64 lines
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64 lines
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using System;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing;
[PostProcess(typeof(HopooSSRRenderer), PostProcessEvent.BeforeTransparent, "PostProcess/Hopoo SSR", true)]
public sealed class HopooSSR : PostProcessEffectSettings
[Tooltip("Choose a quality preset, or use \"Custom\" to fine tune it. Don't use a preset higher than \"Medium\" if you care about performances on consoles.")]
public ScreenSpaceReflectionPresetParameter preset = new ScreenSpaceReflectionPresetParameter
value = ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset.Medium
[Tooltip("Maximum iteration count.")]
[Range(0f, 256f)]
public IntParameter maximumIterationCount = new IntParameter
value = 16
[Tooltip("Changes the size of the SSR buffer. Downsample it to maximize performances or supersample it to get slow but higher quality results.")]
public ScreenSpaceReflectionResolutionParameter resolution = new ScreenSpaceReflectionResolutionParameter
value = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Downsampled
[Tooltip("Ray thickness. Lower values are more expensive but allow the effect to detect smaller details.")]
[Range(1f, 64f)]
public FloatParameter thickness = new FloatParameter
value = 8f
[Tooltip("Maximum distance to traverse after which it will stop drawing reflections.")]
public FloatParameter maximumMarchDistance = new FloatParameter
value = 100f
[Range(0f, 1f)]
[Tooltip("Fades reflections close to the near planes.")]
public FloatParameter distanceFade = new FloatParameter
value = 0.5f
[Range(0f, 1f)]
[Tooltip("Fades reflections close to the screen edges.")]
public FloatParameter vignette = new FloatParameter
value = 0.5f
public override bool IsEnabledAndSupported(PostProcessRenderContext context)
if ((bool)enabled && context.camera.actualRenderingPath == RenderingPath.DeferredShading && SystemInfo.supportsMotionVectors && SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders && SystemInfo.copyTextureSupport > CopyTextureSupport.None && (bool)context.resources.shaders.screenSpaceReflections && context.resources.shaders.screenSpaceReflections.isSupported)
return context.resources.computeShaders.gaussianDownsample;
return false;