feat(nvim): nil_ls is now registered, but not ensure_installed from mason

htran 2023-07-08 18:28:13 -07:00
parent e13cd11a68
commit 5b61ab39f9
1 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ end
-- libs and dependencies
WPlug('nvim-lua/plenary.nvim') -- The base of all plugins
WPlug('MunifTanjim/nui.nvim') -- For some .so or .dylib neovim UI action
WPlug('nvim-lua/plenary.nvim') -- The base of all plugins
WPlug('MunifTanjim/nui.nvim') -- For some .so or .dylib neovim UI action
-- plugins
@ -244,18 +244,18 @@ colorscheme gruvbox
require('trouble').setup {
position = "bottom", -- position of the list can be: bottom, top, left, right
height = 10, -- height of the trouble list when position is top or bottom
width = 50, -- width of the list when position is left or right
icons = true, -- use devicons for filenames
mode = "workspace_diagnostics", -- "workspace_diagnostics", "document_diagnostics", "quickfix", "lsp_references", "loclist"
severity = nil, -- nil (ALL) or vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR | WARN | INFO | HINT
fold_open = "", -- icon used for open folds
fold_closed = "", -- icon used for closed folds
group = true, -- group results by file
padding = true, -- add an extra new line on top of the list
position = "bottom", -- position of the list can be: bottom, top, left, right
height = 10, -- height of the trouble list when position is top or bottom
width = 50, -- width of the list when position is left or right
icons = true, -- use devicons for filenames
mode = "workspace_diagnostics", -- "workspace_diagnostics", "document_diagnostics", "quickfix", "lsp_references", "loclist"
severity = nil, -- nil (ALL) or vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR | WARN | INFO | HINT
fold_open = "", -- icon used for open folds
fold_closed = "", -- icon used for closed folds
group = true, -- group results by file
padding = true, -- add an extra new line on top of the list
action_keys = {
-- key mappings for actions in the trouble list
-- key mappings for actions in the trouble list
-- map to {} to remove a mapping, for example:
-- close = {},
close = "q", -- close the list
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ require('trouble').setup {
information = "",
other = "",
use_diagnostic_signs = false -- enabling this will use the signs defined in your lsp client
use_diagnostic_signs = false -- enabling this will use the signs defined in your lsp client
@ -1063,6 +1063,8 @@ require('mason-lspconfig').setup_handlers({
require('lspconfig')["nil_ls"].setup {}
require("rust-tools").setup {
tools = {
-- rust-tools options
@ -1408,5 +1410,3 @@ require("colorizer").setup {
-- all the sub-options of filetypes apply to buftypes
buftypes = {},