
589 lines
15 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using RoR2.UI;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
namespace RoR2;
public class HoldoutZoneController : BaseZoneBehavior
public enum HoldoutZoneShape
public delegate void CalcRadiusDelegate(ref float radius);
public delegate void CalcChargeRateDelegate(ref float rate);
public delegate void CalcAccumulatedChargeDelegate(ref float charge);
public delegate void CalcColorDelegate(ref Color color);
public class HoldoutZoneControllerChargedUnityEvent : UnityEvent<HoldoutZoneController>
private class ChargeHoldoutZoneObjectiveTracker : ObjectivePanelController.ObjectiveTracker
private int lastPercent = -1;
private HoldoutZoneController holdoutZoneController => (HoldoutZoneController)sourceDescriptor.source;
private bool ShouldBeFlashing()
bool flag = true;
if ((bool)sourceDescriptor.master && (bool)holdoutZoneController)
flag = holdoutZoneController.IsBodyInChargingRadius(sourceDescriptor.master.GetBody());
return !flag;
protected override string GenerateString()
lastPercent = holdoutZoneController.displayChargePercent;
string text = string.Format(Language.GetString(holdoutZoneController.inBoundsObjectiveToken), lastPercent);
if (ShouldBeFlashing())
text = string.Format(Language.GetString(holdoutZoneController.outOfBoundsObjectiveToken), lastPercent);
if ((int)(Time.time * 12f) % 2 == 0)
text = $"<style=cDeath>{text}</style>";
return text;
protected override bool IsDirty()
return true;
private class FocusConvergenceController : MonoBehaviour
private static readonly float convergenceRadiusDivisor = 2f;
private static readonly float convergenceChargeRateBonus = 0.3f;
private static readonly Color convergenceMaterialColor = new Color(0f, 3.9411764f, 5f, 1f);
private static readonly float rampUpTime = 5f;
private static readonly float startupDelay = 3f;
private static readonly int cap = 3;
private float currentValue;
private HoldoutZoneController holdoutZoneController;
private int currentFocusConvergenceCount;
private Run.FixedTimeStamp enabledTime;
private static readonly AnimationCurve colorCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
private void Awake()
holdoutZoneController = GetComponent<HoldoutZoneController>();
private void OnEnable()
enabledTime = Run.FixedTimeStamp.now;
holdoutZoneController.calcRadius += ApplyRadius;
holdoutZoneController.calcChargeRate += ApplyRate;
holdoutZoneController.calcColor += ApplyColor;
private void OnDisable()
holdoutZoneController.calcColor -= ApplyColor;
holdoutZoneController.calcChargeRate -= ApplyRate;
holdoutZoneController.calcRadius -= ApplyRadius;
private void ApplyRadius(ref float radius)
if (currentFocusConvergenceCount > 0)
radius /= convergenceRadiusDivisor * (float)currentFocusConvergenceCount;
private void ApplyColor(ref Color color)
color = Color.Lerp(color, convergenceMaterialColor, colorCurve.Evaluate(currentValue));
private void ApplyRate(ref float rate)
if (currentFocusConvergenceCount > 0)
rate *= 1f + convergenceChargeRateBonus * (float)currentFocusConvergenceCount;
private void Update()
private void DoUpdate(float deltaTime)
currentFocusConvergenceCount = Util.GetItemCountForTeam(holdoutZoneController.chargingTeam, RoR2Content.Items.FocusConvergence.itemIndex, requiresAlive: true, requiresConnected: false);
if (enabledTime.timeSince < startupDelay)
currentFocusConvergenceCount = 0;
currentFocusConvergenceCount = Mathf.Min(currentFocusConvergenceCount, cap);
float target = (((float)currentFocusConvergenceCount > 0f) ? 1f : 0f);
float num = Mathf.MoveTowards(currentValue, target, rampUpTime * deltaTime);
if (currentValue <= 0f && num > 0f)
Util.PlaySound("Play_item_lunar_focusedConvergence", base.gameObject);
currentValue = num;
public HoldoutZoneShape holdoutZoneShape;
[Tooltip("The base radius of this charging sphere. Players must be within this radius to charge this zone.")]
public float baseRadius;
[Tooltip("No modifiers can reduce the radius below this size")]
public float minimumRadius;
[Tooltip("The overall change to the radius from 0% charge to 100% charge.")]
public float chargeRadiusDelta;
[Tooltip("How long it takes for this zone to finish charging without any modifiers.")]
public float baseChargeDuration;
[Tooltip("Approximately how long it should take to change from any given radius to the desired one.")]
public float radiusSmoothTime;
[Tooltip("An object instance which will be used to represent the clear radius.")]
public Renderer radiusIndicator;
[Tooltip("The child object to enable when healing nova should be active.")]
