## Settings file was created by plugin LookingGlass v1.9.6 ## Plugin GUID: droppod.lookingglass [Auto Sort Items] ## Where scrap should be sorted # Setting type: ScrapSortMode # Default value: Start # Acceptable values: Start, End, Mixed Scrap Sorting = Start ## Sorts by Tier # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Tier Sort = true ## How the tiers should be ordered # Setting type: String # Default value: Lunar VoidBoss Boss VoidTier3 Tier3 VoidTier2 Tier2 VoidTier1 Tier1 NoTier Tier Order = Lunar VoidBoss Boss VoidTier3 Tier3 VoidTier2 Tier2 VoidTier1 Tier1 NoTier ## Considers void tiers to be the same as their normal counterparts # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Combine Normal And Void Tiers = false ## Sorts by Stack Size # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Stack Size Sort = true ## Sorts by Stack Size Descending # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Descending Stack Size Sort = true ## Sorts command menu by stack count # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Sort Command Menu = true ## Sorts command menu descending # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Command Menu Descending = true ## Sorts Scrapper by stack count # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Sort Scrapper = true ## Sorts Scrapper by descending # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Scrapper Descending = true ## Sorts Scrapper by tier # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Sort Scrapper Tier = false ## Sorts command menu alphabetically # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Sort Command Menu Alphabetically = false ## Sorts command alphabetically descending # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Command Menu Alphabetically Descending = true ## Sorts Scrapper alphabetically # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Sort Scrapper Alphabetically = false ## Sorts Scrapper alphabetically descending # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Scrapper Alphabetically Descending = true [Buff Descriptions] ## Gives descriptions to buffs (All vanilla by default, modded buffs need to be setup) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Buff Descriptions = true ## Changes the font size of buff descriptions # Setting type: Single # Default value: 100 Buff Font Size = 100 [Command Settings] ## Disable the background blur effect from the command window # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Disable Command Window Blur = true ## Makes any keyboard/mouse input disable the command prompt. Doesn't work with controllers because you wouldn't be able to use the menu. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Input Disables Command Prompt = true ## Shows how many items you have in the command menu # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Command Item Count = true ## Hides the item count if you have none of an item # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Hide Count If Zero = false ## Shows tooltips in the command menu # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Command Tooltips = true ## Shows when items have been corrupted # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Show Corrupted Items = true ## Resizes the command window to fit modded items # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Resize Command Window = true ## Changes the Opacity of the regular command window # Setting type: Single # Default value: 50 Command Window Opacity = 50 [Misc] ## Disable item pickup notifications # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Disable Pickup Notifications = false ## Enables buff timers. These are not networked in the base game, please install NetworkedTimedBuffs if you want clients to see them aswell. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Buff Timers = true ## Changes the font size of buff timers # Setting type: Single # Default value: 80 Buff Timers Font Size = 80 ## Counts your items in the scoreboard # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Item Counters = false ## Makes the cooldown indicator for the equip slot permanent and not just when you have 0 stock. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Permanent Cooldown Indicator For Equip = true ## Makes the cooldown indicator for skills permanent and not just when you have 0 stock. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Permanent Cooldown Indicator For Skills = true ## Removes the hidden flag from items # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Unhide Hidden Items = false ## Duration of pickup notifications. 