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## Settings file was created by plugin NoMoreMath v2.1.0
## Plugin GUID: Gorakh.NoMoreMath
[Blood Shrine]
## If the amount of money that will be granted from a Blood Shrine is displayed
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Display Gold Amount = true
## The format that will be used to display the amount of money gained.
## All instances of '{amount}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the amount of money gained.
# Setting type: String
# Default value: (+<style=cShrine>${amount}</style>)
Gold Amount Display Format = (+<style=cShrine>${amount}</style>)
[Chance Shrine]
## Displays how many activations of a shrine you can afford.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Display Activation Count = true
## The format that will be used to display the affordable activations remaining.
## All instances of '{activations}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the number of times you can purchase the shrine before running out of money.
# Setting type: String
# Default value: <size=80%><nobr>({activations} activation(s))</nobr></size>
Shrine Activation Count Display Format = <size=80%><nobr>({activations} activation(s))</nobr></size>
[Effective Cost]
## If effective cost should be shown on interactables
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Enabled = true
## The format that will be used to display the effective cost.
## All instances of '{value}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the effective cost value
# Setting type: String
# Default value: <size=75%>(Eff. {value})</size>
Display Format = <size=75%>(Eff. {value})</size>
[Effective Health]
## If effective health should be displayed.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Enabled = true
## The format that will be used to display effective health.
## All instances of '{value}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the effective health value
# Setting type: String
# Default value: <size=65%>(Eff. {value})</size>
Display Format = <size=65%>(Eff. {value})</size>
## How this effective health should be displayed.
## None: Effective health is not displayed.
## BeforeHealth: Effective health is displayed to the left of the health value.
## AfterHealth: Effective health is displayed to the right of the health value.
# Setting type: DisplayPosition
# Default value: BeforeHealth
# Acceptable values: None, BeforeHealth, AfterHealth
Current Health Display Position = BeforeHealth
## How this effective health should be displayed.
## None: Effective health is not displayed.
## BeforeHealth: Effective health is displayed to the left of the health value.
## AfterHealth: Effective health is displayed to the right of the health value.
# Setting type: DisplayPosition
# Default value: AfterHealth
# Acceptable values: None, BeforeHealth, AfterHealth
Max Health Display Position = AfterHealth
Blood Shrine Money String = (+<style=cShrine>${amount}</style>)
Chance Shrine Uses String = ({amount} activation{s})
Effective Health String = <size=18>(Eff. {amount})</size>
Effective Full Health String = <size=18>(Eff. {amount})</size>
Effective Purchase Cost String = {Eff. {styleOnlyOnTooltip}${amount}{/styleOnlyOnTooltip}}
Gilded Coast Beacons String = (<color={color}>${amount}</color>)
Holdout Zone Time Remaining String = ({second} s)
[Halcyon Beacon]
## If the total cost of all Halcyon Beacons in Gilded Coast should be displayed in the Objective panel
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Display Total Cost = true
## The format that will be used to display the total cost.
## All instances of '{total_cost}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the total cost
## All instances of '{color}' (braces included!) will be replaced with a color code depending on if the total cost is affordable or not
# Setting type: String
# Default value: <nobr>(<color={color}>${total_cost}</color>)</nobr>
Total Cost Display Format = <nobr>(<color={color}>${total_cost}</color>)</nobr>
## The color used for the '{color}' tag in the display format if the total price can be afforded.
# Setting type: Color
# Default value: 00FF00FF
Total Cost Affordable Color = 00FF00FF
## The color used for the '{color}' tag in the display format if the total price cannot be afforded.
# Setting type: Color
# Default value: FF0000FF
Total Cost Not Affordable Color = FF0000FF
[Halcyon Shrine]
## If the charge progress of Halcyon Shrines should be displayed in the Objectives panel
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Display Charge Progress = true
## The format that will be used to display the charge progress.
## All instances of '{money_spent}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the amount of money spent on the shrine
## All instances of '{money_required}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the amount of money required to complete the shrine
## All instances of '{percent_complete}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the charge percentage (0-100)
# Setting type: String
# Default value: Charge the <style=cHumanObjective>Halcyon Shrine</style> (<style=cShrine>${money_spent}/{money_required}</style>)
Charge Progress Display Format = Charge the <style=cHumanObjective>Halcyon Shrine</style> (<style=cShrine>${money_spent}/{money_required}</style>)
[Holdout Zone]
## If the estimated time remaining to fully charge a holdout zone should be displayed in the Objective panel
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Display Estimated Charge Time = true
## The format that will be used to display the time remaining.
## All instances of '{sec}' (braces included!) will be replaced with the time remaining (in seconds)
# Setting type: String
# Default value: <nobr>({sec} s)</nobr>
Charge Time Display Format = <nobr>({sec} s)</nobr>