public GameObject healingNovaItemEffect;
public Transform healingNovaRoot;
public string inBoundsObjectiveToken = "OBJECTIVE_CHARGE_TELEPORTER";
public string outOfBoundsObjectiveToken = "OBJECTIVE_CHARGE_TELEPORTER_OOB";
public bool showObjective = true;
public bool applyFocusConvergence;
public bool applyHealingNova = true;
public bool applyDevotedEvolution;
public bool applyDelusionResetChests;
[Range(0f, float.MaxValue)]
public float playerCountScaling = 1f;
[Tooltip("If the zone is empty, this is the rate at which the charge decreases (a negative value will increase charge)")]
public float dischargeRate;
public HoldoutZoneControllerChargedUnityEvent onCharged;
private BuffWard buffWard;
private static MaterialPropertyBlock sharedColorPropertyBlock;
private Color baseIndicatorColor;
private float radiusVelocity;
private bool wasCharged;
private GameObject[] healingNovaGeneratorsByTeam = new GameObject[5];
private float _charge;
public float currentRadius { get; private set; }
public bool isAnyoneCharging { get; private set; }
public TeamIndex chargingTeam { get; set; } = TeamIndex.Player;
public int displayChargePercent => Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(charge * 99f), 0, 99);
public float charge
return _charge;
private set
Network_charge = value;
public float Network_charge
return _charge;
[param: In]
SetSyncVar(value, ref _charge, 1u);
public event CalcRadiusDelegate calcRadius;
public event CalcChargeRateDelegate calcChargeRate;
public event CalcAccumulatedChargeDelegate calcAccumulatedCharge;
public event CalcColorDelegate calcColor;
private static void Init()
sharedColorPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
ObjectivePanelController.collectObjectiveSources += OnCollectObjectiveSources;
private void Awake()
if ((bool)radiusIndicator)
baseIndicatorColor = radiusIndicator.sharedMaterial.GetColor("_TintColor");
buffWard = GetComponent<BuffWard>();
private void Start()
if (applyFocusConvergence)
private void OnEnable()
if ((bool)radiusIndicator)
radiusIndicator.enabled = true;
radiusIndicator.gameObject.SetActive(value: true);
currentRadius = 0f;
private void OnDisable()
currentRadius = 0f;
if ((bool)radiusIndicator)
radiusIndicator.enabled = false;
radiusIndicator.gameObject.SetActive(value: false);
private void UpdateHealingNovas(bool isCharging)
if (!applyHealingNova)
bool flag = false;
for (TeamIndex teamIndex = TeamIndex.Neutral; teamIndex < TeamIndex.Count; teamIndex++)
bool flag2 = Util.GetItemCountForTeam(teamIndex, RoR2Content.Items.TPHealingNova.itemIndex, requiresAlive: false) > 0 && isCharging;
flag = flag || flag2;
if (NetworkServer.active)
ref GameObject reference = ref healingNovaGeneratorsByTeam[(int)teamIndex];
if (flag2 != (bool)reference)
if (flag2)
reference = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(LegacyResourcesAPI.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/NetworkedObjects/TeleporterHealNovaGenerator"), healingNovaRoot ?? base.transform);
reference.GetComponent<TeamFilter>().teamIndex = teamIndex;
reference = null;
if ((bool)healingNovaItemEffect)
private void Update()
private void DoUpdate(float deltaTime)
int num = CountLivingPlayers(chargingTeam);
int num2 = CountPlayersInRadius(this, base.transform.position, currentRadius * currentRadius, chargingTeam);
isAnyoneCharging = num2 > 0;
if ((bool)Run.instance)
float radius = baseRadius + charge * chargeRadiusDelta;
if (Run.instance.selectedDifficulty >= DifficultyIndex.Eclipse2)
radius *= 0.5f;
this.calcRadius?.Invoke(ref radius);
currentRadius = Mathf.Max(Mathf.SmoothDamp(currentRadius, radius, ref radiusVelocity, radiusSmoothTime, float.PositiveInfinity, deltaTime), minimumRadius);
if ((bool)radiusIndicator)
float num3 = 2f * currentRadius;
radiusIndicator.transform.localScale = new Vector3(num3, num3, num3);
if (NetworkServer.active && (bool)buffWard)
buffWard.Networkradius = currentRadius;
if (NetworkServer.active)
float num4 = baseChargeDuration;
float rate = ((!isAnyoneCharging || num <= 0) ? (0f - dischargeRate) : (Mathf.Pow((float)num2 / (float)num, playerCountScaling) / num4));
this.calcChargeRate?.Invoke(ref rate);
charge = Mathf.Clamp01(charge + rate * deltaTime);
float num5 = charge;
this.calcAccumulatedCharge?.Invoke(ref num5);
charge = num5;
Color color = baseIndicatorColor;
this.calcColor?.Invoke(ref color);
sharedColorPropertyBlock.SetColor("_TintColor", color);
if ((bool)radiusIndicator)
bool flag = charge >= 1f;
