
103 lines
3.6 KiB

# TODO: vim-plug and Mason supports laziness. Probably worth it to explore
# incremental dependencies based on the project
# One thing to consider, though, /nix/store of `nix-shell` or `nix-develop`
# might be different from `home-manager`'s
{ pkgs, lib, config, proj_root, ... }:
# NOTE: Failure 1: buildInputs is pretty much ignored
# my_neovim = pkgs.neovim-unwrapped.overrideDerivation (old: {
# # TODO: is there a more beautiful way to override propagatedBuildInputs?
# name = "hungtr-" +;
# buildInputs = (old.buildInputs or []) ++ [
# pkgs.tree-sitter # highlighting
# rust_pkgs # for potentially rust-analyzer
# pkgs.fzf
# pkgs.ripgrep
# pkgs.zk
# pkgs.fd
# ];
# NOTE: Failure 2: propagatedBuildInputs probably only concerns dyn libs
# });
# NOTE: Failure 3: must be unwrapped neovim because home-manager does the wrapping
# my_neovim = pkgs.neovim;
# NOTE: Add packages to nvim_pkgs instead, so that it's available at userspace
# and is added to the path after wrapping.
# check: nix repl `homeConfigurations.hungtr.config.programs.neovim.finalPackage.buildCommand`
# see: :/--suffix.*PATH
# there should be mentions of additional packages
my_neovim = pkgs.neovim-unwrapped;
rust_pkgs = (pkgs.rust-bin.selectLatestNightlyWith
toolchain.default.override {
extensions = [ "rust-src" ];
nvim_pkgs = [
# pkgs.gccStdenv
pkgs.fzf # file name fuzzy search
pkgs.ripgrep # content fuzzy search
pkgs.zk # Zettelkasten (limited support)
pkgs.fd # Required by a Telescope plugin (?)
# Language-specific stuffs
# TODO: the devShell should provide rust-analyzer so that
# cargo test builds binaries compatible with rust-analyzer
# pkgs.rust-analyzer
# rust_pkgs
# pkgs.evcxr # Rust REPL for Conjure!
# Python3 as alternative to bash scripts :^)
# (pkgs.python310Full.withPackages (pypkgs: [
# # python-lsp-server's dependencies is absolutely astronomous
# # pypkgs.python-lsp-server # python-lsp. Now we'll have to tell mason to look for this
# pypkgs.pynvim # nvim provider
# pypkgs.ujson # pylsp seems to rely on this. satisfy it lol
# ]))
options.base.neovim = {
enable = lib.mkOption {
default = true;
description = "enable personalized neovim as default editor";
type = lib.types.bool;
example = false;
config = lib.mkIf config.base.neovim.enable {
programs.neovim = {
enable = true;
package = my_neovim;
viAlias = true;
vimAlias = true;
withPython3 = true;
withNodeJs = true;
# Attempt 4: Correct way to make neovim aware of packages
# homeConfigurations.config.programs.neovim takes UNWRAPPED neovim
# and wraps it.
# Ideally, we build our own neovim and add that to config.home.packages
# to share it with nixOS. But we don't really need to share
extraPackages = nvim_pkgs;
# only for here for archive-documentation
# extraPython3Packages = (pypkgs: [
# # pypkgs.python-lsp-server
# pypkgs.ujson
# ]);
# I use vim-plug, so I probably don't require packaging
# extraConfig actually writes to init-home-manager.vim (not lua)
# extraConfig = builtins.readFile "${proj_root}/neovim/init.lua";
# home.packages = nvim_pkgs;
xdg.configFile."nvim/init.lua".source = "${proj_root.config.path}//neovim/init.lua";