
220 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using RoR2.ConVar;
using RoR2.Projectile;
using RoR2.UI;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RoR2;
public static class TrajectoryAimAssist
private struct AimAssistHit
public Vector3 point;
public float distance;
public Collider collider;
public HurtBox hitHurtBox;
public GameObject entityObject;
private static readonly LayerMask hitMask = (int)LayerIndex.world.mask | (int)LayerIndex.entityPrecise.mask;
public static FloatConVar aimTrajectoryAssistMaxRadius = new FloatConVar("aim_trajectory_assist_max_radius", ConVarFlags.None, "3", "When mapping from the user's sensitivity setting to the actual spherecast radius, this will be the maximum value used.");
public static FloatConVar aimTrajectoryAssistProjectileDistanceScale = new FloatConVar("aim_trajectory_assist_distance_scale", ConVarFlags.None, "0.5", "When using trajectory aim assist for a projectile, max distance will be set to speed scaled by this value");
public static FloatConVar aimTrajectoryAssistMinProjectileSpeed = new FloatConVar("aim_trajectory_assist_min_projectile_speed", ConVarFlags.None, "60", "Trajectory aim assist will only be applied to projectiles which have speed greater than this value");
public static FloatConVar aimTrajectoryAssistMaxChangeThreshold = new FloatConVar("aim_trajectory_assist_max_change_threshold", ConVarFlags.None, "0.8", "Controls maximum adjustment. If the dot product between original and adjusted aim vectors is less than this, the result will be discarded");
private static void InitAimAssistHitFromRaycastHit(ref AimAssistHit aimAssistHit, Vector3 origin, ref RaycastHit raycastHit)
aimAssistHit.distance = raycastHit.distance;
aimAssistHit.collider = raycastHit.collider;
aimAssistHit.point = ((aimAssistHit.distance == 0f) ? origin : raycastHit.point);
HurtBox hurtBox = (aimAssistHit.hitHurtBox = aimAssistHit.collider.GetComponent<HurtBox>());
aimAssistHit.entityObject = (((bool)hurtBox && (bool)hurtBox.healthComponent) ? hurtBox.healthComponent.gameObject : aimAssistHit.collider.gameObject);
private static bool ShouldUseTrajectoryAimAssist(GameObject owner)
if ((bool)owner)
CharacterBody component = owner.GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
if ((object)component != null && component.isPlayerControlled)
return GetAimAssistRadius(owner) > 0f;
return false;
private static float GetAimAssistRadius(GameObject owner)
if ((bool)owner)
CharacterBody component = owner.GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
if ((object)component != null && (bool)component.master)
PlayerCharacterMasterController component2 = component.master.GetComponent<PlayerCharacterMasterController>();
if ((object)component2 != null)
NetworkUser networkUser = component2.networkUser;
if ((object)networkUser != null)
LocalUser localUser = networkUser.localUser;
if (localUser != null)
UserProfile userProfile = localUser.userProfile;
if (userProfile != null)
return Util.Remap((localUser.eventSystem.currentInputSource == MPEventSystem.InputSource.Gamepad) ? userProfile.gamePadTrajectoryAimAssistSensitivity : userProfile.mouseTrajectoryAimAssistSensitivity, 0f, 10f, 0f, aimTrajectoryAssistMaxRadius.value);
return 0f;
public static void ApplyTrajectoryAimAssist(ref Ray ray, ref FireProjectileInfo projectileInfo, float radiusMultiplier = 1f)
if (ShouldUseTrajectoryAimAssist(projectileInfo.owner) && (bool)projectileInfo.projectilePrefab)
float num = (projectileInfo.useSpeedOverride ? projectileInfo.speedOverride : (projectileInfo.projectilePrefab.GetComponent<ProjectileSimple>()?.desiredForwardSpeed ?? 0f));
if (!(num < aimTrajectoryAssistMinProjectileSpeed.value))
float maxDistance = num * aimTrajectoryAssistProjectileDistanceScale.value;