if (wasCharged != flag)
wasCharged = flag;
if (flag)
if (applyDevotedEvolution)
if (applyDelusionResetChests && RunArtifactManager.instance.IsArtifactEnabled(CU8Content.Artifacts.Delusion))
foreach (ChestBehavior instances in InstanceTracker.GetInstancesList<ChestBehavior>())
private void OnDrawGizmos()
Matrix4x4 matrix = Gizmos.matrix;
Color color = Gizmos.color;
Gizmos.matrix = base.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
Gizmos.color = new Color(0.75f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f);
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(Vector3.zero, baseRadius);
Gizmos.color = color;
Gizmos.matrix = matrix;
private static bool IsPointInChargingRadius(HoldoutZoneController holdoutZoneController, Vector3 origin, float chargingRadiusSqr, Vector3 point)
switch (holdoutZoneController.holdoutZoneShape)
case HoldoutZoneShape.Sphere:
if ((point - origin).sqrMagnitude <= chargingRadiusSqr)
return true;
case HoldoutZoneShape.VerticalTube:
point.y = 0f;
origin.y = 0f;
if ((point - origin).sqrMagnitude <= chargingRadiusSqr)
return true;
return false;
private static bool IsBodyInChargingRadius(HoldoutZoneController holdoutZoneController, Vector3 origin, float chargingRadiusSqr, CharacterBody characterBody)
return IsPointInChargingRadius(holdoutZoneController, origin, chargingRadiusSqr, characterBody.corePosition);
private static int CountLivingPlayers(TeamIndex teamIndex)
int num = 0;
ReadOnlyCollection<TeamComponent> teamMembers = TeamComponent.GetTeamMembers(teamIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < teamMembers.Count; i++)
if (teamMembers[i].body.isPlayerControlled)
return num;
public static int CountPlayersInRadius(HoldoutZoneController holdoutZoneController, Vector3 origin, float chargingRadiusSqr, TeamIndex teamIndex)
int num = 0;
ReadOnlyCollection<TeamComponent> teamMembers = TeamComponent.GetTeamMembers(teamIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < teamMembers.Count; i++)
TeamComponent teamComponent = teamMembers[i];
if (teamComponent.body.isPlayerControlled && IsBodyInChargingRadius(holdoutZoneController, origin, chargingRadiusSqr, teamComponent.body))
return num;
public bool IsBodyInChargingRadius(CharacterBody body)
if (!body)
return false;
return IsBodyInChargingRadius(this, base.transform.position, currentRadius * currentRadius, body);
public void FullyChargeHoldoutZone()
if (!NetworkServer.active)
Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.HoldoutZoneController::FullyChargeHoldoutZone()' called on client");
charge = 1f;
private static void OnCollectObjectiveSources(CharacterMaster master, List<ObjectivePanelController.ObjectiveSourceDescriptor> objectiveSourcesList)
List<HoldoutZoneController> instancesList = InstanceTracker.GetInstancesList<HoldoutZoneController>();
int i = 0;
for (int count = instancesList.Count; i < count; i++)
HoldoutZoneController holdoutZoneController = instancesList[i];
if (holdoutZoneController.showObjective && holdoutZoneController.chargingTeam == master.teamIndex)
objectiveSourcesList.Add(new ObjectivePanelController.ObjectiveSourceDescriptor
master = master,
objectiveType = typeof(ChargeHoldoutZoneObjectiveTracker),
source = holdoutZoneController
public override bool IsInBounds(Vector3 position)
return IsPointInChargingRadius(this, base.transform.position, currentRadius * currentRadius, position);
private void UpdateDevotedLumerains(TeamIndex teamIndex)
ReadOnlyCollection<TeamComponent> teamMembers = TeamComponent.GetTeamMembers(teamIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < teamMembers.Count; i++)
TeamComponent teamComponent = teamMembers[i];
if (teamComponent.body.isPlayerControlled && (bool)teamComponent.body.master.devotionInventoryPrefab)
private void UNetVersion()
public override bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool forceAll)
bool flag = base.OnSerialize(writer, forceAll);
if (forceAll)
return true;
bool flag2 = false;
if ((base.syncVarDirtyBits & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0)
if (!flag2)
flag2 = true;
if (!flag2)
return flag2 || flag;
public override void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
base.OnDeserialize(reader, initialState);
if (initialState)
_charge = reader.ReadSingle();
int num = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
if (((uint)num & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0)
_charge = reader.ReadSingle();
public override void PreStartClient()