6s is the vanilla duration # Setting type: Single # Default value: 6 Pickup Notifications Duration = 6 ## Shows full item descriptions on mouseover # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Item Stats = true ## Gives calculations for vanilla items and modded items which have added specific support. (Sadly, items are not designed in a way to allow this to be automatic) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Item Stats Calculations = true ## Shows full item descriptions on pickup # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Full Item Description On Pickup = true ## Shows item descriptions when you ping an item in the world # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Item Stats On Ping = true ## Changes the font size of item stats # Setting type: Single # Default value: 100 Item Stats Font Size = 100 ## Caps displayed chances at 100%. May interact weirdly with luck if turned off # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Cap Chance Percentage = true ## Shows ability proc coefficients on supported survivors # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Ability Proc Coefficients = true [Stats] ## What are you gonna do, cheat the number? # Setting type: UInt64 # Default value: 0 Max Combo = 2348843115 ## What are you gonna do, cheat the number? # Setting type: UInt64 # Default value: 0 Max Kill Combo = 3065 [Stats Display] ## Enables Stats Display # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true StatsDisplay = true ## String for the stats display. You can customize this with Unity Rich Text if you want, see ## https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.textmeshpro@4.0/manual/RichText.html for more info. ## Available syntax for the [] stuff is: ## luck ## baseDamage ## crit ## attackSpeed ## armor ## armorDamageReduction ## regen ## speed ## availableJumps ## maxJumps ## killCount ## mountainShrines ## experience ## level ## maxHealth ## maxBarrier ## barrierDecayRate ## maxShield ## acceleration ## jumpPower ## maxJumpHeight ## damage ## critMultiplier ## bleedChance ## visionDistance ## critHeal ## cursePenalty ## hasOneShotProtection ## isGlass ## canPerformBackstab ## canReceiveBackstab ## healthPercentage ## goldPortal ## msPortal ## shopPortal ## dps ## currentCombatDamage ## remainingComboDuration ## maxCombo ## maxComboThisRun ## currentCombatKills ## maxKillCombo ## maxKillComboThisRun ## critWithLuck ## bleedChanceWithLuck ## velocity ## teddyBearBlockChance ## saferSpacesCD ## instaKillChance ## voidPortal ## difficultyCoefficient ## stage # Setting type: String # Default value: Stats\nLuck: [luck]\nDamage: [damage]\nCrit Chance: [critWithLuck]\nAttack Speed: [attackSpeed]\nArmor: [armor] | [armorDamageReduction]\nRegen: [regen]\nSpeed: [speed]\nJumps: [availableJumps]/[maxJumps]\nKills: [killCount]\nMountain Shrines: [mountainShrines]\nDPS: [dps]\nCombo: [currentCombatDamage]\nCombo Timer: [remainingComboDuration]\nMax Combo: [maxCombo] Stats Display String = Stats\nCrit Chance: [critWithLuck]\nAttack Speed: [attackSpeed]\nDPS: [dps]\nArmor: [armor]\nSpeed: [speed]\nDifficulty: [difficultyCoefficient] ## General font size of the stats display menu. If set to -1, will copy the font size from the objective panel # Setting type: Single # Default value: -1 StatsDisplay font size = -1 ## The interval at which stats display updates, in seconds. Lower values will increase responsiveness, but may potentially affect performance # Setting type: Single # Default value: 0.33 StatsDisplay update interval = 0.33 ## Uses the default styling for stats display syntax items. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Use default colors = true ## Sets a user-specified height for Stats Display (may be necessary if you get particularly creative with formatting) # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Override Stats Display Height = false ## Height, in lines of full-size text, for the Stats Display panel # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 7 Stats Display Height Value = 7 ## How many decimal points will be used in floating point values # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 2 StatsDisplay Float Precision = 2 ## Will enable the use of the secondary stats display string. This will overwrite the stats display string whenever the scoreboard is held open. # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: false Use Secondary StatsDisplay = false ## Secondary string for the stats display. You can customize this with Unity Rich Text if you want, see ## https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.textmeshpro@4.0/manual/RichText.html for more info. ## Available syntax for the [] stuff is: ## luck ## baseDamage ## crit ## attackSpeed ## armor ## armorDamageReduction ## regen ## speed ## availableJumps ## maxJumps ## killCount ## mountainShrines ## experience ## level ## maxHealth ## maxBarrier ## barrierDecayRate ## maxShield ## acceleration ## jumpPower ## maxJumpHeight ## damage ## critMultiplier ## bleedChance ## visionDistance ## critHeal ## cursePenalty ## hasOneShotProtection ## isGlass ## canPerformBackstab ## canReceiveBackstab ## healthPercentage ## goldPortal ## msPortal ## shopPortal ## dps ## currentCombatDamage ## remainingComboDuration ## maxCombo ## maxComboThisRun ## currentCombatKills ## maxKillCombo ## maxKillComboThisRun ## critWithLuck ## bleedChanceWithLuck ## velocity ## teddyBearBlockChance ## saferSpacesCD ## instaKillChance ## voidPortal ## difficultyCoefficient ## stage # Setting type: String # Default value: Stats\nLuck: [luck]\nDamage: [damage]\nCrit Chance: [critWithLuck]\nBleed Chance: [bleedChanceWithLuck]\nAttack Speed: [attackSpeed]\nArmor: [armor] | [armorDamageReduction]\nRegen: [regen]\nSpeed: [speed]\nJumps: [availableJumps]/[maxJumps]\nKills: [killCount]\nMountain Shrines: [mountainShrines]\nMax Combo: [maxCombo]\nPortals: \nGold:[goldPortal] Shop:[shopPortal] Celestial:[msPortal] Void:[voidPortal] Secondary Stats Display String = Stats\nCrit Chance: [critWithLuck]\nAttack Speed: [attackSpeed]\nDPS: [dps]