
311 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
namespace RoR2;
public class CharacterDirection : NetworkBehaviour, ILifeBehavior
private struct TurnAnimatorParamsSet
public float angleMin;
public float angleMax;
public bool turnRight45;
public bool turnRight90;
public bool turnRight135;
public bool turnLeft45;
public bool turnLeft90;
public bool turnLeft135;
private static readonly int turnRight45ParamHash = Animator.StringToHash("turnRight45");
private static readonly int turnRight90ParamHash = Animator.StringToHash("turnRight90");
private static readonly int turnRight135ParamHash = Animator.StringToHash("turnRight135");
private static readonly int turnLeft45ParamHash = Animator.StringToHash("turnLeft45");
private static readonly int turnLeft90ParamHash = Animator.StringToHash("turnLeft90");
private static readonly int turnLeft135ParamHash = Animator.StringToHash("turnLeft135");
public void Apply(Animator animator)
animator.SetBool(turnRight45ParamHash, turnRight45);
animator.SetBool(turnRight90ParamHash, turnRight90);
animator.SetBool(turnRight135ParamHash, turnRight135);
animator.SetBool(turnLeft45ParamHash, turnLeft45);
animator.SetBool(turnLeft90ParamHash, turnLeft90);
animator.SetBool(turnLeft135ParamHash, turnLeft135);
public Vector3 moveVector;
[Tooltip("The transform to rotate.")]
public Transform targetTransform;
[Tooltip("The transform to take the rotation from for animator purposes. Commonly the root node.")]
public Transform overrideAnimatorForwardTransform;
public RootMotionAccumulator rootMotionAccumulator;
public Animator modelAnimator;
[Tooltip("The character direction is set by root rotation, rather than moveVector.")]
public bool driveFromRootRotation;
[Tooltip("The maximum turn rate in degrees/second.")]
public float turnSpeed = 360f;
private string turnSoundName;
private int previousParamsIndex = -1;
private float yRotationVelocity;
private float _yaw;
private Vector3 targetVector = Vector3.zero;
private const float offset = 22.5f;
private static readonly TurnAnimatorParamsSet[] turnAnimatorParamsSets = new TurnAnimatorParamsSet[7]
new TurnAnimatorParamsSet
angleMin = -180f,
angleMax = -112.5f,
turnRight45 = false,
turnRight90 = false,
turnRight135 = false,
turnLeft45 = false,
turnLeft90 = false,
turnLeft135 = true
new TurnAnimatorParamsSet
angleMin = -112.5f,
angleMax = -67.5f,
turnRight45 = false,
turnRight90 = false,
turnRight135 = false,
turnLeft45 = false,
turnLeft90 = true,
turnLeft135 = false
new TurnAnimatorParamsSet
angleMin = -67.5f,
angleMax = -22.5f,
turnRight45 = false,
turnRight90 = false,
turnRight135 = false,
turnLeft45 = true,
turnLeft90 = false,
turnLeft135 = false
new TurnAnimatorParamsSet
turnRight45 = false,
turnRight90 = false,
turnRight135 = false,
turnLeft45 = false,
turnLeft90 = false,
turnLeft135 = false
new TurnAnimatorParamsSet
angleMin = 22.5f,
angleMax = 67.5f,
turnRight45 = true,
turnRight90 = false,
turnRight135 = false,
turnLeft45 = false,
turnLeft90 = false,
turnLeft135 = false
new TurnAnimatorParamsSet
angleMin = 67.5f,
angleMax = 112.5f,
turnRight45 = false,
turnRight90 = true,
turnRight135 = false,
turnLeft45 = false,
turnLeft90 = false,
turnLeft135 = false
new TurnAnimatorParamsSet
angleMin = 112.5f,
angleMax = 180f,
turnRight45 = false,
turnRight90 = false,
turnRight135 = true,
turnLeft45 = false,
turnLeft90 = false,
turnLeft135 = false
private static readonly int paramsMidIndex = turnAnimatorParamsSets.Length >> 1;
public float yaw
return _yaw;
_yaw = value;
if ((bool)targetTransform)
targetTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, _yaw, 0f);
public Vector3 animatorForward
if (!overrideAnimatorForwardTransform)
return forward;
float y = overrideAnimatorForwardTransform.eulerAngles.y;
return Quaternion.Euler(0f, y, 0f) * Vector3.forward;
public Vector3 forward
return Quaternion.Euler(0f, yaw, 0f) * Vector3.forward;
value.y = 0f;
yaw = Util.QuaternionSafeLookRotation(value, Vector3.up).eulerAngles.y;
public bool hasEffectiveAuthority { get; private set; }
private void UpdateAuthority()
hasEffectiveAuthority = Util.HasEffectiveAuthority(base.gameObject);
public override void OnStartAuthority()
public override void OnStopAuthority()
private void Start()
ModelLocator component = GetComponent<ModelLocator>();
if ((bool)component)
modelAnimator = component.modelTransform.GetComponent<Animator>();
private void Update()
public void OnDeathStart()
base.enabled = false;
private static int PickIndex(float angle)
float num = Mathf.Sign(angle);
int num2 = Mathf.CeilToInt((angle * num - 22.5f) * (1f / 45f));
return Mathf.Clamp(paramsMidIndex + num2 * (int)num, 0, turnAnimatorParamsSets.Length - 1);
private void Simulate(float deltaTime)
Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(0f, yaw, 0f);
if (!hasEffectiveAuthority)
if (driveFromRootRotation)
Quaternion quaternion2 = rootMotionAccumulator.ExtractRootRotation();
if ((bool)targetTransform)
targetTransform.rotation = quaternion * quaternion2;
float y = targetTransform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
yaw = y;
float angle = 0f;
if (moveVector.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
angle = Util.AngleSigned(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(moveVector, Vector3.up), targetTransform.forward, -Vector3.up);
int num = PickIndex(angle);
if (turnSoundName != null && num != previousParamsIndex)
Util.PlaySound(turnSoundName, base.gameObject);
previousParamsIndex = num;
targetVector = moveVector;
targetVector.y = 0f;
if (targetVector != Vector3.zero && deltaTime != 0f)
Quaternion quaternion3 = Util.QuaternionSafeLookRotation(targetVector, Vector3.up);
float y2 = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(yaw, quaternion3.eulerAngles.y, ref yRotationVelocity, 360f / turnSpeed * 0.25f, float.PositiveInfinity, deltaTime);
quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(0f, y2, 0f);
yaw = y2;
if ((bool)targetTransform)
targetTransform.rotation = quaternion;
private void UNetVersion()
public override bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool forceAll)
bool result = default(bool);
return result;
public override void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
public override void PreStartClient()