
115 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
namespace RoR2.Projectile;
public class ProjectileDotZone : MonoBehaviour, IProjectileImpactBehavior
private ProjectileController projectileController;
private ProjectileDamage projectileDamage;
public float damageCoefficient;
public AttackerFiltering attackerFiltering = AttackerFiltering.NeverHitSelf;
public GameObject impactEffect;
public Vector3 forceVector;
public float overlapProcCoefficient = 1f;
[Tooltip("The frequency (1/time) at which the overlap attack is tested. Higher values are more accurate but more expensive.")]
public float fireFrequency = 1f;
[Tooltip("The frequency (1/time) at which the overlap attack is reset. Higher values means more frequent ticks of damage.")]
public float resetFrequency = 20f;
public float lifetime = 30f;
[Tooltip("The event that runs at the start.")]
public UnityEvent onBegin;
[Tooltip("The event that runs at the start.")]
public UnityEvent onEnd;
private OverlapAttack attack;
private float fireStopwatch;
private float resetStopwatch;
private float totalStopwatch;
public string soundLoopString = "";
public string soundLoopStopString = "";
private void Start()
projectileController = GetComponent<ProjectileController>();
projectileDamage = GetComponent<ProjectileDamage>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundLoopString))
Util.PlaySound(soundLoopString, base.gameObject);
private void ResetOverlap()
attack = new OverlapAttack();
attack.procChainMask = projectileController.procChainMask;
attack.procCoefficient = projectileController.procCoefficient * overlapProcCoefficient;
attack.attacker = projectileController.owner;
attack.inflictor = base.gameObject;
attack.teamIndex = projectileController.teamFilter.teamIndex;
attack.attackerFiltering = attackerFiltering;
attack.damage = damageCoefficient * projectileDamage.damage;
attack.forceVector = forceVector + projectileDamage.force * base.transform.forward;
attack.hitEffectPrefab = impactEffect;
attack.isCrit = projectileDamage.crit;
attack.damageColorIndex = projectileDamage.damageColorIndex;
attack.damageType = projectileDamage.damageType;
attack.hitBoxGroup = GetComponent<HitBoxGroup>();
public void OnProjectileImpact(ProjectileImpactInfo impactInfo)
public void FixedUpdate()
if (!NetworkServer.active)
totalStopwatch += Time.fixedDeltaTime;
resetStopwatch += Time.fixedDeltaTime;
fireStopwatch += Time.fixedDeltaTime;
if (resetStopwatch >= 1f / resetFrequency)
resetStopwatch -= 1f / resetFrequency;
if (fireStopwatch >= 1f / fireFrequency)
fireStopwatch -= 1f / fireFrequency;
if (lifetime > 0f && totalStopwatch >= lifetime)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundLoopStopString))
Util.PlaySound(soundLoopStopString, base.gameObject);