Vector3 forward = PerformAimAssistInternal(ray.direction, ray.origin, maxDistance, projectileInfo.owner, null, radiusMultiplier);
projectileInfo.rotation = Util.QuaternionSafeLookRotation(forward);
public static void ApplyTrajectoryAimAssist(ref Ray ray, GameObject projectilePrefab, GameObject owner, float radiusMultiplier = 1f)
if (!ShouldUseTrajectoryAimAssist(owner) || !projectilePrefab)
ProjectileSimple component = projectilePrefab.GetComponent<ProjectileSimple>();
if ((object)component != null)
float desiredForwardSpeed = component.desiredForwardSpeed;
if (!(desiredForwardSpeed < aimTrajectoryAssistMinProjectileSpeed.value))
float maxDistance = desiredForwardSpeed * aimTrajectoryAssistProjectileDistanceScale.value;
ray.direction = PerformAimAssistInternal(ray.direction, ray.origin, maxDistance, owner, null, radiusMultiplier);
public static void ApplyTrajectoryAimAssist(ref Ray ray, float maxDistance, GameObject owner, float radiusMultiplier = 1f)
if (ShouldUseTrajectoryAimAssist(owner))
ray.direction = PerformAimAssistInternal(ray.direction, ray.origin, maxDistance, owner, null, radiusMultiplier);
public static Vector3 ApplyTrajectoryAimAssist(Vector3 aimVector, Vector3 origin, float maxDistance, GameObject owner, GameObject weapon = null, float radiusMultiplier = 1f)
if (!ShouldUseTrajectoryAimAssist(owner))
return aimVector;
return PerformAimAssistInternal(aimVector, origin, maxDistance, owner, weapon, radiusMultiplier);
private static Vector3 PerformAimAssistInternal(Vector3 aimVector, Vector3 origin, float maxDistance, GameObject owner, GameObject weapon = null, float radiusMultiplier = 1f)
if (!owner || Mathf.Approximately(radiusMultiplier, 0f))
return aimVector;
float radius = GetAimAssistRadius(owner) * radiusMultiplier;
List<AimAssistHit> list = new List<AimAssistHit>();
RaycastHit[] array = Physics.SphereCastAll(origin, radius, aimVector, maxDistance, hitMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
AimAssistHit aimAssistHit = default(AimAssistHit);
InitAimAssistHitFromRaycastHit(ref aimAssistHit, origin, ref array[i]);
List<GameObject> list2 = new List<GameObject> { owner };
if ((bool)weapon)
Vector3 targetPosition = origin;
if (!ProcessPotentialTargets(list, ref targetPosition, list2, owner))
return aimVector;
Vector3 normalized = (targetPosition - origin).normalized;
if (!(Vector3.Dot(aimVector, normalized) > aimTrajectoryAssistMaxChangeThreshold.value))
return aimVector;
return normalized;
private static bool ProcessPotentialTargets(List<AimAssistHit> hits, ref Vector3 targetPosition, List<GameObject> ignoreList, GameObject owner)
TeamIndex attackerTeamIndex = TeamIndex.None;
TeamComponent component = owner.GetComponent<TeamComponent>();
if ((object)component != null)
attackerTeamIndex = component.teamIndex;
int count = hits.Count;
int[] array = new int[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
array[i] = i;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
float num = float.PositiveInfinity;
int num2 = j;
for (int k = j; k < count; k++)
int index = array[k];
if (hits[index].distance < num)
num = hits[index].distance;
num2 = k;
GameObject entityObject = hits[array[num2]].entityObject;
if (ignoreList.Contains(entityObject))
array[num2] = array[j];
AimAssistHit aimAssistHit = hits[array[num2]];
if (!aimAssistHit.collider || ((1 << aimAssistHit.collider.gameObject.layer) & (int)hitMask) == 0)
if ((bool)aimAssistHit.hitHurtBox)
HealthComponent healthComponent = aimAssistHit.hitHurtBox.healthComponent;
if ((object)healthComponent != null && FriendlyFireManager.ShouldDirectHitProceed(healthComponent, attackerTeamIndex))
targetPosition = hits[array[num2]].point;
return true;
array[num2] = array[j];
return false;