex].position, nodes[dest3.nodeIndex].position); int arrayIndex = -1; while (num2 > 0) { NodeIndex nodeIndex = NodeIndex.invalid; float num3 = float.PositiveInfinity; for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { int nodeIndex2 = array3[i].nodeIndex; if (array6[nodeIndex2] <= num3) { num3 = array6[nodeIndex2]; nodeIndex = new NodeIndex(nodeIndex2); arrayIndex = i; } } if (nodeIndex.nodeIndex == dest3.nodeIndex) { ReconstructPath(pathRequest.path, array4, array4[nodeIndex.nodeIndex], pathRequest); pathTask.status = PathTask.TaskStatus.Complete; pathTask.wasReachable = true; return pathTask; } array2[nodeIndex.nodeIndex] = false; ArrayRemoveNodeIndexFromCachedPosition(array3, arrayIndex, num2); num2--; array[nodeIndex.nodeIndex] = true; LinkListIndex linkListIndex = nodes[nodeIndex.nodeIndex].linkListIndex; LinkIndex linkIndex = default(LinkIndex); linkIndex.linkIndex = linkListIndex.index; LinkIndex linkIndex2 = linkIndex; linkIndex = default(LinkIndex); linkIndex.linkIndex = linkListIndex.index + (int)linkListIndex.size; for (LinkIndex linkIndex3 = linkIndex; linkIndex2.linkIndex < linkIndex3.linkIndex; linkIndex2.linkIndex++) { Link link = links[linkIndex2.linkIndex]; NodeIndex nodeIndexB = link.nodeIndexB; if (array[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex]) { continue; } if ((num & link.jumpHullMask) != 0 && links[linkIndex2.linkIndex].minJumpHeight > 0f) { Vector3 position = nodes[link.nodeIndexA.nodeIndex].position; Vector3 position2 = nodes[link.nodeIndexB.nodeIndex].position; if (Trajectory.CalculateApex(Trajectory.CalculateInitialYSpeed(Trajectory.CalculateGroundTravelTime(pathRequest.maxSpeed, DistanceXZ(position, position2)), position2.y - position.y)) > pathRequest.maxJumpHeight) { continue; } } if ((link.hullMask & num) != 0 && (link.gateIndex == 0 || openGates[link.gateIndex])) { float distanceScore = link.distanceScore; float num4 = array5[nodeIndex.nodeIndex] + distanceScore; if (!array2[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex]) { array2[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex] = true; array3[num2] = nodeIndexB; num2++; } else if (num4 >= array5[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex]) { continue; } array4[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex] = linkIndex2; array5[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex] = num4; array6[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex] = num4 + HeuristicCostEstimate(nodes[nodeIndexB.nodeIndex].position, nodes[dest3.nodeIndex].position); } } } pathRequest.path.Clear(); pathTask.status = PathTask.TaskStatus.Complete; return pathTask; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError($"ComputePath exception: {ex}\n\n{ex.StackTrace}"); } finally { floatPerNodePool.Return(array6, FixedSizeArrayPool.ClearType.NONE); floatPerNodePool.Return(array5, FixedSizeArrayPool.ClearType.NONE); linkPerNodePool.Return(array4, FixedSizeArrayPool.ClearType.NONE); nodePerNodePool.Return(array3, FixedSizeArrayPool.ClearType.CLEAR); boolPerNodePool.Return(array2, FixedSizeArrayPool.ClearType.CLEAR); boolPerNodePool.Return(array, FixedSizeArrayPool.ClearType.CLEAR); } return null; void ResolveNodePosition(in PathRequestPosition pathRequestPosition, out NodeIndex dest, float maxSearchDistance, int maxRaycasts) { if (pathRequestPosition.nodeIndex.HasValue) { dest = pathRequestPosition.nodeIndex.Value; } else if (pathRequestPosition.position.HasValue) { dest = FindClosestNodeWithRaycast(pathRequestPosition.position.Value, pathRequest.hullClassification, maxSearchDistance, maxRaycasts); } else { dest = NodeIndex.invalid; } } } private LinkIndex Resolve(LinkIndex[] cameFrom, LinkIndex current) { if (current.linkIndex < 0 || current.linkIndex > links.Length) { Debug.LogFormat("Link {0} is out of range [0,{1})", current.linkIndex, links.Length); } NodeIndex nodeIndexA = links[current.linkIndex].nodeIndexA; return cameFrom[nodeIndexA.nodeIndex]; } private void ReconstructPath(Path path, LinkIndex[] cameFrom, LinkIndex current, PathRequest pathRequest) { int num = 1 << (int)pathRequest.hullClassification; path.Clear(); if (current != LinkIndex.invalid) { path.PushWaypointToFront(links[current.linkIndex].nodeIndexB, 0f); } while (current != LinkIndex.invalid) { NodeIndex nodeIndexB = links[current.linkIndex].nodeIndexB; float minJumpHeight = 0f; if ((num & links[current.linkIndex].jumpHullMask) != 0 && links[current.linkIndex].minJumpHeight > 0f) { Vector3 position = nodes[links[current.linkIndex].nodeIndexA.nodeIndex].position; Vector3 position2 = nodes[links[current.linkIndex].nodeIndexB.nodeIndex].position; minJumpHeight = Trajectory.CalculateApex(Trajectory.CalculateInitialYSpeed(Trajectory.CalculateGroundTravelTime(pathRequest.maxSpeed, DistanceXZ(position, position2)), position2.y - position.y)); } path.PushWaypointToFront(nodeIndexB, minJumpHeight); if (cameFrom[links[current.linkIndex].nodeIndexA.nodeIndex] == LinkIndex.invalid) { path.PushWaypointToFront(links[current.linkIndex].nodeIndexA, 0f); } current = cameFrom[links[current.linkIndex].nodeIndexA.nodeIndex]; } path.status = PathStatus.Valid; } private byte RegisterGateName(string gateName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gateName)) { return 0; } int num = gateNames.IndexOf(gateName); if (num == -1) { num = gateNames.Count; if (num >= 256) { Debug.LogErrorFormat(this, "Nodegraph cannot have more than 255 gate names. Nodegraph={0} gateName={1}", this, gateName); num = 0; } else { gateNames.Add(gateName); } } return (byte)num; } public bool IsGateOpen(string gateName) { int num = gateNames.IndexOf(gateName); if (num == -1) { return false; } return openGates[num]; } public void SetGateState(string gateName, bool open) { TrySetGateState(gateName, open); } public bool TrySetGateState(string gateName, bool open) { int num = gateNames.IndexOf(gateName); if (num == -1) { return false; } openGates[num] = open; return true; } }